New way of growing. No electricity. Stealth.


Well-Known Member
yeah im currently doing some research there on tissue engineering with in vivo prostetics, that have becoming faulty.. and walking around the halls there is some insanely smart people they think way outside the box and its eye openeing to talk to them, im deffinatly an oddball in the whole situation but love every minute of it, i get to use their SEM and all i can think about is putting nuggs under it rather than skin cells


Well-Known Member
You don't get it. You would dig a hole and slide a piece of wood ( or any corrugated steel roof) over the plants in your back yard garden area or a field. Your plants would be hidden. Its a way to grow outdoors without having the plants exposed to prying eyes. Nobody would ever assume a bunch of semi buried pop bottles in a field was hiding a grow op beneath it. I would just dig a 5x5 ft hole that's 4.5 feet deep and put my clones in the hole sea of green style.

20 solar bulbs is equal to 1200watts. U could easily pull a pound using this system. Water plants using a wick system.
Ok I understand that concept, thanks for breaking it down some more.


Active Member
That all sounds very interesting to me. Why do you smoke weed? Im just curious.. I smoke about3 grams of bud a day... Usually kush..

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
If 1 sqft of bottles makes 6750 lumens and weed only needs 5000 lumens per sqft how won't that work?? Lol

675 is only average lumens. Peak is 1400 per bottle.

Admit Im right lol
The reason you're wrong is that you haven't accounted for then fact that if you stuff all those solar bulbs closely together they will block out each others light, so the light out is not directly additive.

Go for it though dude. Spend a lot of work only to fail.


Active Member
Your right about grouping the bottle lights too close together however I know i could do this and grow some bud. Its a fact something will grow. It all depends how you determine failure and success. Its also not more than 1 days work to do everything. Im going to build a " box" and fit bulbs to it march 1st and try it out. Bud will grow. Quality and yield may suffer.


Active Member
I know. Obviously lol. Dawn Im way happier smoking this lemon kush lol.. Man its not You have to improvise a bit here.. Im saying to clear a patch in a field of tall grass

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I know. Obviously lol. Dawn Im way happier smoking this lemon kush lol.. Man its not You have to improvise a bit here.. Im saying to clear a patch in a field of tall grass
If that's true, why not just dig a hole six feet deep and six feet across, and plant in the hole without the roof and BS solar light setup. You'd have a better natural camo with the plant tops than with the water bottles. Lol. You're really struggling to grasp with reality here, aren't you?


Active Member
I see the validity of your point but I still think they would be better hidden under the " solar door". I already said fitting them to the roof of a shed would be more practical

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I see the validity of your point but I still think they would be better hidden under the " solar door". I already said fitting them to the roof of a shed would be more practical
Please go back and review several of your "thoughts" which I've already debunked. Clearly, what you think about things can't be trusted. Anyway, have fun wasting your time, money, and energy.


Active Member
People can spot a hole in the ground easily. A lot easier to hide it under a sheet of wood with sod on on it fitted with solar on the " solar door"


Active Member
Please go back and review several of your "thoughts" which I've already debunked. Clearly, what you think about things can't be trusted. Anyway, have fun wasting your time, money, and energy.
Lol you didnt debunk shit lol. Until you try it and fail or i try it and dont we dont know. You puta


Active Member
Subscribe to the thread to see how it turns out.

I can also grow a pound of weed in a closet by simply rapidly flicking a dead bic lighter as a light source. My urine as water and nutes. Debunk that one too please. Lol


Sector 5 Moderator
My brain hurts... all I want is to see some pix of it. Anybody up for an experiment with this?


Active Member
Try it with 2 bottles and a small rubbermaid container and 1 plant. See how many gpw you can get. If you get 50 grams that is success even if its a bit lower than 0.5gpw. 2 lights is like 120w.