• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

New York Bans Large Sodas


Well-Known Member
ORLY? corporations are so clever and nefarious that they can force me to buy shit, even if i dont want it or need it, and make me think it was my own idea?

so i like Glenlivet scotch because i see so much advertising for it? REALLY?? when was the last time you saw an ad for Glenlivet or Glenfiddich?

i like hills brothers coffee because their advertising campaign brainwashed me into thinking it was better than folgers?

my preference for Tetly over Lipton means my tea choices are being manipulated by shadowy forces in my radio?

why pray tell do i prefer "Premium" brand saltines over all the other brands and types of crackers? because they have less salt than the others? because they cost $.30 less a box than keebler? nope. its the evil "Premium Saltines" cabal of conspirators pulling my strings like the puppet masters!

whoa now homey, now i see it! i use alliant blue dot and hercules in my .40 S&W's for my sig sauer, but Clays in my .45, because they MADE me decide those powders work best in those cartridges.

ZOMG!! i thought i bought IMR 4064 because it worked well across the board in all my rifles and worked best in my favorite rifle, but now i see! DuPont Chemicals is controlling my mind and making me choose their products without even realizing it! ohh wait, no they are not. dupont only makes one of the powders i use, and none of the other components that i choose, despite offering a full line of everything but bullets and brass.

i know, i like levis 501's because im PROGRAMMED to like those dungarees, despite the personal experience that wranglers (which cost half as much) only last 25% as long, ben davis jeans are too tight in the thighs so they always split at the seam right below the pocket. carhart jeans give me a nasty melvin, split my boys, and pinch my sac so i spend the whole day pulling my jeans out of my balls. need i go on?

I make my choices. MYSELF nobody makes me do shit.except buy motorcycle and car insurance, hook up to city power and water, get municipal trash service, and now, buy shitty health insurance i cant afford that wont cover anything unless i go into massive debt to pay the jacked up premiums for comprehensive coverage, so yep madison avenue doesnt run my shit, washington and sacramento do.

That's all real real nice Doc, but you don't manage to explain why year after year corporations spend billions in PR, billions in marketing and billions in advertising. If it doesn't work as you seem to claim, why do they continue? Hmm?

No one said force btw, no one forces you, they induce you. And leave you with the impression that they didn't - an impression you seem to have retained.


Well-Known Member
obesity is NOT an epidemic. fatness is not contagious, and fatness has long been a problem in successful countries. you might as well lament that too many children survive infancy or not enough people get cholera or TB.

the real problem that you leftists really wont face is that you think fat people are unsightly, and undisciplined. my grandpappy got a little chunky late in his life but if you think a guy shouldnt feel free to get fat when he's 80+ then you are a dick!

you are obviously conditioned by the "Legitimate Press" to believe that "thin is in" and "fat aint where it's at" look closely at the picture to the left of these words. see that great american hero? see how fat he is? didnt stoip him from goin on safari, stoppin the war between japan and russia, bulilding the panama canal, turning america from an agrarian society to an industrial power, nor did it stop him from gett a nobel peace prize,, when such things MEANT SOMETHING! it also didnt stop him from bein a stone pimp. , nor did it stop him from starring in many of your grandma's erotic dreams.

BAM! Roosevelted!

Prove Your Worth! Increase Your Girth!
If You Aint Plump Then You're a Chump!
Cant Be A Winner If you Dont Finish Your Dinner!

Except that obesity kills. It has nothing to do with how fat people look, everything to do with how much they cost.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
DrKynes, you mention products for which there is much market competition. But some of the really bigs ... energy, insurance, fuel, communications etc. ... are only superficially or not at all competitive. One size does not fit all. cn
never said it did, but in my town, even if i go totally solar and wind powered and it provides all my power needs i must STILL be hooked upo to city power, it's mandated. so i always will get a bill for service charges, maintainance fees, transmission leases and all that other crap even if i dont use a single SMUD watt. if i dig my own well and pump my own water i still MUST have city water hooked up or my house will be condemned. no new septic systems can be built in any incorporated area, no matter how large your property may be. sewer hookups are mandatory. i puit out my trash can every 2 weeks and it's still half empty but they charge me the same as the assholes who put out 3 cans a week every week.

monopolies, especially mandated ones are invariably "One Size Fits All Or Else" propositions, but i dont make monopolies, nor did i support them at any time.

the products for which there is competiton is the matter at hand. SMUD and PG&E dont have to advertise, they already get your business, as does the city sewer system, the city water system, and the gas company. only products which are :
A) in competiton with their opposite number
B) facing political backlash, and need popular support
C) facing regulation and need your votes or letters to congress
D) want a bailout

need to advertise, and thus, the crux of my comments. I choose what products i want or need based on my own cost/benefit analysis. i am not as canndo asserts, a passive and helpless "consumer" being manipulated by shadowy forces and sinister cabals of powerful men. but i think canndo might be....


