New Spectrum King SK600

Just drop yourself 4 of @Stephenj37826 's Quantum Boards (1 per SK at 150W each) in the reddest spectrum with the best efficiency (3000K??)
That would give you an extra 600W of power and also utilize the lights you already have :hump:
Hey man Thank you, I just yesterday purchased four of the above to supplement at least 2 of the Spectrum king 400 plus to run trials over the winter.
Depending how that goes I will look more into your suggestion, but It is greatly appreciated!
Appreciate your input would you mind elaborating? Always willing to learn. It would certainly seem to much blue would lead to less flower and more leaf. Are you familiar with Spectrum King?
If you go to there site and look at the spectrum and you will see that the blue peak is as high as the red peak. I have tested and seen that as I went to a warmer kelvin, the stretch and canopy density were more like an HPS grow. From 4000k, 3500k, to 3000k looked like a staircase going up. The 3000k has been my choice for a while now, the 3500k is a strong 2nd. And yes, I am familiar with spectrum king, I had bought one of those lights from China before spectrum king was a company. Didn't like the center hot point of the design.
Looks like an idiot made that light.

If HPS chould grow with 10 100watt bulbs it should if quality of the bulbs are equal grow better quality stuff than 1 single 1k watt bulb... Spectrum king builds mindlessly condensed led lights that have the uneven coverage of a HPS, making me ask "WTF?"

One of the great things about PCB/CoB builds is the multi sources of light. SK lights take giant steps backwards when it comes to distributing that light evenly. Why would anyone want to grow with LED's designed to push light out like HPS form a single source when one of the biggest obsticals of HPS was the spread of light creating hot spots requiring you to lift the light only to kill your ppfd on the edges.

I build my PCB lights at 42 inch long and 8 inch wide for a reason and the lights are performing far better than I thought they would, also they are doing better in ways I didn't even expect. If I wanted mindless dumb watts pushed from a small center cluster I could EASILY build a light better than the morons down at SK. Yeah, I called them morons and I'm not even very accomplished in building lights. If they gave me lights to do a side by side that would be cool, but they would have to be ok with me selling them on craigslist after they fail to keep up.
Meh.... I have $3k in lights.....but they're effective and not junk like 98% of the companies.

Speaking of which..... What ever happens to the guys who jump on this forum that spend $5k on spectrum king or Mars or whatever other shit light and they never post again? Lol.

I have spent well over 5k on my led builds but if I were spending it on bullchit SK lights I'd have 3 and a half fing lights LOLOLOLz! SK charges well over 2$ a watt and we build lights for well under 1$ a watt... Oh and out lights are not smaller than a shoe box destroying your ppfd.
Looks like an idiot made that light.

If HPS chould grow with 10 100watt bulbs it should if quality of the bulbs are equal grow better quality stuff than 1 single 1k watt bulb... Spectrum king builds mindlessly condensed led lights that have the uneven coverage of a HPS, making me ask "WTF?"

One of the great things about PCB/CoB builds is the multi sources of light. SK lights take giant steps backwards when it comes to distributing that light evenly. Why would anyone want to grow with LED's designed to push light out like HPS form a single source when one of the biggest obsticals of HPS was the spread of light creating hot spots requiring you to lift the light only to kill your ppfd on the edges.

I build my PCB lights at 42 inch long and 8 inch wide for a reason and the lights are performing far better than I thought they would, also they are doing better in ways I didn't even expect. If I wanted mindless dumb watts pushed from a small center cluster I could EASILY build a light better than the morons down at SK. Yeah, I called them morons and I'm not even very accomplished in building lights. If they gave me lights to do a side by side that would be cool, but they would have to be ok with me selling them on craigslist after they fail to keep up.

i made 6" x 22" 560 samsung diode panels and single 70 w 1" x 46" strips..

way earlier than that i bought an sk 400_+..i ended up using the two drivers
lolz! SK is borderline offensive because its an actual company that buiilds lights that are considered lower end here but in a frame that makes them a joke even in the growing world at large.
So what is your response to the video posted of Remo's results with the SK600? Is Remo full of shit and just popped the SK600's in there for the photo shoot?
So what is your response to the video posted of Remo's results with the SK600? Is Remo full of shit and just popped the SK600's in there for the photo shoot?

