New to growing, this is my setup..Will it work?

oh right, you might have to wait a bit longer then for them to pop up, i was reading thru some threads earlier and it seems alot of people have done the same as you and have had good results so be patient :!:
They haven't sprouted yet, I have now changed the light schedule to 24/0 and added a thermometer, they stay at a steady 70 degrees F, three days in so I'm not too worried yet.

My god, sworth those buds look absolutely delicious...The buds are suuuuch a bright green and they're stalky and tough..God damn man you're a pro huh? Also I really want to know how it tastes.

ALSO, I planted 1 extra seed in each pot because I'm a paranoid fuck haha.
If seed weren't so valuable we'd all be popping seeds in pairs and keeping the strongest, it's what I do in the veg-for-eating garden.
Wouldn't life be good if we could pop a couple of dozen seeds, and only keep a few of the best?
Well I was more being paranoid because now I thought I buried them too deep, like 2 inches..So I planted new ones like 1/2 inch deep.

I actually have bags upon bags of seeds, all different strains of good weed, good regs, bad regs, everything. I'm talking a thousand at least.

Yeah I hear you though, weed seeds are hard to come by for the average guy.
If I had that many I'd be sowing loads and keeping the few.
I'm just going to have to up my seed production project I reckon...
(Just as soon as my bloody house guests sod off! lol)
check your humidity too....I had to bring in a humidifier to help me sprout. Winter tends to keep less moisture in the air...
congrads on you first setup. Just my two cents since you asked: tin foil is the worst for reflection. A can of flat white spray paint or a little panda film isnt that much money. And for lights your using 250 watts of cfls but for the money you spent on bulbs, power strips and cords you couldve got a 250 watt hps. And get yourself a light timer stop switching your lights by hand. It takes a lot of guts to take the plunge, much respect, but if you want decent results there is a right way of doing things. There is a ton of info within all these threads read and use it dont just watch a couple youtube vids and expect the same results. Good luck and dont get discouraged from a low harvest or crappy looking plants. It takes years to master this shit.
Thanks man, I can't get a hps because of wiring issues,cooling,electricity but once I get better at growing I'm going to give that a shot as well, but like I said I've spent basically all I can as far as lighting goes, I'm thinking of creating some kind of box/room to get these plants into..but I have no idea how and I have no supplies so I was thinking of going around looking for cardboard boxes to use.And yeah, I've been looking around on these forums and it's helped me alot and actually taught me that I could use cfls to grow decent weed.

As for the humidity, it's extremely low, but I keep the soil moist all the time, I spray it basically 2 times a day sometimes more depending on if it dried out or not.
yea man just get what you can to make a little grow box for them, a few strips of wood to make a shell of a box and just line the sides with some big sheets of cardboard and paint the insides of the cardboard white and and put a strip of wood alont the roof of the box to hang your light on and thats you good to gooooooo :mrgreen:
Yeah man, I built a couple pieces of the box, I need more cardboard so I'm gonna get some at work today. They haven't sprouted and it's day 5, worry yet or no?
nice to see the box constructions under way, as for them not sprouting yet i think you need some expert advice on it, but if you didnt germinate them 1st whitch takes up to 3DAYS and plus you planted them 2 inch down in the soil then i think they could still be on there way up to surface, to be safe if you have some more seeds put a few in a damp paper towel and leave in the dark and germinate them that way so if your ones you have now dont pop up then youve got back up :mrgreen:
Haha, you read my mind dude, I started germinating new seeds yesterday, so if the ones I didn't germinate don't sprout, I have a backup.
brilliant just dont let the paper towel dry out and also dont have it soaking wet just have it damp all youl be just fine man youl have some of these in no time 005.jpg
Yeah I have them moist in a plastic bag, on top of my cable box so it stays warm, under some video game cases to make sure there's no light.

Edit - That was a horrible idea, because the bag was at about 90-100 degrees, burned my fingers.. So I think I cooked the seeds, I'm gonna do it again haha.
Finalllllllllly, day 5 and one just broke through the surface, I'm waiting on the others to follow suit. Perfect timing too, I just built the sides, and back of the new grow box.

Edit - I heard about fox farm soil having bug problems, and of course..I have them, just gnats though..will it be a problem for the new seedlings?
Fungus gnats are a continual battle for me.
I use this with every watering


Which kills off the soil born larvae, who like to much away at your roots.
And sticky traps with fan pointing at them, which works quite well...

And on. ;)