newb ohio outdoor question


Well-Known Member
my plant outside is 3ft tall and is not showing any signs of flowering. should i be worried as the weather gets colder. i live in ohio. will this thing flower fast enough before winter? if it 3ft now how big will it be in october?:weed:


Well-Known Member
my plant outside is 3ft tall and is not showing any signs of flowering. should i be worried as the weather gets colder. i live in ohio. will this thing flower fast enough before winter? if it 3ft now how big will it be in october?:weed:
Is it near any street lights? or lights of any kind? This may be keeping it in the veg stage.....dunno
Maybe try giving some bloom nutes to kick it into flowering.

Good Luck


ohio grower here . my gals are in a buddin frenzy with these colder evenings , I used bagseed too planted 1 week of may.Good Luck on Buckeye harvests !!!! Btw sativa ya gal looking decent .I drooling waiting for harvest day ! RIb


I too am located in ohio, my problem is different tho, i planted in mid may and its now the end of august, my plant looks very healthy but is only about a foot tall and budding already. Since its flowering will it not grow much more ? or can i still expect my harvest to be descent ?


Well-Known Member
my plant outside is 3ft tall and is not showing any signs of flowering. should i be worried as the weather gets colder. i live in ohio. will this thing flower fast enough before winter? if it 3ft now how big will it be in october?:weed:
maybe a sativa , when did you plant?

I sincerely hope it is not a male


Well-Known Member
Ha looks like the midwest is having all type of outdoor problems this year..haha look at my plant...and i played this in may

yea mine is a few inches taller than your first pic but looking around the same in size. you think they will make it before the frost?


Well-Known Member
Nope man...haha i dont care if that plant lives or dies..i got like ten more going that are flowering...she was a late start...but how can u really force flower an outdoor? bag?


Active Member
Yeah you just cover it to extend the night cycle, but you have to be careful that it doesn't get too hot. I've never had to do it, sounds like a pain to have to cover/uncover daily, and I wouldn't want to be visiting my plot that much anyway.


Active Member
yea i know quite a few buddys who have been having problems with their plant sizes this year. its been gettin pretty cold in the nights lately im really hoping we dont get frost before the begining of november. i got my herme to pollenate my large female so im hoping for a few mostly female seeds


Well-Known Member
My plants are about half way thru the budding cycle. July was the crappiest month for outdoor growing. Now the nights are getting to below 50. Ive started taking my plants in at 8pm and bringing them back out at 8am for 12 hours of complete darkness and 12 hours of light. Im hoping this will speed up the maturing of my buds before it frosts.


Well-Known Member
What problems in the Midwest ? My plants are 10 feet tall and have been budding for the past 3 weeks. I plan on getting a lb. per plant.


im in co and its my first time and havent really talked to or found many people outdoor here. not sure how mine are doing but good to here other people shit


Well-Known Member
and im 6'3 so thats about 6' and i only got 12 i wanna see the pics of this 10ft the mid west..b.c we have had a shitty outdoor yr..