New Zealand to change gun laws

Will the US ever get serious about effective gun control?

  • Yes, the will of the majority of people demands it

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, the NRA and the gun lobby will never allow it

    Votes: 23 74.2%

  • Total voters
i don't want to take away everyones guns...look back and find that cannot, because i didn't make it....
i said take away assault weapons...take away high capacity magazines, armor piercing ammo, bump stocks, and full auto kits....none of which has an acceptable use in self defense. period. no acceptable argument. those things are designed to kill large amounts of people quickly, and have no acceptable use outside of sane person can or would argue for their availability to the general public.
i own a revolver, a rifle, and a shotgun. one of each. no modifications. they each serve a purpose. the pistol and the shotgun are for personal protection. they stay in my house, i do not go out armed. the rifle, and the shotgun, are to feed myself with, if and when society takes a shit...just to let you know i'm not a anti gun nut....i'm an anti nutbar nut...i'm an anti psychos having guns nut...i'm an anti you need twenty magazines full of thousand of rounds of armor piercing ammo nut...
That's cool, didn't mean to put words in your mouth. But I think to get rid of highly popular "assault rifles" will require the second amendment to be repealed. I'm just gonna try and spread love and caring for all.
its that it wont make any difference. people will always do what ever people want to do regardless of what you want them to do
that is simply not true...i WANT to smack a lot of people, HARD...but i don't...not because i'm a nice guy....pause for laughter...but because i don't want to deal with the repercussions of smacking those people...some of them will smack me back, some of them will take legal and or civil action against me, some of them may pull out an assault weapon and shoot me many times with armor piercing ammo....repercussions do have an effect. it may take longer to sink in for some of the denser offenders, but it will, eventually. make the ridiculously dangerous modifications illegal, and prosecute the ever living shit out of every single person you catch breaking the rules...make the penalties so severe only the truly insane will dare break them, then lock them up forever when they do...they need it anyway
that is simply not true...i WANT to smack a lot of people, HARD...but i don't...not because i'm a nice guy....pause for laughter...but because i don't want to deal with the repercussions of smacking those people...some of them will smack me back, some of them will take legal and or civil action against me, some of them may pull out an assault weapon and shoot me many times with armor piercing ammo....repercussions do have an effect. it may take longer to sink in for some of the denser offenders, but it will, eventually. make the ridiculously dangerous modifications illegal, and prosecute the ever living shit out of every single person you catch breaking the rules...make the penalties so severe only the truly insane will dare break them, then lock them up forever when they do...they need it anyway
sounds like you just don't want it enough. people that do shooting like this person did dont just wake up and say hay lets go kill people. its planned for a decent amount of time. im sure they know repercussion and consequences. they just dont care about them
pointing out problems is a point....ok.
i'll see what when the haters (of what) come out?
everyone who?
im just pointing out where I think the US society as a whole could start if they REALLY want a change for the better rather than blame everything on the government!?
where? i missed what you were pointing out...
The greatest country in the free world!? Do you have to tell yourself that when you walk to the shop to get a loaf of bread with your gat at your side!!? Or when you see a grieving mother standing over her child bathing in his/her own pool of blood!?
do you think this entire country is a news report? that the whole nation is what you see on the few minutes they devote to it on the evening news? we're all individuals, just like w/e you're from...we want different things, fear different things, follow different paths...this isn't Dodge city, and Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday are dead...only 25% of Americans own firearms...just because the ones that do own guns own a shitload, that doesn't mean we all have them...25%....the other 75% are of Americans own 50% of the a population of more than 370 million people, less than ten million own half the firearms...
that's the reality, not tv shows and movies...3/4ths of us are more appalled than you can possibly be, 3/4th of us have to deal with this shit daily and aren't really interested in the suggestions of outsiders who think we're still living on the ponderosa and have shoot outs at the 7-11
Let's get one thing straight. I have nothing against the US. its a great country with mostly great people!! And yes it could be the greatest country in the free world for sure! And I honestly hope it will be one day. But it's up to you guys, the people, to do something about it. (And I'm not going to try and tell you how as you'd have a better idea than i) and to answer your questions" haters - someone that doesnt like hearing the opinion of *quote* "a moron from a random country" that is open and honest. And my point if you didn't figure it out from my post is - the US is very divided As a nation! As you stated - "Every bit of that is paranoia and fear manifesting" and this i think is a result of an internally divided country. Do you not agree Roger? "do you think this entire country is a news report" ha yes, it pretty much is! All it takes is a simple google search. Everyone all over the world is watching. Trump scratches his arse and everyone hears about it. Your political policies are on display for the whole world to see! People all around the world laugh at the US gun laws. The citizens of the US have more deaths per head by guns than anywhere else in the world! Dont need to see it on the evening news the stats speak for themselves. And dont use "their from dodge city" their from the US! Your fellow countrymen! Its that type of mentality that i see and hear all the time. And I totally agree with alot of what you say no guns/bullets then no death by guns. Simple i thought. Who gives a fuck about the amendments. Men, Women and children are getting killed! If it's only 25% of people that have guns then that's a minority. Take the guns off them!!? These are just ideas im throwing out to you guys. How hard is it? Get rid of the fucking guns! Who knows? Maybe their will be less "paranoia and fear manifesting" as a result?
Let's get one thing straight. I have nothing against the US. its a great country with mostly great people!! And yes it could be the greatest country in the free world for sure! And I honestly hope it will be one day. But it's up to you guys, the people, to do something about it. (And I'm not going to try and tell you how as you'd have a better idea than i) and to answer your questions" haters - someone that doesnt like hearing the opinion of *quote* "a moron from a random country" that is open and honest. And my point if you didn't figure it out from my post is - the US is very divided As a nation! As you stated - "Every bit of that is paranoia and fear manifesting" and this i think is a result of an internally divided country. Do you not agree Roger? "do you think this entire country is a news report" ha yes, it pretty much is! All it takes is a simple google search. Everyone all over the world is watching. Trump scratches his arse and everyone hears about it. Your political policies are on display for the whole world to see! People all around the world laugh at the US gun laws. The citizens of the US have more deaths per head than anywhere else in the world! Dont need to see it on the evening news the stats speak for themselves. And dont use "their from dodge city" their from the US! Your fellow countrymen! Its that type of mentality that i see and hear all the time. And I totally agree with alot of what you say no guns/bullets then no death by guns. Simple i thought. Who gives a fuck about the amendments. Men, Women and children are getting killed! If it's only 25% of people that have guns then that's a minority. Take the guns off them!!? These are just ideas im throwing out to you guys. How hard is it? Get rid of the fucking guns! Who knows? Maybe their will be less "paranoia and fear manifesting" as a result?
The right wants to revisit the civil war
its that it wont make any difference.