Ursus marijanus
But as canndo pointed out (on a neighboring thread?) the utilities are spending ad bucks. In my case, PG&E. I wonder what the point/goal is ... cn

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The thing is this. If we had only a few obese people in the U.S., if the epidemic of obesity was not so bad, if corporations would quit inducing folks to over do it, if parents would control their children, if adults would ease up on their habits then nothing would be necessary and I would say nothing except that this local law was silly.

but when people demonstrate their inabilty to control themsleves then it is time for government to step in and try.
Government subsidizes corn for the corn syrup. Government made up this bullshit food pyramid which includes meat, dairy and eggs as "essential," which they aren't. Government then comes to our rescue by putting limitations on how potatoes and drinks can get used, but without government, we wouldn't need them.

Until government came along people, for the most part, weren't eating unhealthy like they are now.

I realize not everyone will realize the benefits of a vegab diet I eat, but should government mandate that too? I wouldn't mind too much, I'd have an easier time finding food. People wouldn't think of me as a freak. But it's all about me? I'm a libertarian. Not that insane progressive nanny state you want. Not a liberal or conservative either.

It's not always about you. It's always about protecting others from their stupidity. Who are you to call stupid? I bet if I had a progressive task force follow you around, they'd find you do many of the same things you complain about. So it's not about what's right that you care about, it's you want to know others can get controlled with the moronic things you say.

Go do your touchdown dance in front of a mirror in the privacy of your own home. I can't get fat on my diet. So leave me the fuck alone with my soda. I'm a family of five, many times we buy a 64 ounce and share it at home.

Worry more about yourself, I can worry about me just fine. I sure as hell don't care or worry about you one bit. But, I'm not about to let you dictate your, and others like you,favoring policy which is my business.

What you don't get is Nodrama is trolling you. I doubt, since he's a libertarian, he favors corporations making cars which know their gas tanks are improperly designed and placed. But, that's a far cry from a soda being designed as "liquid pancreatic cancer," now is it? But you can't win against Ford or Monsanto, so you will take your frustrations out against the obese. Even though you know how silly you are too with the death soda. Hey, you won a battle! You 're so cool, bro.


Ursus marijanus
Government subsidizes corn for the corn syrup. Government made up this bullshit food pyramid which includes meat, dairy and eggs as "essential," which they aren't. Government then comes to our rescue by putting limitations on how potatoes and drinks can get used, but without government, we wouldn't need them. Until government came along people, for the most part, weren't eating unhealthy like they are now. I realize not everyone will realize the benefits of a vegab diet I eat, but should government mandate that too? I wouldn't mind too much, I'd have an easier time finding food. People wouldn't think of me as a freak. But it's all about me? I'm a libertarian. Not that insane progressive nanny state you want. Not a liberal or conservative either. It's not always about you. It's always about protecting others from their stupidity. Who are you to call stupid? I bet if I had a progressive task force follow you around, they'd find you do many of the same things you complain about. So it's not about what's right that you care about, it's you want to know others can get controlled with the moronic things you say. Go do your touchdown dance in front of a mirror in the privacy of your own home. I can't get fat on my diet. So leave me the fuck alone with my soda. I'm a family of five, many times we buy a 64 ounce and share it at home.

Worry more about yourself, I can worry about me just fine. I sure as hell don't care or worry about you one bit. But, I'm not about to let you dictate your, and others like you,favoring policy which is my business.

