New growroom, please comment


I have built a new grow-box. It uses 6x16w lamps (4 on the roof and 2on the sides). Air in and out fans.
Please let me know how may I improve this grow-box.

P.S. plants are 10 days old now.


newb weed grower

Active Member
by going hydroponic lol
hmm honestly its always good to have the air circulating in the box so a small fan in the box itself cant hurt
oh and as always a must for u and everyone a thermostat maybe a humidity reader
and a ph reader for your water
do u have a timer on this box also is this box going to go full cycle or do u have a different box for flowering cause u may wanna get a blue spectrun bulb for flowering it reallly does the trick other then that im not sure plz tell me what items u have on my list already


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
looks good.. should work tell they get a little biggerand yes then your going to want better air flow on your plants.. nice setup


Well-Known Member
yeah, get that other fan.. your going to have to figure somthing else out for flowering them for sure. start thinking about getting a bigger light lined up. im interested to see how your grow go's.. keep updating pics so i can see how its working. goodluck


Thank you all for the replies, it is nice to have feedback :)
TO: newb weed grower
Yes I do have the thermostat, humidity reader and the ph meter.
Box has the timer outside which is set to 18hours of light (as you probably know, lowriders has auto-flowering gen so I will never change the light, it will be this way till the end)
The plants you see here is lowrider2 it should grow up to 40cm max so I am planing to keep it in the current position for the rest of the time.
What do you think about that?


Well-Known Member
Scrog that puppy and you'll be set. More bud sites develop evenly
and create a nice canopy. Shoot on over to the scrog thread and check out some
small area scrogs, that'll trip ya. and give ya some good ideas.



Well-Known Member
To be honest I am very new to this and do not understand what "BoomerBloomer57" wrote, would you mind explaining more clearly? :)

Also, you all say I need more light, could you possibly more specific? How many of them would you suggest? I am thinking of putting 1-3 of these lamps ( ) Would that do the job?

Another thing is, how to handle the heat if more lamps will be added?

use bb57 it's shorter,

The "scrog" stands for screen of green

You use 2x3 or Livestock fence. Build a square frame from materials on hand or get some 1/2" pvc, and elbows.

Hers a sample pic.


newb weed grower

Active Member
ok i can tell u right now for fifty bucks u can get a full spectrum light led and its purely awsome oh and if you ever g big and have alot of plant you will need to get you some c02
but yah i remember seeing a cheap led look up cheap leds and yull find one make sure that it sais its good for weed cause most know what ur using it for and will tell u so
oh and if ur not so great at it yet simply keep reading the plant problem forums and these noob ones and yull be awsome soon
itll help in the long run
remember u have a box with light on the side so u gotta think about what will happen if they get too fat
all the same i think ushould go ahead and make a bigger box urself the decapitate that one and take all of it and put it with the new one because i know you will need more space
especially in flowering woo
but that box does look like a good seedling grower
just isnt right for the main event tho
well ill be checking in on yah to see your progress u have time on your side to get material and stuff so take your time and think like a genious see yahs


Well-Known Member
that cfl bulb will work, the spiral ones are especially good because they save energy and they distribute more light than others. it will get a little warmer in there but since youur using such a small bulb it wont be anything your intake and outake fans cant handle. and the fact your growing lowrider is awsome, there should be plenty of room to flower once you figure out your lights and where your gonna hang them


Ah, now this makes sense - thanks :)

By the way, how many of those cfl bulbs would you suggest to put in this box? 1,2 or even 3 ?

P.S. for those who are willing to check my status - i am planing to update pictures weekly.



I have attached 2 cfl bulbs on the roof. Would that be enough for these plants?
I will lower the light in the next 2 days, i just dont want to stress the plants too much so i will lower them tomorrow and finally very close on monday.



Well-Known Member
Hey henkas, nice start. You need to move the lights you have within an inch or two of the tops of your plants. You don't need more light, you just need it closer to the plants. OR the plants will start stretching, which is fine, then you will have a reason to learn about propping up stretched plants. Light loses intensity very quickly, your using floro's and cfl's which are also floro's, not that much heat as long as you have good air circulation.

You may have an oscillating fan there and I am just not seeing it, you do need one in a small space like this one is.


The place I am taking pictures form is the big door , the size of the back wall. SO I usually keep it open. You think I still need a big fan?