I don't see a spec of evidence that what I said was wrong. I didn't call the lights crap or un able to grow, they are as I said in your quote of me, SK to me is a company that builds "lights that are considered lower end here."

LED's are about efficiency of power consumption, at least to me... Conserving power while growing as good or better than old tech is the goal and in my opinion LED's have surpassed that, but SK lights are again IMO prolly not as good as a DE high end light setup for an ass load of money and I believe more watts used that DIY light/kits and cob/lm561c and others. For instance, Next light mega by the numbers should destroy SK in almost every setting possible.
also if you buy a sk600 the word from the company is that they are 30% brighter than the same light eariler this year. YOu can send your old lights in and they will upgrade them... for a cost.

True they are not very effecient but it is possible to grow fantastic quality with them
Your trying too hard bro, it's like would you rather have a Johnson Grow Lights CX series or Quantum Boards?
At least SK is offering an upgrade as chip tech changed

I'm not trying too hard, there is something wrong with you and your logic.

You do realize this company makes incredible claims but has a "meh" led light right? I build my own led light that I can say at their worst will grow equal to this COMPANIES "brightest lights like omfgz evah!".... and I'm a nobody... At best my lights and near countless others here have built lights a very measurable amount better than this companies lights. They also charge a ton for their lights. I can build at least 4 320watt lights to their one for what they charge and easily cover a better ppfd, not to mention I'd cover 2x the area meaning I will at least grow 2x as much.

To answer your question I'd much rather have the QB's over Johnson Grow lights but I'd rather have my lights over Quantum boards. I respect Quantum Boards, what they can do and the fact that I have never seen them pretend to be the best led or grow light ever made when oddly they are actually close to it... SK's tech is behind almost every persons parts that make their own DIY lights here while SK also has the absolute worst design of any led light I personally have seen made for growing to date. Why would you pack all your cobs, diodes or anything as tight together as you can get, then jack up the watts... My lights are 672 lm561c diodes spread over a 8inch wide by 42 inch long PCB, do you think that if I packed all 672 chips into a 10x10 inch area that I'd even get close to the same spread of light with the same intensity? Well that's what SK does and I'm not even sure its a 10x10 inch, might be smaller lol.

SK is lazy LED, they buy pre made by the billions light fixtures and then dump in dated chips tightly packed... I mean, do you disagree with this undeniable reality, am I missing where the greatness of this light is?

As I said before, SK can probably grow good stuff, but it's still a horribly designed light with dated chips hence the parody of a heatsink. Their heatsink probably costs more than all the other parts combined. Buy it if you want, I don't mind =)
"SK is lazy LED, they buy pre made by the billions light fixtures and then dump in dated chips tightly packed... I mean, do you disagree with this undeniable reality, am I missing where the greatness of this light is?"

I think they just have a different target group.
Their target group are not tent owners, but greenhouse operators.

The Osram Duris E10 are 11.4w diodes, with 38v/300mA(max.400) according to datasheet. The best binning is 1800lm (5000°k/CRI80), which is 158lm/w.
Here 168pcs are installed, so that each runs with about 3.5w/100mA, the efficiency should be around +180lm/w.
And there are additional 28 Osram Oslon hyperreds and Osram did special bin selections for their
large customers like SanLight.
The goal here is to replace 1:1 1000w HPS in greenhouses. It also has diffusers that can bundle or spread out the light at the same time. I think 4 different I have seen on their website.
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I think one reason Remo had such good results was his growing style. He doesn't scrog or sog - he grows big motherfucking trees. That HPS-like spotlight approach looks to do pretty well in that situation. I believe he could have done even better with a better light (and for a lot less money), but then again, Remo doesn't really need to do better; the man is a rock star.
The second plant pic was grown under regular mars Led 275W actual draw. The first a clone of the second plant grown out under Spectrum King 400+ Much more leaf and way less bud density.
It doesn't even look like the same strain!
But undaunted I need to make SK work, just to much invested.

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The second plant pic was grown under regular mars Led 275W actual draw. The first a clone of the second plant grown out under Spectrum King 400+ Much more leaf and way less bud density.
It doesn't even look like the same strain!
But undaunted I need to make SK work, just to much invested.

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What about the fertilizer and soil regimen? Exactly the same?