New mandate for drunk driving detection in all vehicles

Common sense laws aside, They are already watching you way closer than you think .
Would be naive to think otherwise.
It isnt going to get any less so a things move on. My fridge probably has more intel on me than my wife
Yes, they already have too much access to what I do online. Not so much anywhere else, because I don't drive a smart car, wear a smart watch or even carry a cell phone. Alexa is not in my home and newer devices in my kitchen are not enabled to access the internet. My refrigerator does not collect data on me. The unit I bought does not have that capability. So, maybe you allowed that to happen. What corporations and government are allowed to do depends on what we require our lawmakers to do.

Just because people have already lost their privacy does not mean privacy laws cannot be changed. Nothing will happen if we don't demand change. If we do demand change, nothing can stop us. Regarding internet privacy, Europe can show the US what it's doing. They are way ahead of us in that regard. H.R.5807 Digital Accountability and Transparency to Advance Privacy Act or the DATA Privacy Act is an example of what can be done today.

And, who are "they"? Yes corporations do have way too much access but that can be changed. The government does have access to international exchanges across our internet but cannot legally monitor people inside the US. There are big penalties if they do.

did I offend you in some way? I'm comfortable with you and me disagreeing over whether or not the government needs to monitor my movement or should have access to data on my daily affairs without restrictions. As I said earlier, I'm all for research into how to prevent drunk driving. Before I'd say yes, let's do it, I'd like to see what they propose . If it is as simple and non-intrusive as a seat belt, then sure. If it involves sending video of everything I do while driving, then I'd need more information. I'd need a better explanation explanation on what data is being gathered, stored and shared as well as how effective it is at saving lives. Also, I'd like a better idea on the reliability of this system. I'd like to know what safeguards are in place for using data that is outside of this mandate, how it is monitored and penalties for abusing the system. In this regard, I'm on @Hook Daddy 's side. I don't blindly trust that the government will do the right things. Trust but verify, as they say.
Put on a mask before you drive and they won't know it's u.....
Organ donors....why would any take a motorcycle to a car fight? Your never gonna win that one I don't care how many helmets you wear. If you choose to risk driving a deathrap motorcycle you have made a bad life decision and we want to repurpose your usable organs....
Same could be said for your electric trike. A Tesla on autopilot would smash right into that too, given similar conditions.

Although motorcycles make up only 3% of all registered vehicles and 0.6% of all vehicle miles traveled in the United States, motorcyclists accounted for 14% of all traffic fatalities, 18% of all occupant fatalities, and 4% of all occupant injuries in 2020. A factor that directly influences motorcycle fatality trends is helmet use.

Fatalities among motorcycle riders and passengers increased 11% from 2019 to 2020, while the rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled increased by 23%. Over the last 10 years, deaths have increased 20% while death rates have increased 27%. The number of motorcycle fatalities now stands at 5,579 and the rate is 31.64 per 100 million vehicle miles. In 2020 motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes had higher percentages of alcohol impairment than drivers of any other motor vehicle type (27% for motorcycles, 23% for passenger cars, 19% for light trucks, and 3% for trucks).
Those stats don't make it ok for a Tesla on auto to just plow into a motorcyclist and kill them. I'm not sure why you are trying to justify unnecessary death committed by AI. It's a very odd choice of things to be championing.
Drunk driving sucks and id love for it to end. But if you think any sort of in-car tracking of your vitals or sobriety will start and end with just seeing if youre drunk, youre fucking nuts.

Onstar, ATX, Siriusxm, Amazon echo, and a list of others all started with the intent of helping people and have all been compromised and used by police and government agencies to lock people up.

