New to site, also still a n00b to growing...need help with what supplies I should use


Active Member
i got some 10 15 10 plant food, is that good for flowering?
No do NOT use that for flowering. This will "tie" you over till you can do better:

and some lime to adjust PH is about the cheapest you can go on a short notice, granted the "Jack's Classic" isn't the best thing to use but it does work, I've used it before when it was under a different name but that was long ago.
What you need for blooming is high Phoursous and Potash and a smaller amount of nitrogen, anything I'd say atleast 6-30-20, the first number needs to be lower during budding since that nutrient is more for vegging but it still needs some, and the other 2 nutrients are more needing during budding
and extra trace elements and hormones and vitiamins are really needed during budding since that is the flowering phase and the flower is what you are striving for.


Active Member
Don't worry about it, we all start somewhere and sometime and you do this enough you will have patience too. <g>
not sure if if i said what soil i got, lazy and dont feel like going through the 7 pages....i have miracle grow organic i wrong to start using this? i cant get my hands on any fox farm stuff so thats out of the question for me.


Active Member
never used it, good for flowers but never seen it used personally for cannabis, look at the labeling, try your best to avoid anything time release, it is best to use a neutral soil mix if you use peat moss or such and then just add the nutrients you want. I heard of it being used just fine without any harm, but really I personally don't know.
my seeds arent here yet and im going you can tell i have no patience thinking of saving my cfls to do a basement cabinet grow with some seeds from some mids i got a few days ago and switching to hps for my midnight has the 70watt hps for 20bucks a pop...thinking of getting money from a friend to buy a few these...they're letting out 6700lumes each....

lets say i use the 70watt hps instead of cfl's....will my yeild and quality be better with the hps? i was thinking of getting 4 of these making a total of 280 watts and 26,800 4 too many too little?


Active Member
$9.00 more and you can get the 400 watt with ballast (best to get the ballast from them) and it will really pump out the buds in a 3x3, it will pay for itself with 1 grow if you trim them short such as a sog grow this way you "should" be able to put in more plants than if they were taller, but it's all up to how you want to grow them. But for the dollar value and over all results you will be ALOT better off getting the 400 watter with ballast.

Hell go find an old lady and give her a really good one and she'll buy the whole deal for you! <g>!


Active Member
i dont understand why i cant do 6 70watt hps to get up to 420...wouldnt that be the same?
What will it cost to operate those lights, how much heat will they put out? What is the return on the bulbs without a reflectors/hoods? How mush are they going to cost when you add the ballast for each bulb?
bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliejust an update SEEDS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
already germing.....will update once a week, ill be doing 3 6500K AND 2 2700K PER PLANT AND DOING 2 PLANTS A TIME.....ONE MIDNIGHT KUSH AND THE MOTIVATION IF IT GERMS OR TWO KUSH PLANTS
a garden shop usually sells cfl bulbs which are a few quid an u can grow through both stages veg an flowering with that. they do 15w 25w 35w 45w 65w 85w 105w 125w. i would use either a 65w or 85w 6400kblue spectrum for veg stage an then buy a 65w or 85w 2700k red spectrum for flowering. these lights put hardly any heat out so will be perfect for your grow room. u will also need an e27 scew in ceramic socket again a few quid. hopethis helps i grew 1 cheese an 1 northern lights with these lights an lets just say i was happy lol
i planted the germed seeds last night and threw the timer to 18/6, gave them a little water a few mins says its around 6.5-7 and the light is spectacularly good and its moist enough, my fan is always on when the lights are on. decided not to use the miracle grow and instead got some dirt/soil from my dads garden and mixed it with some vermiculate(sp?)....will keep posted


Active Member
i planted the germed seeds last night and threw the timer to 18/6, gave them a little water a few mins says its around 6.5-7 and the light is spectacularly good and its moist enough, my fan is always on when the lights are on. decided not to use the miracle grow and instead got some dirt/soil from my dads garden and mixed it with some vermiculate(sp?)....will keep posted
That will do ok to get them started, get a little lime and adjust the ph of the soil to as close to 6.0 as you can, within 48 hours of breaking the ground/soil make sure they are in a gallon size grow container. You really don't want the tap root to touch anything that would stop it from growing downward when it first sprout the soil. How long to be concerned about this I can't say, I can't prove any of what I am just said but it comes from obversations. Some say if the tap root touches or stops it downward growth real earily in sprouting it will give it a better chance of being a male. If this is true or not I can't say but it is always better to be safe than sorry, I do know that last year I had alot of work to do around the time the seeds were sprouting and some did stay in the small cups longer than I liked and I DID have more males than usual. The mircle-gro potting soil would have been ok to use, it doesn't adjust the nutrient level enough to matter, always make sure if you HAVE to use slow-release nutrient/soil that it does NOT contain nitrogen levels higher than 5% also if the nutrient level is stated to last around 3-4 months so much the better, by the time of budding the nutrients are gone.
Slow-release nutrients are not recommended but they can be used as a last resort but you MUST be careful of the nutrient level release, lenght of time it is good for and what nutrients are released (one reason they say don't use them, too damn complicated).

But if you want to you can give them a feeding of manure tea if you have access to any animal manure from a farm, it contains many, many nutrients, good baterica/fungi and organic gardeners recommend it to all plants well except catii.
Chicken manure is what I use for manure since I have access to so much, I take some and mix it into the soil with bone meal, wood ash and mix it all up good and then spread lime all over the soil and let it the rain wash it all down thru everything and then about 2 months later I mix the soil again with a shovel and set out the small plants and give them a feeding of manure tea and buddy they grow like crazy. The manure tea can also be used as a feeding for your plants.
Do a search for manure tea and you will find all kinds of help in making it and using it. There was one time I grew a plant and the only thing I had to feed it was manure tea and MG bloom buster fert. and it turned out ok for me and a few others.

Oh yea don't feed them for close to a week after sprouting, seedlings have enough energy stored to help it get growing, but what you used more than likely is good enough to last a little while.
i decided not to do 18/6, dont care, doing 12 12 from seed, just a chance im willing to take, going back to HD for more cfl's im going to get up to around 300-400watts total all 2700k with about 2 6500k