New growth on dead plant!!!


Well-Known Member
Actully i can't tell if its a girl yet there just stipules i thought they were something else....Hey u learn something new everyday on RIU


Well-Known Member
So i think it's a male its on day 13 or flowering....There are these little balls on the nodes.....I'll post pics later...Damn i'm pissed....What do the female things that come out of the balls look like? How long till they start comming out on a female? Is there any way it could be a female??


Well-Known Member
I say grow it out
save the pollen if it is indeed male
sprinkle some on your next female
create seeds


Well-Known Member
Ok so here are the pic from 2 days ago...I am really confused about the sex....One day i think it's male the other female....There are now some pistels it looks like comming out of one of the balls....I'll take some pics later and post them...But i can't type soo....He ya go...I think it looks good...O yeah the yarn is pulling out some of the shoots because the plant is too goddamn bushy and they wern't getting any light.....



Well-Known Member
looks like you got a male there, cowpoke.
too bad, but what a learning experience anyway.
i suggest you let it mature, harvest pollen, then kill it.


Well-Known Member
so it wont produce seeds that i can use....why save the pollen
a male wont produce seeds by itself. you should save the pollen so you can pollinate a female and have seeds for later use. thats how seeds are made, take pollen from a male and put it on a female (buds).