Insurance companies are offering "discounted rates" for plugging in trackers to your ODB2 port that will monitor a range of things to detect your driving habits and reward (or punish) you and adjust your rates. From top speeds to braking velocity to what time of day/night youre on the road. Id imagine that will also be mandatory one day. Mandatory automated driving can also suck it, all this shit is the reason im looking at old stick shift Subarus. Happily hoping for more oversight for an entire country that would most likely only become stricter or more intrusive in time because youe "not up to anything" is some cowardly horseshit. Learn to drive and fucking pay attention, or mandate balls in your mouth good sir
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Those stats don't make it ok for a Tesla on auto to just plow into a motorcyclist and kill them. I'm not sure why you are trying to justify unnecessary death committed by AI. It's a very odd choice of things to be championing.
Motorcyclists are much more likely to be killed by a deer than a wayward Tesla.....
  1. About 1.2 million deer-vehicle collisions occur in the United States each year, and 70% of the fatalities that occur involve motorcycles. (AAA)
  2. The average motorcyclist has a 1 in 100 chance of hitting a deer while riding. (Washington Post)
  3. In Washington State, motorcyclists account for only 3% of the vehicles on the road, but they represent 19% of the severe injuries and 15% of the fatalities that occur. (WA Traffic Safety Commission)
  4. Between 1991 and 2012, motorcyclists hitting deer represented 6% of rider deaths tracked during that year in Minnesota. (MN Department of Public Safety)
looks like bears get their share .....

I imagine cows and dogs too....
Drunk driving sucks and id love for it to end. But if you think any sort of in-car tracking of your vitals or sobriety will start and end with just seeing if youre drunk, youre fucking nuts.

Onstar, ATX, Siriusxm, Amazon echo, and a list of others all started with the intent of helping people and have all been compromised and used by police and government agencies to lock people up.

Insurance companies are offering "discounted rates" for plugging in trackers to your ODB2 port that will monitor a range of things to detect your driving habits and reward (or punish) you and adjust your rates. From top speeds to braking velocity to what time of day/night youre on the road. Id imagine that will also be mandatory one day. Mandatory automated driving can also suck it, all this shit is the reason im looking at old stick shift Subarus. Happily hoping for more oversight for an entire country that would most likely only become stricter or more intrusive in time because youe "not up to anything" is some cowardly horseshit. Learn to drive and fucking pay attention, or mandate balls in your mouth good sir
Same could be said for your electric trike. A Tesla on autopilot would smash right into that too, given similar conditions.

A tesla on autopilot probably wouldn't have hit's a statistical fact that self driving teslas have much lower accident rate that manually driven cars. AI driven cars save lives.
Motorcyclists are much more likely to be killed by a deer than a wayward Tesla.....
  1. About 1.2 million deer-vehicle collisions occur in the United States each year, and 70% of the fatalities that occur involve motorcycles. (AAA)
  2. The average motorcyclist has a 1 in 100 chance of hitting a deer while riding. (Washington Post)
  3. In Washington State, motorcyclists account for only 3% of the vehicles on the road, but they represent 19% of the severe injuries and 15% of the fatalities that occur. (WA Traffic Safety Commission)
  4. Between 1991 and 2012, motorcyclists hitting deer represented 6% of rider deaths tracked during that year in Minnesota. (MN Department of Public Safety)
Finding a bigger concern somehow doesn't magically erase the other concern.
A tesla on autopilot probably wouldn't have hit's a statistical fact that self driving teslas have much lower accident rate that manually driven cars. AI driven cars save lives.
Actually the reason it hit it, is because Tesla has gotten rid of the radar detection on their newer vehicles and have replaced it with IR based AI image perception. Their system can't properly detect narrow low lit vehicles, such as motorcycles, at night.
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Finding a bigger concern somehow doesn't magically erase the other concern.

Actually the reason it hit his is because Tesla has gotten rid of the radar detection on their newer vehicles and have replaced it with IR based AI image perception. Their system can't properly detect narrow low lit vehicles, such as motorcycles, at night.
teslas are still safer than a 4 year olds drunk mom.....
They both have their problems.

School buses kill more people each year than Teslas do. Maybe kids should just walk to school like when I was a kid......
Every year, 121 people are killed in school bus accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
School buses kill more people each year than Teslas do. Maybe kids should just walk to school like when I was a kid......
Every year, 121 people are killed in school bus accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Maybe they should require seat belts on school busses instead. Of course that won't solve the issue of Teslas on auto drive running over kids.