new love at the petrol station! :)

success!!!!!! got her number and were going for "coffee" 2mro when she is finished work :bigjoint:
and she is a piece of art!!!! not 500yrs old and a rotton frame oh no far from it!
black hair blue eyes and one smokin hot body.... i am so gonna fuck this up lol

Wellll, how'd ya do it?
You should have just stared her down then raised 2 fingers..then just went "oh yeah.."

Oh well. Congrats and good luck. Just be chill and have some fuckin maners.
yep but cool have manners and just rember they want it almost as much as you but u might have a nice keeper
Wellll, how'd ya do it?

ill b honest i aint good lookin bu this girl is like steroids to my confedance! i just held myself 2gether as best as i could, if u want someone tat badly u can get them:)

coffee was great got to no her a bit n she is a reli nice girl talks english better then me lol n she seems to b the old romantic type and ofc i bought the coffee n muffins lol

i havnt established weather she smokes green but im keepin it on the dl till i no where i stand :bigjoint:
ill b honest i aint good lookin bu this girl is like steroids to my confedance! i just held myself 2gether as best as i could, if u want someone tat badly u can get them:)

coffee was great got to no her a bit n she is a reli nice girl talks english better then me lol n she seems to b the old romantic type and ofc i bought the coffee n muffins lol

i havnt established weather she smokes green but im keepin it on the dl till i no where i stand :bigjoint:

Haha, that's awesome for ya man... I'm no Pierce Brosnan, but I think that it's all about the personality for most women, at least the ones I seem to find. But really I was meaning how did you establish the conversation? Did ya ask her what time she got off? ;)
Don't let her go bro. There's so few sexy girls that can actually hold a stimulating conversation anymore.
aw be confident!
ask her to a movie!
hahaha this is so cute.
i used to work at a few gas station and ive seeen guys do all sorts of things to try to get my number.
lol it was pretty entertaining
congrats dude, better to keep the subject of herb on the DL for now. Agree with the butterfly comment, enjoy em...someday youll miss the nervousness
Haha, that's awesome for ya man... I'm no Pierce Brosnan, but I think that it's all about the personality for most women, at least the ones I seem to find. But really I was meaning how did you establish the conversation? Did ya ask her what time she got off? ;)

LOL oh jesus its was a disaster at first... i went in only to be served by someone else ( smell of rage off me) n she still went out of her way to say hi . i got my shit paid for and walked out. at this stage i was only fit to kill... as i approched my car my sub concious kicked in!!i went back into the shop grabbed the cheapest milk i could find n walked up to the countern she opened the second till just for me n i was all like thanks n such. i just said to her u must be new here, how do u like it n topped it off with a joke about the horrific weather! BOOM the ice breaker!!! n then i asked for her number and i said ill giv her a buzz sometime. rang her the next day... sorted :bigjoint:
As soon as I saw "coffee" I knew you'd be railin' that chick haha.
Small tits + nice ass, best comination imho.
This thread has been entertaining haha
plantpuss is busy pursuing this gas station girl if they do hook up and he shows her this site she will see she was being stalked by him and we helped
im no stalker... im a peepin tom there actually very different lol this will b something ill show her when the time comes n i found out her views on weed.... its a no no but i was honest with her and told her "yes i frequently smoke and occasionally i enjoy snortin coke off a hookers body but who dosnt?" she wasnt impressed bu thats me accept me 4 me or dont bother tryin. everythin is goin smoothly thank god....

heres a question... which would u rather a sexy lil minx or smokin green?
your choice
i chose to do both. like keepin ur business life seperate from your social/family life
guess which is business LOL
im no stalker... im a peepin tom there actually very different lol this will b something ill show her when the time comes n i found out her views on weed.... its a no no but i was honest with her and told her "yes i frequently smoke and occasionally i enjoy snortin coke off a hookers body but who dosnt?" she wasnt impressed bu thats me accept me 4 me or dont bother tryin. everythin is goin smoothly thank god....

heres a question... which would u rather a sexy lil minx or smokin green?
your choice
i chose to do both. like keepin ur business life seperate from your social/family life
guess which is business LOL

how did she react?