Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member

The big 5-0:
Still doing good... just finished adding the last 1/4 the nutes to full strength "growth" formula from GH... (did 3/4 during the res change a couple days ago). Getting lots of growth at the nodes... leaves turning branches, getting leaves at those nodes etc etc!! yay!

Still not positive of sex yet... All have pistils... but recently noticed one pair of balls on both Fox and Jane, so they may be hermies like their mom. Though its only one pair on each plant vs. the 3,4,5... pairs of female flowers on each as well.

I'm not giving up yet, the Grow FAQ said to wait until I see them "cluster" because they still may be female... in fact, I think I'm noticing them elongate a little into more like femal flowers... we'll just see

Either way I think I'll keep them, She-Male or no.

pretty canopy...

If this is how covered the canopy is at 7-8" tall, I need to start thinking about ways to get light down below when they get bigger. I may just have CFL set up like i did before I hung them from above..

Now let me go smoke.


Well-Known Member
Those plants are WAY WAY behind for 50 days old! In the younger pictures it's pretty obvious you got some nutrient burn going on but in the 50 day pics it looks more like a little nitrogen dediciency but lots of problems cause yellowing leaves. Did you notice a growth stall at any point between your first pics and 50 days? I don't have any hydro experience but my soil grown White Widows are 35 days old now and around 12 inches tall with preflowers. I have grown and bred AK-48 (an AK-47 derivitive) in soil and they were usually a couple feet tall by 6-7 weeks in. Dump the CFLs on your next grow for anything but the first few days after germination or suppliment and look for a HPS to MH conversion bulb for you ballast. Having said all that, your plants still look way better than my first grow and most of the other first time grows i have seen. I'm sure after a couple more grow cycles you'll be growing plants that will dwarf these.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice bro,

Yeah I know they're behind... believe it or not, they've really started the take off! They were VERY small for a VERY long time up until about 10-12 days ago... If you look back to my post two days ago ( day 48 ) you can see how they jumped in the first 10 days of their "spurt"

Not sure about the yellowing of the leaves, the first couple at the bottom, yes... but I heard that is normal b/c of light blocked by the upper leaves?? They're actually a really bright green color. There was nute burn in the beginning for sure... but all the new growth since has been very nice. Its funny, you can kind of tell where they got over their nute burn and when they had their growth spirt by how many leaves from the bottom have the problem... like rings on a tree :) They do look a littler yellow on the second pic, but my iPhone was closer to the HPS bulb... more of a yellow cast.

I can't wait for next grows (Strawberry Cough in Feb '09!!). And may shoot for taller ones next round... I've learned so much in this journal, and have covered so many topics/problems... almost think it should be a sticky :) JK


Well-Known Member
BTW crosses between AK-47/48 and northern lights will produce a very very nice crop. Potency is noticeably higher than both parents.


Well-Known Member
Called my cross polar assault and everyone agreed it was better than either parent in a side by side smoke test.


Well-Known Member
wow! good testimonial

My next grow I'm thinking about a way to cross AK-47 with strawberry cough, to me at least, it sounds like its worth a try... maybe I'll get AK potency with a SC high... ahh...


Well-Known Member
nice pics....they do look short for 50 glad so many peeps do hydro...i gro soil now but thinking of turning to the wet side


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I'm glad I went Hydro for sure... I had so much trouble having to water them myself in the beginning (in rockwool) that I dont think I could do that the whole time...

the wet side is rather good

Quick Update:
Thinking I may jumped the gun with the hermie thing. The flowers I thought were male on Fox are now looking more female (without pistils yet)... and they're on the lowest node of all of them... so they may just be late bloomers... literally.


Active Member
Thanks! I'm glad I went Hydro for sure... I had so much trouble having to water them myself in the beginning (in rockwool) that I dont think I could do that the whole time...

the wet side is rather good

Quick Update:
Thinking I may jumped the gun with the hermie thing. The flowers I thought were male on Fox are now looking more female (without pistils yet)... and they're on the lowest node of all of them... so they may just be late bloomers... literally.
Looks good i have been reading this i just never posted....You are the 1st to name your bitches and link them to images. Personally i would preferred a mute bitch:hump:


Active Member
They droop though before I turn off the lights...

think they're trying to tell me they're ready to do 12/12?? Like "F'in turn off the lights already!!" It did start right before they started to show pre-sex... hmmm...
This is exactly what im thinking about my two larger plants


Well-Known Member
So I'm away from my girls tonight... I'll see them again tomorrow evening.

I may add some more nutes in a day or two... bring them closer to the "aggressive growth" dossage by my GH chart... we'll see. Then a couple days after that would be time to switch everything to flower!!!

Yes i will start flower by the 10th! They may not be 12" but they will be close... at leaste 10" I'd say. They're about 8.5" last time I measured, one reason I may up the nutes. Some may think it's premature, but that will be the same time I change my res, so perfect time to switch to a BLOOM nute forumla... and plus... I'm impatient LOL

one question about switching to 12/12 I'v heard its bad to change what time the lights come on? Anybody have any thought on this? Right now, my lights come on about 6:15am.. I think? I want the lights to turn on later (say 9am) so the lights will be on all evening while I am home??

King C Wat

Active Member
Just read through your entire thread...

this is my first post by the way

Anyway, Good to see your girls are doing good. How tall are they now?


Well-Known Member
i've heard the same about lighting...but i've also heard to throw them to 24 hrs of dark the day u switch to 12/12...or is that at the end of 12/12...i dont know man, everyone does things a little diff


Well-Known Member
Day 53:
No pics... sorry, been a busy day!

Girls are doing great! I think my little nut sacs really are small females... but we'll see. They keep slowly getting taller, I removed the last set of phonebooks today because they were in the lights again. Now the tub/res is just sitting on a small trunk.

Jane surpassed fox in height, now pushing 10"!! Fox is about 9" and Sway... 7"-8"?? I think Jane surpassed because she has bigger leaves to soak up the light, and now that I moved the tub more evenly under the blue CFLs, Jane is getting all that plus all the HPS. Greedy Bi-atch.

So dont hit me, but i upped the nutes a bit more. What was the GH "growth" dosage... (first 3/4 then I later added another 1/4)... is now GH's "aggressive growth" dosage. It really wasnt a whole lot more than they were already getting... another 2.5ml/gallon.

So the good news! I WILL BE swtiching to flower by/before the 10th! They may actually reach their 12" height, but if not, oh well... may be a good thing, I'm starting to think they may get too tall during flower :)

I just want my buds :(