New Hash Making Method

There's actually a separate forum for "concentrates and extracts", it's just way down the list. I tried using hydroxide on fresh buds before and nothing reacted even with heat, but I didn't grind them up first. How did you grind fresh bud, with a blender? It works if you make extract, like with alcohol, and then dissolve the extract with minimal alcohol, just enough to dissolve it, then slowly mix in the hydroxide solution, just a little at a time. You're left with a solution which is mostly water because the small amount of alcohol is diluted so much at that point that it's not even noticeable. Then when you add citric acid it precipitates out. If you use potassium carbonate instead of hydroxide then when you add the citric acid it forms a sponge of THCA, expands right up from the CO2 being formed. Use a large container because it really expands a lot. It shrinks back down as the water drains out though, in a filter, but it's still sponge just not blown right up like at first. After rinsing and drying it, you have a nice solid sponge THCA product, like sponge toffee but THCA. It's crispy. It gradually gets brownish from exposure to air but starts out white. It's in chunks not one big sponge.
Basically what I stated before; I did this experiment in the past and it is best to use a blender to grind up your freshly picked wet bud with sodium hydroxide (carefully) and then filter with vacuum filtration. After the solution is collected, you’d make a brine with it and add a brine of acetic acid to precipitate out the THCA (neutralizing the Sodium hydroxide and sodium THC.). You would then filter again to collect the product.
I will stick with the original way of making the worlds best hash, silk screen and press. If I want to extract I would use a rosin press. THC is not the only part of the plant to look at, terpine extraction is just as important and neither of these ways I mentioned use any chemicals so the finished products are the purest form of the plant and not a stripped down terpineless extract. Now don't get me wrong, to each their own.
Yea makes sense. I didnt say it was the best way, but surprisingly it retains the basis of the terpenes to have an odour.
Basically what I stated before; I did this experiment in the past and it is best to use a blender to grind up your freshly picked wet bud with sodium hydroxide (carefully) and then filter with vacuum filtration. After the solution is collected, you’d make a brine with it and add a brine of acetic acid to precipitate out the THCA (neutralizing the Sodium hydroxide and sodium THC.). You would then filter again to collect the product.
I doubt if anywhere near all of it gets dissolved. I actually mashed the bud up pretty good with the hydroxide solution and got next to nothing. I used potassiom hydroxide though, maybe sodium works better. But fresh material is just too bulky. It makes more sense to dry it out and extract it with alcohol, all below freezing. The cold alcohol extract is actually about the same as the THCA so not much point in going farther than that.

In fact if you put the THCA in a microwave it turns back into what looks almost like the original extract when it melts together. It's no longer white but a gold color. A weird thing though is that it stays soft, it doesn't go back solid like the original extract. If you leave a chunk of it sitting on parchment it will gradually pancake out. It has a gooey consistency. The original form of the extract is actually more convenient because it says in a solid chunk. Maybe someone would like the gooey THCA product though, if you had a something to keep it in so it wouldn't spread out. Actually it would be a new product because nobody has ever produced THCA goo before that I know of. Who would think of microwaving THCA powder to fuse it together?

So there's not really much point because how does it being a white powder make it better than if it's a gold mass and how is working with a large amount of wet material more convenient than a much smaller volume of dried material? Thanks for sharing your experience though, it was interesting to read. Maybe somebody will find it useful sometime.
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Have you ever made hash this way ? (what i may do with the less mature buds at harvest)

We all know cannabis contains THCA, which has a carboxylic acid group, meaning you can manipulate it...

Grind the fresh bud with added Sodium Hydroxide and water. The NaOH in stoichiometric amount in 100% excess from assumed THCA content of fresh bud. After, filter to collect the liquid with the dissolved Sodium THCA (the sodium from sodium hydroxide gets attached to the carboxylic acid group of the THCA and it is water soluble). Make a brine by adding salt then add stoichiometric amount of acetic acid from the amount of NaOH added, that you also make a brine with, to neutralize the base. When you add the acetic acid brine to the brine of the sodium THCA, you will notice a sand of precipitate of pure THCA that you can filter. It is almost pure material. You can wash it with a bit of water to remove the excess salt.
I am surprised they dont use this method in the industry, all you need to do is grind the fresh bud add the readily available specific compounds with some filtering…very simple. I came up with it because I know chemistry and it works!

