Newbie Master Kush Crop


Well-Known Member
I don't care what it looks like, it's some of the best smoke I've had in a while. Very uplifting energetic high. Couldn't find anything else that resembled a seed at all. Kind of looks that way in the pic though.
Wish I did have a seed of this except the smell would get outta hand it's pretty smelly stuff.


Active Member
Nice grow! Im growing 3 white widows at the moment still in the vegetative state, but these buds look really good! Hopefully mine will look as frosty :P


Well-Known Member
Hey chain, what's up? Been busy lately man, but that plant is looking awesome!!

My device has been built and photo documented. But it proved fruitless :( I think my environment may have played a role in that (garage with ambient temps in the 90's!!). I plan to do the tutorial because I think it may work better under different circumstances. but I am moving inside. I just can't control the temp. Had to lose some space, but still get to grow! I will post something on my journal once I am ready.

How much longer you thinking your MS has?


Well-Known Member
Hey gum sorry about the loss of space. Oh well just have to make more of the space you do have. I thinking another week or two I have em on water only now.


Active Member
woah now, no problems brother! had a rough day and was just trying my hand at some humor. sorry if it offended you. sincerely


Well-Known Member
No worries fffuuudesu I probably took it wrong.

Well kinda pissed atm because my plant that took the hardest hit looked like it was going hermie on me.

She started shooting out growth from the buds and just didn't look right after all that abuse.

So for fear of male pollen in my cab I chopped her down. I'm not exactly happy about it but what can you do.

So after looking for pollen sacks or seeds I came up empty handed. I can tell she was about to turn though so I chopped her. The buds are somewhat airy some are dense but she was going to thicken up quite a bit still :cry:

Maybe she wasn't turning IDK but it wasn't worth the risk to me so down she came. Def early but she has few clear trich's mostly cloudy a couple amber.

I'd say she could have went another 3 weeks. Oh well the good plant is still getting fatter. She can hog all the light now.

Wet weight 25 grams coulda been better :sad:



Well-Known Member
What can ya do... Sigh...

Now my other plants is def going %50 or more amber trich's

Mr N you should checkout the PPC at speedy you would do well.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that bro, at least you got some great looking bud off it!! Plus like you said more light for the other one:)

What exactly happened to make it turn herm?


Well-Known Member
man that sucks.... but you got to look at the bright side. now you got some bud to smoke while you wait for the rest to be finished. i am suprised at the weight. was that 25 grams total or just that one bud.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that bro, at least you got some great looking bud off it!! Plus like you said more light for the other one:)

What exactly happened to make it turn herm?
The soil ph dropped to 5 and lockout set in. Not 100% sure she was turning but couldn't chance it. In one day she went from very nice to very nasty. Watch your soil ph everyone it's a killer.

man that sucks.... but you got to look at the bright side. now you got some bud to smoke while you wait for the rest to be finished. i am suprised at the weight. was that 25 grams total or just that one bud.
Yeah I didn't veg her at all and the other one only had like ten days or so veg. She was an after thought just trying to fit a little more in so I think thats about normal for a 12/12 from seed grow. Plus the early chop she was going to put on some more weight over the next couple weeks :cry:
Oh well what you gonna do? This next round is going to be fun...


Well-Known Member
chainseeker, whats up dude, my condolences on the hermed plant, shitty buzz, but at least a buzz just the same, hope your enjoying the preme smoke anyways, Sure your other plant will kick ass hoggin all that light !!!