NEWB Questions


Active Member
What would happen if I planted 2 of the same clones in the same pot? Would they kills each other from overcrowding:mrgreen: I have attempted my first cloning and wanted to ask, may be a stupid one but please enlighten me RIU vets... oh also how do I become able to roll a joint and all that cool stuff. dont wanna be a stranger no more.


Active Member
Theoretically, 1 pot per plant, if you have more, than over time there will be one that grows faster, matures quicker and ripens first, the others will follow in time, however, its not really recomended to do this. good luck

newb weed grower

Active Member
well its alredy been said but wow im surprised a bit myself
along time ago i started plant in mg first mistake i made
second was overwatering them
third being a idiot
but in the end time heals all
and riu will help u achieve alot
i hope u have an amazing grow and thatr it grows uncontrallably taking over the planet and that the police can burn it fast enough lolz yays
If you want to roll better joints use sticky weed fir a little while to perfect the technique also be sure to make a filter for better toking and YouTube has alot of tutorials fir some of the fancier smokable creations


Well-Known Member
If you want to roll better joints use sticky weed fir a little while to perfect the technique also be sure to make a filter for better toking and YouTube has alot of tutorials fir some of the fancier smokable creations
I think he was referring to his status changing from stranger to able to roll a joint, which aparantely changes at 25 posts.


Well-Known Member
So wait,
If I get a huge pot,
I can put multiple seedlings in their?

that's right you'd just cut out the males later or transplant the females into single pots if you want.
My only "problem" with that big pot was lifting it after I'd watered it.


Active Member
I know how to roll joints brotha, I am talking about the title under your name. As you are also a stranger ( fyi) I been smoken since I was twelve, I can roll a blunt drive and shift gears at the same time. DOnt try this if you are not a professional like myself


Active Member
well its alredy been said but wow im surprised a bit myself ?
i hope u have an amazing grow and thatr it grows uncontrallably taking over the planet and that the police can burn it fast enough lolz yays
Did you mean can't burn it up fast enough? Just asking and did u mean that my question was idiotic? No curious. I did'nt say I would do it.Love my girls to much to treat them like that. MUCH LOVE


I know how to roll joints brotha, I am talking about the title under your name. As you are also a stranger ( fyi) I been smoken since I was twelve, I can roll a blunt drive and shift gears at the same time. DOnt try this if you are not a professional like myself
I am so glad to hear I'm not the only one who rolls dutches while driving. I thought that was a pretty reckless activity until right now


Active Member
I am so glad to hear I'm not the only one who rolls dutches while driving. I thought that was a pretty reckless activity until right now
I live on the edge , I also JUMP in the shower everymorning. lol. They don't call me mayheim mccomas for nothing