Thought this would be a good first post to introduce myself!

It is chemistry; the carboxylic acid group will definitely form a water soluble sodium THC with sodium hydroxide. Potassium hydroxide would do the same thing and may be even more water soluble. It works for me anyway. I dont bother with extracts any longer, but I found it to be a great new method. You would need to really squeeze the filter cake of the fresh bud you are filtering with good vacuum, preferably not to ground so it doesnt take forever to filter.
I doubt if anywhere near all of it gets dissolved. I actually mashed the bud up pretty good with the hydroxide solution and got next to nothing. I used potassiom hydroxide though, maybe sodium works better. But fresh material is just too bulky. It makes more sense to dry it out and extract it with alcohol, all below freezing. The cold alcohol extract is actually about the same as the THCA so not much point in going farther than that.

In fact if you put the THCA in a microwave it turns back into what looks almost like the original extract when it melts together. It's no longer white but a gold color. A weird thing though is that it stays soft, it doesn't go back solid like the original extract. If you leave a chunk of it sitting on parchment it will gradually pancake out. It has a gooey consistency. The original form of the extract is actually more convenient because it says in a solid chunk. Maybe someone would like the gooey THCA product though, if you had a something to keep it in so it wouldn't spread out. Actually it would be a new product because nobody has ever produced THCA goo before that I know of. Who would think of microwaving THCA powder to fuse it together?

So there's not really much point because how does it being a white powder make it better than if it's a gold mass and how is working with a large amount of wet material more convenient than a much smaller volume of dried material? Thanks for sharing your experience though, it was interesting to read. Maybe somebody will find it useful sometime.
Potassium should work
It is chemistry; the carboxylic acid group will definitely form a water soluble sodium THC with sodium hydroxide. Potassium hydroxide would do the same thing and may be even more water soluble. It works for me anyway. I dont bother with extracts any longer, but I found it to be a great new method. You would need to really squeeze the filter cake of the fresh bud you are filtering with good vacuum, preferably not to ground so it doesnt take forever to filter.
I request your procedure
Well if you carry this out just make sure it is legal where you are, etc. I am not liable, but you can find the general procedure posted above. You would have to determine the general stoichiometric ratio for the amount of acetic acid you need to neutralize the sodium or potassium hydroxide and sodium or potassium THC to get the THCA precipitate.

If you know the general amount of THCA in your fresh bud, I can do all of the stoichiometry and math for you. Example:

1Kg of fresh cannabis with 20% THCA, I can calculate the amount of everything
Ok so example:

1000grams x 0.2 (20% THCA) = 200grams
200grams / 314.45 g/mol of THCA x 1mol NaOH/ 1mol THCA x 40g/mol NaOH = 25.44grams of sodium hydroxide required

neutralization: 25.44g NaOH / 40g/mol NaOH x 1mol acetic acid / 1mol NaOH x 60.052g/mol acetic acid = 38.19 grams glacial acetic acid or divided by 1.05g/ml density to equal 36.37mL of glacial acetic acid or 727ml of 5% vinegar.
Yield should be high, just add 50% extra NaOH from the THCA in the bud just in case and neutralize it by stoichiometric ratio.

314.45g/mol THCA
337.44g/mol sodium THC
Ok so example:

1000grams x 0.2 (20% THCA) = 200grams
200grams / 314.45 g/mol of THCA x 1mol NaOH/ 1mol THCA x 40g/mol NaOH = 25.44grams of sodium hydroxide required

