fist grow and have a few question/issues. 1st, second week into flowering. my res ppm continues to rise. i'll start it off around 1250..(recommended by manufac) and in about 3/4 days im well over 1500. ph is around 5.8 and steady. ppm is the only issue there. running flood n drain system. whats the cause and how do I resolve/prevent this? 2nd the bottom of my plants seem to be dying. leaves are really dry and seem fine though a lil droopy and a few spots though. as far as about 4x4. 600 hps. 3 plants. lights about 12 inch from tops. water went from flood 3x a day to about 5 for 3min. rookwoll cudes in clayrock medium. temp about 80/85. one 6inch inline around 400cfm and one 10inch osc fan. veg I run 6 fluorescents on 18/6...could that be and issue..shock?