New Grow Setup - Questions


Active Member
o I am working on my first grow box and I am looking for any advice on how I can make it better. I just got it up and running this weekend with some new Grape Ape clones so I am posting around trying to get as much input as I can. I am kinda an anxious guy and really want to make sure I am doing everything right.

I am planning to use this one to for the Vegetative grow. I am using 2 Tupperware containers stacked up on top of each other with the middle cut out. The inside is lined with Reflectix from the hardware store.

I have two intake holes, one is a 2" straight through hole with a light trap, the second has a 25 cfm fan. Inside I have 2 air moving computer fans, one of blowing between two of the 3 23W CFL bulbs. These bulbs are about 18" from the tops of the grow area. I have an 44 CFM exhaust fan going through a 4" hole that can be connected to ducting and a homemade carbon filter. I currently am not using the ducting because smell is not an issue, I am hoping that when it is, I can move the girls to my flowering chamber. Also the air flow is much greater without the ducting attached. If smell does become an issue, I am looking at building an inline carbon filter with another 44cfm fan pulling the air through it.

I am attempting to use hydroponics so I have a 3 gallon reserve under the grow box. I have it setup as a drip system that turns on 3 times for 30 minutes during the 18 hour time when the lights are on.

For my little grow area in the box, I just have a Tupperware box for holding hows that I have hot glued on top of a new 12" flower pot at an angle so the water flows down to a drain hole where I have caulked in a 1/2" drain tube that goes straight down through a hole in the grow box to the reservoir. In the reservoir I have a air stone hooked up to a 15G airpump. I have also spray painted the tube black to prevent any light from getting in.

Right now I am watering my two Grape Ape clones with in two different ways because I am not sure which is best. For one I have a 2GPH dripper connected to my 1/2" house, for the other, I just have a 1/8" hose connected directly to the 1/2" hose with now flow control. The pump I am using is a 130 PGH pump that has to pump the water about 2 feet vertically up before it reaches the plant.

My big question is how much water should I be giving these guys in 3" rockwool cubes.:confused:

Another note, my temperature gets kinda high, around 84 or so because I on the third story in an apt building and all the heat rises, so that is the ambient temperature in the house and there isn't much I can do about it. I try and run the lights from 10pm until 6pm as to be off when the building is hotest, so far I haven't seen anything over 85.

I am also anxious to hear any other comments on how I can improve my setup. I am working on building a large 2'x2'x3' flowering chamber that will have a 400 HPS & 250 MH cool tubes. I will be posting pictures of that work soon for much appreciated input.

Thanks in advance for you help. Reading these forums have been an amazing help in design things so far.



Active Member
Okay, so from what I read I have just a couple of pointers, from someone who did the exact same thing with those boxes lol. Okay big question first, Rockwool will pull up water no problem, if you have your clones in them set
the ph balanced water wont have to be that high at all, high enough so that they won't dry out, but not super high to drown the roots. If you have an air system then don't worry to much about drowning the roots. Keep it below 2 inches is my general rule on all standing water.


Active Member
So the big question is, how did your grow in this setup do?

Thanks for the tips, unfortunately I am not setting the rockwool into the water, I have a drip system where a pump delivers water to the top of the rockwool 3 times a day and all excess water drains back down to the reservoir that is outside of the grow chamber.


Well-Known Member
So the big question is, how did your grow in this setup do?

Thanks for the tips, unfortunately I am not setting the rockwool into the water, I have a drip system where a pump delivers water to the top of the rockwool 3 times a day and all excess water drains back down to the reservoir that is outside of the grow chamber.
It sounds like a nice piece of work. Watering 3 times a day for rockwool is overkill. 30 minutes of watering is overkill even with a 130gph and a two foot rise. One of the things I found useful with drip was to just soak the spray head in plain white vinegar once a week or so to clear any salt build up.
To check your watering for rockwool pick up the block and feel its weight. Compare the weight to a dry block. I have fllod and drain now and only water once per day. Flood to between 3 and four inches, drain and done for that day. I'm guessing you could put the same amount of water in your pots in less than 15 minutes once a day. VV


Active Member
Thanks a lot for the tip. I have changed my drip system to only 2GPH.

But I really like the idea of comparing weight. I am going to wait until a couple of hours after my last watering and than compare the weight between a dry one and the one in my setup.

I think its going well. It looks like a new leaf set is starting.


Well-Known Member
Nice thats my next project... Can i see the tubs from the outside, in the dark with the grow lights on... Want to see how much if any light escapes...

Also how did you attach the reflective insulation...


Active Member
I will take a picture tonight and put it up, but I can tell you except for the holes where the fans are it is light tight. I spent a lot of time going over the inside with insulation and metallic tape to make sure the light didn't get out. I attached most of the insulation with just a hot glue gun, just kinda squirted it onto the back and stuck it. I also used hot glue on all my mounting holes to make it all air tight. Then I just used the metallic tape over the seams between insulations.

The light definitely gets out the back where 4" exhaust hole and 2" intakes are. The 4" hole light goes away when I connect the dryer ducting, but so far I haven't figured out what to do about the intake. Currently it isn't a big deal cause I can just close the closet at night and no light gets out of the closet. At some point I want to add the elbow PVC pipe to make light traps, per all the DIY forums.


Well-Known Member
Also if you look at his grow there is a link to another thread in another forum about the bucket head grow box... Its like 80 pages long... OMG...

Monkey Boy 88

Active Member
wats goin on people

iv got a tent 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 an have got a 4" 175CMH fan blowing in which is perfect for my tent but need to no wat fan is best for the exhaust. i keep getting told different things. iv got a 6" 420CMH but i dont no if it is too powerful. it makes my tent bow.

if some1 can put me straight i would be grateful