9 of 10 have sprung from their shells. I am optimistic about #10. I think I can see a little bulge in the soil. I'm pretty pumped.
The tomatoe seedlings are doing well. They have spent the last 2 days outdoors. The wind was rough on them the first day. Gusty at times. Luckily I stopped by the house for lunch. The stems were all laying mostly horizontal. It was an oh shit moment. I added some more material to support their stalks and set up a board for a wind screen. They had perked back up by the time I got home from work. They get full morning and afternoon sun and from 12-:00-5:00ish they are in the shade. Thank you Mr live oak tree. Will introduce all day sun as they get stronger.
There is a sense of pride. Look at what I have created. I am all powerful. As I say that, a more humble thought comes to mind. I have done no magic. Life did not spring from my finger tips. I am merely a cultivator. Perhaps that's the true task , purpose, reason for living, the only thing worth putting effort into. Cultivating. My family. My relationships. My environment. Smh. That's some good ass weed Dano. This may not be the aha moment later when this wears off. But in this moment perhaps I've found meaning I had never considered. I'll ponder when less stoned. Till then I'll get about my day and cultivate.