New mandate for drunk driving detection in all vehicles


Well-Known Member
Privacy? :lol:

You'd be surprised how much info/questions the US Consulate can come up with to prove who you are when you wash and dry your passport beyond reconsecration 2 days before your departure. ( that was in the 90's)
We made it to South America and back. As well Canada to Alaska via Michigan. No passports. I refute being herded.


Well-Known Member
What is it here now? 0.10 I believe. Learn some evaporative rates of alcohol at 98F through the pulmonary system encountering your lungs?

I can smell your drunk before I see it. LOL.
I was making a joke about you putting Methyl Alcohol instead of Ethyl Alcohol. Methanol will kill you. I mean, ethanol will too but it takes significantly more.


Well-Known Member
It's all good. For a typical drinker it's not something to think about. If you get into distilling your own spirits or drinking shit not meant to be drank is when methanol becomes relevant.
I distill water. $2.59/gallon my ass. Boil off 100 for less. LOL>