New here with a question.

I was thinking of getting a bank loan to start my grow op. It would be my first attempt but im fairly certain I know what i'm doing in terms of how to grow/set up. I have a few questions about what nutes to use still but im searching the fourms to try to learn. If you have any advice on the loan idea it would be appreciated. also I was gonna use a switchable ballast with 600w mh then switching to 600w hps later on. will it be enough for 6-8 plants ? Again any advice on nutes or the bank loan would be awesome.


Active Member
your going to get a loan for that small set up...realy?. no offence but i dont know to many banks or lenders that waste time on loans of about 1k or less


Active Member
hell ill sell you that for 5k...then ill go buy 10 new ones with the 5k.not sure how much you think this stuff costs but you dont need 5k for a couple light grow and a handfull of plants. i bet i could set you ip for about 700 bux...roughly. something to grow 7 or 8 plant..


New Member
maybe u should start off small till u get the hang of it ???? do u have a plan for repaying the loan or u think the lights are gonna do it right away?
i mean i was hoping that the first batch would at least bring in a little dough... assuming I do it right. I am more capable than the average joe.
I failed to explain that i wanted 5k not only for the room but to pay 4 months rent up front sorry for leaving out the details.


Active Member
im not being a douch dood. you show 2 or 3 pieces of equipment and say you need are we to know tou wanted all the little extras to build for the future till you tell us...who`s the douch. you gonna tell the bank its for a grow? and get a loan in this recession?

just trying to save you some money was all. maybe you suck at growing and will never get it so why waste it yet..and i dont mean any offecne on sucking but some just never get it and give up., you are new to this so start small. you can always add later with the return on the investement your growing.


New Member
your not more capable than the average u just think so........ u all do............and your first crop isnt going to be for awhile .........if you even get one your first time ..........


Active Member
oh you got it all down after reading a book. welcome to the real world and its not as they say in the books the non growers wrote. dont forget they are paid to say what they say
im not being a douch dood. you show 2 or 3 pieces of equipment and say you need are we to know tou wanted all the little extras to build for the future till you tell us...who`s the douch. you gonna tell the bank its for a grow? and get a loan in this recession?

just trying to save you some money was all. maybe you suck at growing and will never get it so why waste it yet..and i dont mean any offecne on sucking but some just never get it and give up., you are new to this so start small. you can always add later with the return on the investement your growing.
ok it was my fult man i dont know why i am expecting you all to know whats on my mind. i retract my douche statement.


New Member
u can read all the books u want but u gotta do it before u really know............dude u should start out small ebay is full of used grow lights