Right now, I can go right down the street to the gun shop and buy an AK 47 Assault rifle for about 375 dollars.

Now lets make assault rifles illegal like they used to be. All of a sudden, you have to not only have connections to get that sort of weapon, but you also have to pony up about $10,000 to get one...and you'd better pray your connection isn't ATF, FBI, GBI or local law enforcement or you would be doing 20 years in prison.

Now, are some people still stupid enough to give that a try? Sure. But right off the bat you eliminate about 99% of people because:
  1. They can't afford it.
  2. They're too chicken shit to risk it.
Nothing like a moron on the internet from a random country to give advise to the greatest country in the free world LMFAO
Top tip don’t call someone a moron and then use advise when you mean advice. Also Switzerland is arguably a much better place to live. What can you mean by “greatest” country if the metric is the wisdom of its leader and the idiots in their millions who voted for him. America is currently an absolute disgrace, the world shakes its head.
Let's get one thing straight. I have nothing against the US. its a great country with mostly great people!! And yes it could be the greatest country in the free world for sure! And I honestly hope it will be one day. But it's up to you guys, the people, to do something about it. (And I'm not going to try and tell you how as you'd have a better idea than i) and to answer your questions" haters - someone that doesnt like hearing the opinion of *quote* "a moron from a random country" that is open and honest. And my point if you didn't figure it out from my post is - the US is very divided As a nation! As you stated - "Every bit of that is paranoia and fear manifesting" and this i think is a result of an internally divided country. Do you not agree Roger? "do you think this entire country is a news report" ha yes, it pretty much is! All it takes is a simple google search. Everyone all over the world is watching. Trump scratches his arse and everyone hears about it. Your political policies are on display for the whole world to see! People all around the world laugh at the US gun laws. The citizens of the US have more deaths per head by guns than anywhere else in the world! Dont need to see it on the evening news the stats speak for themselves. And dont use "their from dodge city" their from the US! Your fellow countrymen! Its that type of mentality that i see and hear all the time. And I totally agree with alot of what you say no guns/bullets then no death by guns. Simple i thought. Who gives a fuck about the amendments. Men, Women and children are getting killed! If it's only 25% of people that have guns then that's a minority. Take the guns off them!!? These are just ideas im throwing out to you guys. How hard is it? Get rid of the fucking guns! Who knows? Maybe their will be less "paranoia and fear manifesting" as a result?
HOW? i understand the problems...everyone on the planet takes it upon themselves to endlessly point them one seems to have VIABLE ANSWERS...
HOW? i understand the problems...everyone on the planet takes it upon themselves to endlessly point them one seems to have VIABLE ANSWERS...
Again, like i said in a previous post, I'm not here to solve the world's problems, I'm just pointing out where I think they could start!?
HOW? i understand the problems...everyone on the planet takes it upon themselves to endlessly point them one seems to have VIABLE ANSWERS...
It's not hard to figure out man! Take away the fucking guns lol. I'm sure this superpower could figure out how to do this without needing "VIABLE ANSWERS"
Top tip don’t call someone a moron and then use advise when you mean advice. Also Switzerland is arguably a much better place to live. What can you mean by “greatest” country if the metric is the wisdom of its leader and the idiots in their millions who voted for him. America is currently an absolute disgrace, the world shakes its head.
I'll turn on my spell check as to not offend
The second amendment and the quantity of guns already in distribution in the US will make it difficult for any significant gun reform to take place here. Also, criminals are known to not follow laws. This is regrettable.
You are arguing against pedophilia laws