New growth on dead plant!!!

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
yeah u cant tell sex yet...i thought at first those lil leaves were gonna be buds, but like previously said they will start out as leaves, then a stem will grow behind them...also, those little...idunno how to say it...kinda skinny V shaped things that pop out off the stem...they arent anything important from what i can tell...but yeah i almost thought that those were gonna be female pistals but they arent...its lookin real good tho...i cant wait to see when u put it into flower!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i really wonder how much taller it's gonna get....I really hope it dosen't get above 2 feet....What do you guys think about the yellowing of the leaves...I know i've asked a bunch and i have read a TON of shit on plant def. but i added N what the hell else could it be....It seems like the plant kinda slowed down....Do you guys think that the pot is big enough should i transfer to a bigger pot?? I don't want the plant to die again because the plant got too big for the pot....Thanks in advance!!


Well-Known Member
You will notice if it becomes rootbound well before it dies. The yellowing doesnt seem that bad and I wouldnt worry about it. And it will get above 2 feet. Can almost guaranty it.


Well-Known Member
Should i transplant to a bigger pot??? I think its 1 1/2 or 2 gallon....Its around 11inches in diameter and about 15 inches high...Will that be big enough for the whole grow???


Well-Known Member
Totally your call. I would probably do it now simply because it would be easier then transplanting a 3 ft plant.


Well-Known Member
Should i wait till i can take the plant out so the roots hold the soil in the shape of the old pot??? I have seen this on youtube and the guy at my hydro store said that i should wait till then cause if not i will kill so many roots...Do ya know what i mean??


Well-Known Member
O.k yeah i'll go buy a new pot tommorow...Would it hurt the plant at all the get the biggest pot they have which is like 7 gallons or should i just go one step up....What would be the best size for my plant from now till harvest like what gallon do u think???


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude i feel like such a pain in the ass for everyone!!??? I mean i'm on page 19 for all my bullshit....Again sorry everyone/....


Well-Known Member
Yeah i love being able to buy it off of like 5 different people...If you lived in Central New York i would smoke your ass up FAT!!!! Just picked up some WW...I think it might be my next strain really helps with my pain alot....

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i think three gallon is the 12 inch pot...thats what i got...honestly, i didnt see a slowing of growth when i transplanted...and if u've never done it before u'll be surprised how easy it is...ask me if u need any tips or nething


Well-Known Member
Ok so i think i got the 3 gallon then...Is it ok for the whole grow like till harvest??? But yeah i had to transplant in the beging of this thread cause i had a small square pot and the roots started to grow out the bottom...I think i'm just getting to paranoid because of what happend before....Also one thing people forget when they transplant is latex gloves i think that is one of the most important things so you don't contaminate your beautiful roots...Or maybe it's just me being a nursing student and always having gloves on my hands....Your plant is getting better and better did you ever clip off those leaves that looked all fucked up or did you just leave them on???


Well-Known Member
I started with a 3 gallon and it looks like ill be ending with a 3 gallon. If your talking about my yellowing leaves what I do is give them a little itty bitty tug. If they stay I keep them on until the smallest of tugs pulls them off.