New Zealand to change gun laws

Will the US ever get serious about effective gun control?

  • Yes, the will of the majority of people demands it

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, the NRA and the gun lobby will never allow it

    Votes: 23 74.2%

  • Total voters
It's not hard to figure out man! Take away the fucking guns lol. I'm sure this superpower could figure out how to do this without needing "VIABLE ANSWERS" did see where i said ten million people own half the do you "just take away" 10 million armed people's weapons? some of them may comply, but even if 90% willingly give them up, you still have a million heavily armed individuals to disarm...that's where the "Viable" thing comes into play...try harder.
it's easy to be glib...just do this...just do that....except this and that are stupid and will never work...come up with a VIABLE ANSWER
it's estimated that there are around 750-850,000 sworn law enforcement officers in the u.s.
10 million heavily armed people, and another 75 million fire arms owners who aren't hoarders... did see where i said ten million people own half the do you "just take away" 10 million armed people's weapons? some of them may comply, but even if 90% willingly give them up, you still have a million heavily armed individuals to disarm...that's where the "Viable" thing comes into play...try harder
Again wanting all the answers. Lol. Here's an idea?? Stop fighting every other countries wars (I'm sure their grateful for! Lol) and use tax payers money to help your own country. if the law/amendments have changed (also voted for by the large majority that want their childrens, children to not live in fear) and they refuse to give up their guns then they are breaking the law. then your very, very powerful, highly trained and sophisticated military (that you helped pay for) steps in and removes them and the not so law abiding citizens by force. Something has to be done and it ain't going to happen with please and thank you.
Again wanting all the answers. Lol. Here's an idea?? Stop fighting every other countries wars (I'm sure their grateful for! Lol) and use tax payers money to help your own country. if the law/amendments have changed (also voted for by the large majority that want their childrens, children to not live in fear) and they refuse to give up their guns then they are breaking the law. then your very, very powerful, highly trained and sophisticated military (that you helped pay for) steps in and removes them and the not so law abiding citizens by force. Something has to be done and it ain't going to happen with please and thank you.
Again wanting all the answers. Lol. Here's an idea?? Stop fighting every other countries wars (I'm sure their grateful for! Lol) and use tax payers money to help your own country. if the law/amendments have changed (also voted for by the large majority that want their childrens, children to not live in fear) and they refuse to give up their guns then they are breaking the law. then your very, very powerful, highly trained and sophisticated military (that you helped pay for) steps in and removes them and the not so law abiding citizens by force. Something has to be done and it ain't going to happen with please and thank you. have no fucking idea, and just like to hear your own voice...just like all the other loud mouths with no answers, just a load of horseshit stupidity...

Any idea which country that sock claims as his?
Again wanting all the answers. Lol. Here's an idea?? Stop fighting every other countries wars (I'm sure their grateful for! Lol) and use tax payers money to help your own country. if the law/amendments have changed (also voted for by the large majority that want their childrens, children to not live in fear) and they refuse to give up their guns then they are breaking the law. then your very, very powerful, highly trained and sophisticated military (that you helped pay for) steps in and removes them and the not so law abiding citizens by force. Something has to be done and it ain't going to happen with please and thank you.
Well I think its pretty straight foward unclebuck haha. Take the guns off them lol.

My, how authoritarian of you.

We can and I believe will eventually enact gun laws and enforce them without using the military. The military is a blunt instrument and we don't really want them enforcing laws, nor does the military want that. That might be how your country operates but not here.

Also, there is no reason why peaceable gun owners should be forced to give up their guns. Perhaps, in the kind of regulatory environment that I'd like to see enacted, they might not be able to sell those highly lethal killing machines like the AR-15 but there is no reason why they should have to surrender them. have no fucking idea, and just like to hear your own voice...just like all the other loud mouths with no answers, just a load of horseshit stupidity...
What's your idea wise guy? I'm sure you've got all the answers. Or are you just waiting for everyone else to give their ideas and opinions and try to nit pick at every detail? I haven't seen your VIABLE ANSWER! go on. Enlighten me. Or do you just want to be told what needs to be done??
What's your idea wise guy? I'm sure you've got all the answers. Or are you just waiting for everyone else to give their ideas and opinions and try to nit pick at every detail? I haven't seen your VIABLE ANSWER! go on. Enlighten me. Or do you just want to be told what needs to be done??
Calling out the army to search households for guns and take them away isn't an answer. Nobody involved in reforming our gun laws is suggesting that is necessary.

Canada has a pretty good gun regulation system. I'd like the US to use it as a model for our own system.
Calling out the army to search households for guns and take them away isn't an answer. Nobody involved in reforming our gun laws is suggesting that is necessary.

Canada has a pretty good gun regulation system. I'd like the US to use it as a model for our own system.
Yeah right. That's why I was saying earlier that you guys would know more about the gun laws in your country than me. I just see it as a huge problem that the US is facing. I see it pretty simply. No guns, no death by guns. How? Sounds like No one knows!?
Yeah right. That's why I was saying earlier that you guys would know more about the gun laws in your country than me. I just see it as a huge problem that the US is facing. I see it pretty simply. No guns, no death by guns. How? Sounds like No one knows!?
Sure. You see it simple and wrong.

Authoritarians always do.

Hunters and people in rural areas most certainly should have the right to own guns for their specific needs.

Canada's gun laws are a fine model to work with. There is no reason to take a gun away from somebody who already owns one assuming they can pass a background check and basic criteria for safety as well as store the things properly. I don't own a gun but don't care if another person does so long they register it, obtain a license to own it and that it's maintained and stored properly.

Not saying you are wrong but your assertion is too simple to account for legitimate uses of firearms. Speaking of simple minded and didactic, are you a relative of Rob Roy?
Yeah right. That's why I was saying earlier that you guys would know more about the gun laws in your country than me.

Which is why you should have stopped posting about 7 posts ago.

OR you could spend about half the effort you've spent here making yourself out to be a patent idiot and simply Google "Gun Laws in the United States" and started reading to inform yourself before you make multiple moronic posts about a topic you admittedly know absolutely NOTHING about.

But that of course is not your style. You'd rather carry on like a blithering idiot.

I'll try to dumb this down to a level you can understand:

Our constitution has guaranteed rights listed in it; among those are the right to keep and bear arms. It's the 2nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It reads as follows:
  • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
That means that it is actually ILLEGAL for the government to take away the arms of the people. So now, just maybe, you have a little bit of insight into how patently stupid all of your posts were.

The only thing the U.S. can do legally is regulate which weapons are available. We've done that many times only to have the gun manufacturers buy out politicians and have them reinstated all over again. We actually did ban all assault rifles. It lasted just a few years and during that time mass shootings actually ceased to exist in this country.

So long as there is a republican president and/or a republican majority in congress or the senate, nothing will ever be done in the U.S. about guns for the simple reason that it legally can't be unless the majority rules.

And presently, they don't.