Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member
is this your first grow ever mate. if so they are looking pretty fuckin good. got 8 grows under my belt now i no a lot but still no fuck all. my first was full of problems but you seem to have yours looking perky.
bet you cant wait for that first smoke, there is nothing like blazing up that first have a lot to look forward to


Well-Known Member
Yeap first one.... There were a good bit of probelms at first they took forever to grow. Finally got over the hump and it's been great! Most of this growth is in the last two weeks or so.

Can not wait!! Was just talking how I want to frame a fan leaf.... Would that be illegal technacilly? In the us.


Well-Known Member
i dont live in the u.s but my girlfriend cut off one of my fan leafs and framed long as the leaf is squashed between the glass and the back of the frame it should stay preserved, we had ours for a good 9 months


Well-Known Member
so I saw this on HGTV thought it was cool...

Press the leaf, on black matt, then in the corner they had a little white card with name (strain), latin, etc... then they put all the frames together (like 2 rows of 4), looked really sharp.

Thought about doing a framed leaf for every new strain I grow :)


Well-Known Member
oh yeah dont forget put it out of sight when someone comes round. and as for the 5,0 they probably more concerned with the four plants in your cupboard lol.


New Member
so I saw this on HGTV thought it was cool...

Press the leaf, on black matt, then in the corner they had a little white card with name (strain), latin, etc... then they put all the frames together (like 2 rows of 4), looked really sharp.

Thought about doing a framed leaf for every new strain I grow :)
that sounds awesome!


Well-Known Member
Yeah,, your first is alway a great feeling,, I remember my first one,, she was an older woman,,, a nurse,,, and she went,,,,,,,IM SORRY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME FIRST TIME,,,anyway have a great grow......:hump:
is this your first grow ever mate. if so they are looking pretty fuckin good. got 8 grows under my belt now i no a lot but still no fuck all. my first was full of problems but you seem to have yours looking perky.
bet you cant wait for that first smoke, there is nothing like blazing up that first have a lot to look forward to


Well-Known Member
Not yet,,YET,,, but im sure that when Iam allowed to grow again I will give it a try.........:peace:.........


Well-Known Member

Day 56:
Sorry its been a really busy week! Its been 6 days since I posted pics of the girlies... but have a look, all sorts of bushiness :)

All's doing well, I went away for the weekend, and came back to Fox and Jane growing into the CFLs yet again... Jane is really surpassing Fox's height. I was hoping though, when they got they started to take off, they were all get similar in height, but Sway is still a good bit smaller, almost seems like the gap is widening :-/ oh well.

Well, I was going to switch to flower on Dec 10th (Wed), but as fast as these puppies are NOW growing, I just can't wait!! So I'll...


I'll do a res change to Bloom nutes from GH, take out my daylight CFLs, and put my phonebooks back underneath my DWC to get closer to the HPS, stay tuned for a full report :)

On other notes, I'll be messing/researching something for odor control. My girl NetPirate did a great DIY carbon scrubber I may emulate, or do the fan/ONA/gel thing, not sure yet, might just open an ONA jar and let sit out just for now until later...


Well-Known Member
i think the cost effective way and most efficient is an activated charcoal scrubber.

my house doesnt stink too bad, and i dont have anything for smell. once and awhile my friends thought i was holding out on them because they would come over and it would smell like i just smoked some dank weed. in all reality i didnt have any weed and they were smelling my closet they had no idea existed.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Leggo, you totally deserve wicked fat buds off these plants for having stuck with it this long. Really the hard part is over because once the plants are established you get into a routine and they do all the work for you. Keep it up dude. My ONA contraption would probably be adequate for your needs but my garden is creating several times the amount of stank you will encounter. I have ordered this with 2nd day shipping so hopefully it will be here soon and I will post a review in my journal. Probably a little heavy duty for your needs but well worth it for the peace of mind IMO.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I do think I need to get something for sure, since AK-47s have one of the strongest smells from what I understand, plus I have an upstairs neighbor, :-/ though older house with thick walls, separate vent systems, etc.

My mom has a wicket air purifier (ion) that will permanently get the smell out of anything... and I know it wouldn't permanently remove the smell from the plants (LOL that would be killer though) but its like $700 :-/


New Member

Day 56:
Sorry its been a really busy week! Its been 6 days since I posted pics of the girlies... but have a look, all sorts of bushiness :)

All's doing well, I went away for the weekend, and came back to Fox and Jane growing into the CFLs yet again... Jane is really surpassing Fox's height. I was hoping though, when they got they started to take off, they were all get similar in height, but Sway is still a good bit smaller, almost seems like the gap is widening :-/ oh well.

Well, I was going to switch to flower on Dec 10th (Wed), but as fast as these puppies are NOW growing, I just can't wait!! So I'll...


I'll do a res change to Bloom nutes from GH, take out my daylight CFLs, and put my phonebooks back underneath my DWC to get closer to the HPS, stay tuned for a full report :)

On other notes, I'll be messing/researching something for odor control. My girl NetPirate did a great DIY carbon scrubber I may emulate, or do the fan/ONA/gel thing, not sure yet, might just open an ONA jar and let sit out just for now until later...
awesome!!! your girls seem to be shooting in growth every time you post pics. that great!!!