What you don't get is Nodrama is trolling you. I doubt, since he's a libertarian, he favors corporations making cars which know their gas tanks are improperly designed and placed. But, that's a far cry from a soda being designed as "liquid pancreatic cancer," now is it? But you can't win against Ford or Monsanto, so you will take your frustrations out against the obese. Even though you know how silly you are too with the death soda. Hey, you won a battle! You 're so cool, bro.
Another organization that can take some of this blame is the AMA. They insist that starch is healthy and dietary fat bad. It's more the reverse. cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Except that obesity kills. It has nothing to do with how fat people look, everything to do with how much they cost.
obesity didnt kill my gramps. he got quite chunky at the end, not grover cleveland fat but fat enough for you to call him fat. but then he was 94 when he died.

my gam gam on my father's side died and 89, and she too was quite plump.

whats your point? statistics? charts? graphs? maybe some tearful annecdote about some dude who ate himself into a diabetic coma, or the fat lardbutts who live on "disability" because they cant get out their own front doors? if thats your problem then cancel "sosh security". i wont complain.

but no, you want to complain about other people's behavior because you are afraid it might consume a dollar you think is better spent elsewhere.

a Klansman will tell you straight away that we should ban black people because they cost us too much
the nation of islam will say the same thing (and has) about korean shopkeepers
al sharpton said as much about jews,
but when you boil it all down to the essence, you, al sharpton, the nation of islam, and the Klan all just want one thing.


you want to tell everybody else how to live, and if they dont like it, then thats too fucking bad because youre right and they are wrong.

in a world run by people like you, colour blind people get to ban rainbows because they dont get to enjoy them, people (like me) who are allergic to dogs can insist on the prohibition of all dogs in public, blind people can ban light bulbs, deaf people can prohibit the radio, and stupid people can close down all the libraries because the books dont have enough pictures.

some people are fat, some people are REAAALLY fat, and some people are skinny. theres nothing wrong with any of that, as long as they are not a burden on society, and fat people are NOT a burden on society any more than blind people are.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
But as canndo pointed out (on a neighboring thread?) the utilities are spending ad bucks. In my case, PG&E. I wonder what the point/goal is ... cn
yep, PG&E does buy ads, usually as public relations to mollify the anger over some event (exploding gas pipelines, increases in rates, etc..) they arent selling shit they are trying to smooth the ruffled fur of people who know quite well why they are being stroked,, but sometimes (due to cable sattelite and interweb communication) the ads hit a distant target. i even saw an add on my local news for ConED which doesnt even have a presence in california. you prolly got hit with an ad ricochet or a piece of PR shrapnel.

walk it off homey, youll be ai'ght. if it still hurts rub some tussin on it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That's all real real nice Doc, but you don't manage to explain why year after year corporations spend billions in PR, billions in marketing and billions in advertising. If it doesn't work as you seem to claim, why do they continue? Hmm?

No one said force btw, no one forces you, they induce you. And leave you with the impression that they didn't - an impression you seem to have retained.
when the inducement fails the compulsion also fails, dont you know how the Geas Spell works?

[h=2]Geas, Lesser[/h] (Player's Handbook v.3.5, p. 235)

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Bard 3, Sorcerer 4, Wizard 4,
Components: V,
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature with 7 HD or less
Duration: One day/level or until discharged (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

A lesser geas places a magical command on a creature to carry out some service or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by you.
The creature must have 7 or fewer Hit Dice and be able to understand you.
While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that would result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of activity.
The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is completed, no matter how long it takes.
If the instructions involve some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through his own actions (such as "Wait here" or "Defend this area against attack"), the spell remains in effect for a maximum of one day per caster level.
A clever recipient can subvert some instructions: For example, if you order the recipient to protect you from all harm, it might place you in a nice, safe dungeon for the duration of the spell.
If the subject is prevented from obeying the lesser geas for 24 hours, it takes a -2 penalty to each of its ability scores.
Each day, another -2 penalty accumulates, up to a total of – 8.
No ability score can be reduced to less than 1 by this effect.
The ability score penalties are removed 24 hours after the subject resumes obeying the lesser geas.
A lesser geas (and all ability score penalties) can be ended by break enchantment, limited wish, remove curse, miracle, or wish.
Dispel magic does not affect a lesser geas.

when i go shopping for something, i use my own criteria for choosing which brand, which variation and which colour i shall buy, or even if i will buy at all. for example, i needed butter for a recipe last week.

i chose Clover butter because it was cheaper than the other choices, and as butter is pretty much uniform, i made a fine choice. had another brand been cheaper i would have chosen it, even if i had never heard of it before. i rarely get the same olive oil twice in a row, except for a locally produced unfiltered oil thats great on salads. if a similar unfiltered product were available from another producer then i would have to compare them and their prices to decide which would be the better choice. thats how i shop, not with a fistful of notes on the latest ad campaign.

i buy Maruchan or Tiger Ramen, only Top if it is on deep discount, but for some purposes i require Ichiban Ramen, the actual ramen noodles, not the instant soup packet. regular instant ramen gets sqidgy on my okonomiyaki. i suppose i COULD make my own fresh ramen but ichiban makes a fine product for those situations and it costs me less in time and effort to get the prepared fresh ramen noodles. but then sometimes i use soba noodles on my okonomiyaki. i know, im worse than hitler.


