New growth: Lime green spots and odd angle tips??


Active Member
Hello, newby grower here
I can't figure out what is going on with one of my plants. I looked at the guides but nothing quite fits.
It's been hot so's the heat nothing seems wilted though. :S

I transplanted them from seedling containers to super soil outdoors 1 week ago and I'm growing in Southern Ontario.
  1. It has funny green spots on it's new growth
  2. the tips of those leaves are bent at funny angles (some are up, some are down, some are sideways)
  3. Lower leaves are a little yellow but I'm not sure if it's improving relative to before my transplant (soil should be nicer now)
Does anyone have any idea whats going on?
Here are the pics:

Green spots on new growth
Funny tip angles
Lower leaves
Hey man, looks like she is hungry, probably cold from being put outside so early in Ontario, these plants will struggle to grow outside with night temps dropping so low. I would wonder how much she is struggling from the temps. my next guess would be at what is in the soil. you can probably ditch the mulch from the pot.... is it only this one plant struggling in the soil or all of em?

did u add any PH buffers to the soil?

if possible cover her in a greenhouse or put her inside for the nighttime can help early in the ontario season.
a weak feeding of something balanced to start wouldnt be a bad idea.
it sort of resolved itself over the past week magically. so I'm going to pretend this didn't happen and chalk it up to gardening mysteries.
Believably it was flowering and re-vegging from the transistion outdoors causing it to be funky.
thank though!