Let us start with an observation or two.
Corporations are like the military, they become exponentialy better at what they do over time and they do less and less that does not result in efficiency at what it is they do.
Corporations do not spend money on things that do not in one way or another pay off. Corporations do not spend billions of dollars on marketing, advertising and PR if, by their own metrics those things do not work.
Corporations are still spending those amounts and they see profit from the effort. Their endeavors may not work on you and they may not work on me but they work on enough people such that they have not stopped their campaigns.
A very large part of corporate PR is an effort to get you to think that buying their product is your own, free and uninfluenced choice. It seems to have worked on you Doc
ORLY? corporations are so clever and nefarious that they can force me to buy shit, even if i dont want it or need it, and make me think it was my own idea?
so i like Glenlivet scotch because i see so much advertising for it? REALLY?? when was the last time you saw an ad for Glenlivet or Glenfiddich?
i like hills brothers coffee because their advertising campaign brainwashed me into thinking it was better than folgers?
my preference for Tetly over Lipton means my tea choices are being manipulated by shadowy forces in my radio?
why pray tell do i prefer "Premium" brand saltines over all the other brands and types of crackers? because they have less salt than the others? because they cost $.30 less a box than keebler? nope. its the evil "Premium Saltines" cabal of conspirators pulling my strings like the puppet masters!
whoa now homey, now i see it! i use alliant blue dot and hercules in my .40 S&W's for my sig sauer, but Clays in my .45, because they MADE me decide those powders work best in those cartridges.
ZOMG!! i thought i bought IMR 4064 because it worked well across the board in all my rifles and worked best in my favorite rifle, but now i see! DuPont Chemicals is controlling my mind and making me choose their products without even realizing it! ohh wait, no they are not. dupont only makes one of the powders i use, and none of the other components that i choose, despite offering a full line of everything but bullets and brass.
i know, i like levis 501's because im PROGRAMMED to like those dungarees, despite the personal experience that wranglers (which cost half as much) only last 25% as long, ben davis jeans are too tight in the thighs so they always split at the seam right below the pocket. carhart jeans give me a nasty melvin, split my boys, and pinch my sac so i spend the whole day pulling my jeans out of my balls. need i go on?
I make my choices. MYSELF nobody makes me do shit.except buy motorcycle and car insurance, hook up to city power and water, get municipal trash service, and now, buy shitty health insurance i cant afford that wont cover anything unless i go into massive debt to pay the jacked up premiums for comprehensive coverage, so yep madison avenue doesnt run my shit, washington and sacramento do.