Well-Known Member
Government subsidizes corn for the corn syrup. Government made up this bullshit food pyramid which includes meat, dairy and eggs as "essential," which they aren't. Government then comes to our rescue by putting limitations on how potatoes and drinks can get used, but without government, we wouldn't need them.

Until government came along people, for the most part, weren't eating unhealthy like they are now.

I realize not everyone will realize the benefits of a vegab diet I eat, but should government mandate that too? I wouldn't mind too much, I'd have an easier time finding food. People wouldn't think of me as a freak. But it's all about me? I'm a libertarian. Not that insane progressive nanny state you want. Not a liberal or conservative either.

It's not always about you. It's always about protecting others from their stupidity. Who are you to call stupid? I bet if I had a progressive task force follow you around, they'd find you do many of the same things you complain about. So it's not about what's right that you care about, it's you want to know others can get controlled with the moronic things you say.

Go do your touchdown dance in front of a mirror in the privacy of your own home. I can't get fat on my diet. So leave me the fuck alone with my soda. I'm a family of five, many times we buy a 64 ounce and share it at home.

Worry more about yourself, I can worry about me just fine. I sure as hell don't care or worry about you one bit. But, I'm not about to let you dictate your, and others like you,favoring policy which is my business.

What you don't get is Nodrama is trolling you. I doubt, since he's a libertarian, he favors corporations making cars which know their gas tanks are improperly designed and placed. But, that's a far cry from a soda being designed as "liquid pancreatic cancer," now is it? But you can't win against Ford or Monsanto, so you will take your frustrations out against the obese. Even though you know how silly you are too with the death soda. Hey, you won a battle! You 're so cool, bro.
This post makes me want lamb chops tomorrow.

Well done baby-sheep killer.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
This post makes me want lamb chops tomorrow.

Well done baby-sheep killer.
How can I stop you? I don't have special progressive powers. Would you rather I did and made suggested alterations to agenda 22? Veganism has Earth saving side effects and the UN and Obama already praised the eco benefits. It wouldn't take much to add forced vegan diets upon you potato boy.


Well-Known Member
but when people demonstrate their inabilty to control themsleves then it is time for government to step in and try.
And if the government decides that this ban works, what do you recommend that the government bans next in their quest to watch out for us?


Well-Known Member
Wow, 22 pages.

This is why I keep many a weapons in my home. For the day that some assholes push it over the edge and actually come to my door wanting to take my freedom and way of life away just so they can push theirs.

Either I die that day, or all of them do. Either way, that day I will be truely free. Fuck your politics. I no longer have an argument, just stay the fuck away from my front door.


Well-Known Member
Wow, 22 pages.

This is why I keep many a weapons in my home. For the day that some assholes push it over the edge and actually come to my door wanting to take my freedom and way of life away just so they can push theirs.

Either I die that day, or all of them do. Either way, that day I will be truely free. Fuck your politics. I no longer have an argument, just stay the fuck away from my front door.
But according to Can'tdo on many previous threads, the army will come down on you with a whole division of men, multiple tanks, the air force will drop LGB's on you day and night, The Marines will appear and SEAL team 6 will repel through your windows, and then if you still aint dead, the drop the JDAM on yer ass. Just so they can take away your .22.

Just because it would cost one hundred google billion trillion bazillion dollars is not an issue.


New Member
City of New York bans large sodas. Seems normal people are getting punished for fat peoples lack of control.

Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/julianna-joss/new-york-soda-ban-educati_b_1881702.html
(I know it's a horrible, dirty, "liberal" source, but still)

Freedom fuck yeah!
Hmm. Since 94 the mayor's office in NYC has been filled with republicans. Rudy then Bloomberg, the republican who pretends to be an independent. I don't remember any soda pop ban during the Dinkins and Koch years.

I agree it's asinine, pop freak can buy 2 larges that equal a jumbo, but it's not a horrible, dirty, liberal thing. In this case it's an anti-gun anti-freedom republican billionaire acting as a independent. Thing.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Not one single person will get skinnier, no one.
Yeah they will. The new tax will prevent them from buying more. Now more people will have to go on food stamps to afford soda. Obama is doing everything he can to keep his food stamp king title.