New Research Chemicals and Designer Drugs

REgarding the blue lotus bars - my research seems to indicate that it is indeed extract of the (formerly) rare blue lotus - blue lotus was a mythical flower that has been written about (greeks?). I saw a special on TV about such a substance, two people consumed it, began talking interestedly with each other and then tried to get the researchers to give them more. They described it as euphoric, sedating and quite pleasant. It probably isn't synthisized.

But, Blue Lotus active at 2mg's? I find that highly unlikely.
I guess there is the blue lotus flower extract and then there is the blue lotus bars that are actually a benzo, they just use that name. The shit I got was the extract didn't notice any effects maybe a slight calming if that
Are you sure it was actually blue lotus extract? Can you say for certain.

Some people misinterpret what benzodiazepines actually do. How many MG's did you consume in one setting?
I've had some blue lotus flower extract from a head shop, it looked like a thin sheet of hash, it was pretty weak, I didn't really notice anything
A head shop around here was selling a RC packaged as Green Buddha, I have no clue what was in it but I tried it and it mimics MDMA, Heightened social interaction, warm tingly fuzzy feeling skin, Enhanced appreciation to music, I am assuming it was mephedrone but I have no clue, the guy says he can't get them anymore but another shop is now selling Molly mosquito caps.

I got to this post form trying to google Molly caps and can't really find much info, These do not have the P.L.U.R label They are just Molly Mosquito caps with a dragonfly looking bug on the package.

I have tried it but it was the same night shortly after trying a little bit of Green buddha so I couldn't really tell how it was and what the effects were.

I got another one so I am going to see whats up and if it is the same as those green buddhas

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Etizolam is becoming the new phenazepam (popularity wise) as it's pretty widely available in actual blister packs of pills and seems less likely to lead to week or month long blackouts as were reported from phenazepam abuse. I am glad to see most of the opiate/benzo RCs staying fairly underground, I'm not particularly interested in them anyways and I feel that they will attract even more media attention and lead to way more incidents than any of the psychedelics have or will. (VICE article on some of the craziest opiate chemistry going on out there) Hopefully greed won't prevail over caution, as there's plenty of money to be made by suppliers without resorting to marketing it and pushing it in headshops and gas stations, though perhaps all the attention on K2/Spice and "bath salts" has kept them too busy to pull off another Operation Web Tryp, but it's only a matter of time as the scene is clearly growing with new chemicals. The NBOMe series is taking off in a big way and is likely going to make it a wise purchase for you fluffheads out there to get some LSD field test kits, there's plenty of unscrupulous people willing to buy a gram or two and lay a whole page of "acid" and make bank. I don't know if it's happening everywhere but around Detroit I've been hearing more and more reports of DOx blotter going around, and the cost per dose is much higher for DOC/DOI than it is for 25i-NBOMe and such.

As for AM-2201 and it's other friends, I tried a handful of the "synthetic" cannabinoids last spring and summer, JWH-018, AM-2201 and a few others. AM-2201 was one of my favorites despite its short duration, I typically just dusted a bit of actual chronic with it for extra boost, didn't particularly enjoy it just on it's own. I ended up giving my last few points to a friend who had been blowing fifteen to twenty-five dollars a day buying K2 and Spice to stay high but stay clean for urine tests. He blew through the entire bag in less than a week due to constantly redosing every 30-40 minutes. I've had a couple anxiety/paranoia attacks from the various RC cannabinoids but nothing serious, did prepare a bowl with AM-2201 at Bonnaroo this year on Friday morning and was just warning people not to roast the whole thing and to take small hits when a girl came running up screaming that her friend in her tent was having a seizure, having some experience with this I ran to make sure nobody was trying to jam anything down her throat or something crazy like that, by the time a medical cart arrived and i walked back to my campsite a kid who had decided to toke down on my bowl while i was gone was pale as a ghost puking in the weeds by our neighbors camp. felt bad but he did exactly what i had warned him about

DOC and 25i-NBOMe have been all over Houston for the past year. there are tons of RCs going around right now but legit LSD-25 and MDMA are becoming harder to come by.
Molly is around detroit, its just terribly expensive. i dont mess with it i just know its there.

Best "LSD" i ever had came outta Detroit around 2003. everything else ive ever tried wasnt worth it.

What are the best opiate and LSD mimicking RC's?

I know these are a complete waste of money. Diphenhydramine and Valerian root are much better.

I am also on the hunt for a nice opiate and benzo alternative. Hit me with a vendor via pm if your the coolest mother fucker on the planet.
Click the link in my sig that says "Adventure time" And the VERY last post is about to have the name of an awesome Benzo. It will be one word all by itself with a ;)