Newbie Master Kush Crop


Well-Known Member
Well quit getting into it with the mods, you know better! Besides, you can't win, and we like u around here so don't get banned!!


Well-Known Member
yo chain

just notoced you boston. i have one they are weird lil critters haha how did you get yours to swim? and yea don't get banned dude lol



Well-Known Member
Yeah it's cool I took a chill pill. Or joint rather. FDD just pisses me off though.

Dude my Boston trusts me like I've never seen before. I've had him since he was born my X-wife has his mom. He's so aggressive over toys that when I took the toy in the pool eventually he just jumped for it even though he was scared to death of water. If I could post a vid you guys would crack up he will now dive from the side of the pool and go 5 ft down to the bottom to get his toy it's crazy.


Well-Known Member
Sup chain seeker,
My outdoor grow is going good in my cages an soil mix you should try one outdoors next year!

Hope your babys are SEROUSLY POTENT!


Well-Known Member
Damn he's really cool man sorry that happened. Most of them are crazy hyper. Opies like me though, lazy, that is until someone says anything about a toy or treat. He'll wine at me to blow him a hit if I don't hook him up too... He's a stoner all the way...


Well-Known Member
yea my bostons name is gina. kinda like va-gina hahaha started out as pudge then i started calling him mangina then it evolved from there lol trynagrow- sorry to hear man. did he make it out alright?



Well-Known Member
OK so the PCC at speedy is underway here are my entries.

My entry #1

Strain: Nirvana's Master Kush Fem'd

Clone or Seed: Seed

Total Entries: 1

Lights: 135w cfl 2700k and 70hps 205w total

Method: 12/12 from seed and topping for 4 when 6th node starts

Dimensions: 2ft X 1 1/2ft X 3 1/2ft Stealth cab

Nutrients: Jacks Classic's Dynamic Duo-Superthrive-Mollasses

Growing Medium:Fox Farms Ocean forest with perlite and lime

Entry #2

Strain: Reserva Privada Cole Train

Clone or Seed: Seed

Total Entries: 2

Lights: 135w cfl 2700k and 70hps 205w total

Method: 12/12 from seed and topping for 4 when 6th node starts

Dimensions: 2ft X 1 1/2ft X 3 1/2ft Stealth cab

Nutrients: Jacks Classic's Dynamic Duo-Superthrive-Mollasses

Growing Medium:Fox Farms Ocean forest with perlite and lime in my 16 oz smart cup

How do you all like my 16oz smart cup?


Well-Known Member
no he died, but i got another pit bull. i still miss his extra hyper adhd havin ass. i saw a pup for sale a few days ago.. i almost broke and my ife was no help.. i do want another bulldog.. like another boston or a english bulldog. and i can tell my other dog still misses him.


Well-Known Member
i'm entering my white widow in the pcc. either that or one of these kushes most likely widow.. i'm goin for the yield win, so then again i might do one from seed for the prettiest one. g'luck