I tried to PM this to you, but your box is full. So, here you go.
I have good news to offer you.
Prostate cancer is one of the easiest forms of cancer to kick with RSO or concentrated cannabis oil. No other medications needed. As long as the oil is made correctly. One important factor is to use indica buds and using the best buds from your grow.
It will take around a pound of buds or less to make enough oil to kick the cancer. It is worth it my friend. There is no better high than taking away somebody's cancer. Trust me, I am sure you can do this. As long as the patient listens and follows the dosing directions.
This is really good news, Rick Simpson says that he has not heard of any failures of a cure from cannabis oil yet regarding prostate cancer. I myself have seen this to be true. The Clare County Compassion Club in Michigan made some oil for a prostate cancer patient that was basically sent home to die within a few months. The cancer spread to his bones and other organs. He was listed as stage 4. The club made up some oil for him after they saw that I had cured a patient of cancer with cannabis oil. I was shocked. With donations, they cured this man, Uncle Tom.
Uncle Tom, because of some average grade oil, if not lower grade, is fully cured of his cancer after using cannabis oil. That is all your patient needs is cannabis oil. I have taken on a new cancer patient, complete stranger to me, and i am treating him for free, with the best buds and the best oil I can make. Why would I do this? Because I know it will cure him.
Cure this man with RSO (concentrated cannabis oil) I know you can!
Here is a link to one of my blogs, maybe the information can help.
I recommend a quick wash method and the patient must consume three doses per day, no excuses!
I hope this helps you and your patient.
God bless