Well, after years of research, I'm starting my first real hydro attempt. Going to try using the led tech as it's the future, runs cool, and wont kill my power bill. And HT mag reported it works great. I'm planning on getting the growpanel from sunshinesystems, makers of the UFO GlowPanel is supposed to replace a 75W HPS. Iam only looking to do 2 plants, enclosed in a self-made box with a simple hydro system and maybe do a scrog to keep the height down (I want the box at 3feet) Wondering if that will be enough light, in a mylar-or tinfoil lined box. If not there is always the GlowPanel45 which is a 27watt Rated to replace a 250w hps. Although thats 3x more expensive. Should I supplement with a couple CFL's and get theGlowPanel, or push out the cash for the Panel45, its $50 vs $150, but rateings are 75wHPS VS 250wHPS. I know the UFO 90watt would be way overkill for my needs. Infrared choppers in my area, HPS is not an option. Also Power consumption is monitored. Thanks And a Big HELLO!