neutralization: 25.44g NaOH / 40g/mol NaOH x 1mol acetic acid / 1mol NaOH x 60.052g/mol acetic acid = 38.19 grams glacial acetic acid or divided by 1.05g/ml density to equal 36.37mL of glacial acetic acid or 727ml of 5% vinegar.
What I am not seeing in this is your 200 mol % specification in post 1 being applied
Well just 1.5 x 25.44grams NaOH then that gram amount divided by 40g/mol x 1molacetic/1molNaOH x 60.52 = etc. Density etc etc divided by 5% to get the amount of 5%vinegar
I love chemistry. Different subject, but I am making this new un-research molecule (safely, responsible and legal of course..i dont do illegal chemistry). Just like correlations made I research in the Shulgin Index, the 3-methoxy substitution on the phenethylamine can have affinity for serotonin. A fractal of ourself with interaction.
RIP! Great chemist.
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Why use acetic acid though? Citric acid doesn't stink and is a stronger carboxylic acid. I guess a little harder to find, I got mine at a bulk foods store. You might say that acetic would evaporate to leave less residue but it's actually pretty hard to get every bit of it to evaporate. Citric also acts as a preservative for THC, it keeps tinctures from going to cannabinol as quickly, just very small amounts of course. Probably hard on lungs though so wash the extract well with pure water.
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I chose acetic acid because it does the job and whether citric or acetic, it would remove the sodium (or potassium) from the THCA molecule, precipitating out the product for collection by filtration. For me when I did this years ago, I recall it separating out like a sand and very pure.
I chose acetic acid because it does the job and whether citric or acetic, it would remove the sodium (or potassium) from the THCA molecule, precipitating out the product for collection by filtration. For me when I did this years ago, I recall it separating out like a sand and very pure.
Just seems like alcohol extraction is simpler and the product is pretty much the same just not in grain form and white colored. Maybe if you could sell it for more at some dispensary it would be worth it. People where I live don't even like normal extracts much, they prefer bud or hash. It is interesting that you were able to get THCA directly from wet bud though, I hadn't seen that reported before.
Yea, it is new from what I can tell. I come up with new ways of doing things in chemistry and I am also an inventor. The thing about alcohol extract is you get chlorophyll with the extract, with the new extraction method, it is literally like 90%+ purity product. There is always positives and negatives with the different method, but Id say the yield is high, the terpenes are somehow retained to some extent, the product is pure and it is very satisfying...It is always nice to see pure product precipitate out.

not to entice anyone to do it...just make sure it is legal before conducting this method And wear gloves when dealing with sodium hydroxide obviously and it’s solution. You can get some horrible burns.
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Have you ever made hash this way ? (what i may do with the less mature buds at harvest)

We all know cannabis contains THCA, which has a carboxylic acid group, meaning you can manipulate it...

Grind the fresh bud with added Sodium Hydroxide and water. The NaOH in stoichiometric amount in 100% excess from assumed THCA content of fresh bud. After, filter to collect the liquid with the dissolved Sodium THCA (the sodium from sodium hydroxide gets attached to the carboxylic acid group of the THCA and it is water soluble). Make a brine by adding salt then add stoichiometric amount of acetic acid from the amount of NaOH added, that you also make a brine with, to neutralize the base. When you add the acetic acid brine to the brine of the sodium THCA, you will notice a sand of precipitate of pure THCA that you can filter. It is almost pure material. You can wash it with a bit of water to remove the excess salt.
I am surprised they dont use this method in the industry, all you need to do is grind the fresh bud add the readily available specific compounds with some filtering…very simple. I came up with it because I know chemistry and it works!

Thought this would be a good first post to introduce myself!

I was thinking about this recently and it occurred to me that since you only need about twice the molecular amount of hydroxide as THCA, and a mole of hydroxide is about 1/10th the weight of a mole of THCA, you would only need about 1/5th the estimated THCA content of the material. Using solvents, you need about 5 times the weight of the dried plant material, so probably about 25 times the THCA content if it's about 20% THCA weed. So you could either use about 25 times as much solvent or 1/5th as much hydroxide, meaning about 125 times as much solvent required as hydroxide. You would also need an organic acid to precipitate the THCA, but it's still going to be way less materials to buy overall. It's just a question of how the yields compare and if THCA is a desirable product. It would be to me but people have different tastes, I guess some find it bland.
I have never tried meth and I dont use flammable solvents.

1000grams x 0.2 (20% THCA) = 200grams
200grams / 314.45 g/mol of THCA x 1mol NaOH/ 1mol THCA x 40g/mol NaOH = 25.44grams of sodium hydroxide

neutralization: 25.44g NaOH / 40g/mol NaOH x 1mol acetic acid / 1mol NaOH x 60.052g/mol acetic acid = 38.19 grams glacial acetic acid or divided by 1.05g/ml density to equal 36.37mL of glacial acetic acid or 727ml of 5% vinegar.

(maybe just increase by 50% to make sure enough NaOH just in case.)