New to growing, this is my setup..Will it work?


Well-Known Member
I have to he honest, when i looked at what you had on the first page of this thread in the way of equipment and your setup i was not expecting much

but what a pleasant surprise your plants are, they are looking nice and healthy, nice large healthy leaves in the pics :)
many other folk starting out spend lots of money and end up with plants that are nowhere near as healthy as yours, you have done well
hope it stays that will until the end
peace :)
Thank you both very, very much! I've tried my best, I come down and cater to them each day, water when an inch deep dry, nutes every other watering..

I would also like to point out that these plants have been vegged with absolutely NO NUTRIENTS! Cool eh?

As far as what nutes am I using, just the basic Fox Farm trio, excluding grow big because I bought the wrong version of it.(-60$)

This is an ALL cfl grow, I just threw together a couple cardboard boxes and taped them together, lined it with aluminum foil and this is the product! Of course, my lights are very simple as well, a bunch of cfls plugged into several powerbars leading to one major power bar, leading to a timer. I have a mixed spectrum of 5000k and 2700k lights for flowering, and I think that's about it. Cost under 200 bucks, wouldve been much less if I didn't buy those stupid stands as shown in the first pic.
I do still need some advice on that sour diesel plant. It's been about 3 weeks into flowering and I'm seeing absolutely no sign on anything, not even sex..What's up?


Well-Known Member
It'll show, don't worry.

I've heard males tend to pop first, (getting pollen out there before the ladies flower kind of thing) so it could be a girl.

But this could be bollox as well ;)
Thank you sworth! I was worried I was doing something wrong, and although you say that it may not be true it does sound like it makes sense. I honestly can't even believe this little setup produced those babies!
I try to keep them fairly close, but 1-2 inches wasn't cutting it for me, that burned the plants. I have them on chains so I move them accordingly when they grow.