Hello, newby grower here
I can't figure out what is going on with one of my plants. I looked at the guides but nothing quite fits.
It's been hot so maybe...it's the heat nothing seems wilted though. :S
I transplanted them from seedling containers to super soil outdoors 1 week ago and I'm growing in Southern Ontario.
Here are the pics:
Green spots on new growth

Funny tip angles

Lower leaves

I can't figure out what is going on with one of my plants. I looked at the guides but nothing quite fits.
It's been hot so maybe...it's the heat nothing seems wilted though. :S
I transplanted them from seedling containers to super soil outdoors 1 week ago and I'm growing in Southern Ontario.
- It has funny green spots on it's new growth
- the tips of those leaves are bent at funny angles (some are up, some are down, some are sideways)
- Lower leaves are a little yellow but I'm not sure if it's improving relative to before my transplant (soil should be nicer now)
Here are the pics:
Green spots on new growth

Funny tip angles

Lower leaves