new groth yellow pics!!!!


Active Member
so on all 4 of my plants the very new growth looks yellow or very pale green growing in happy frog with lime added 400 watt mh gave them there first feeding 4 days ago no change really what could be wrong growth seems kinda slow

also how tall should i let them get before flowering with a 400 watt hps got g feet height in my tent counting the space the light and pots take up there about 9 inches now been doing lst


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Hey James21 honestly your plants look pretty good from the pics. New growth will tend to be lighter color then slowly fading to the green color we all know and love. I would monitor the plants for a few days and just see how they grow. Also just keep in mind to watch ph and don't overwater. I LOVE lst and think will like how it works for you. Good luck man hope this helps
Also just a side note a Magnesium deficiency will show new growth as a light lime green. Investing in a good CalMag supplement is recommended. One can also use Epsom salt for Magnesium deficiency.
the lime i added should take care of the cal and mag ive been growing with the same mix for a few years now never had this prob only thing diff is i was using cfl and now im using hid
yeah it seems normal ,new growth will be lighter and then it will green up when it gets bigger

what strain is that man, looks lovely
front right is an afgan cross other 3 are just some bag seed i had laying around front left showed female preflowers about a week ago the others are showing too just not enough to tell
LOL. I love noobs and miss the days when i was one myself. Take this advice to the grave. *Over care is the #1 highest bigginer mistake and a plant killer* That said.....ever watch a pot of water come to a boil? Yea...u know where im going with this :) Challenge yourself to NOT to look at your plant every 5 hours for progress. Get em watered and dont even check on em for a few days. THEN you'll notice the results, and progress will not seem so suttle. dont expect ANY over night results, and stop fussing over every little yellow leaf. This profession is much simpler that people make it out to be sometimes. Cover your BASICS, and know them well. Try not to fuss so much over mediums, and ph of the soil. If u use generic good quality potting soil, use nutrients only when needed, ull rarely have a problem from start to finish with fantastic results. Allow your soil to dry up(not complelely of course) but at least a couple times throughout the cycle let your plants hunger a bit for water. Theres NOTHING bad about minor wilting due to dry soil. Soak it out at that point and let sit for a few days and watch it accelerate its growth. But its MUCH more damaging to fix wilting by over watering issues (keeping the soil CONSISTANTLY too wet. Dont spend so much on fancy products, theres a thousand cheaper ways.

Your Plants look perfect at the stage they're in. Colour is vibrant. Good job so far.
so when do you think i should flower there about 8 or 9 inches now after the lst tent is 6' not counting light and container so prob more like 4' to work with
Looks like a light/heat issue... plants are drinking alot of water to defend against a light thats a couple inches too close...
temps havent got above 81 normal is 78 light is like 14" away dimmed to 75% have a box fan blowing out the closet door and a fan under the light heat is easy to take care of its winter here and cold waiting on my 6" inline and speed controller should be here in the next couple days
400W MH right? Pump that up to 100% no need to scale back. the guy who said light/ heat issues and they're drinking lots to compensate, is high as fuck and prolly shouldnt be giving advice. As long as u keep decent airflow and temps, i have personally allowed 6" distance from a 400hps. As far as flowering they will double there physical hight almost once u switch, count on it. concidering the hight u have left...- 1 foot for the light at the top, and - 1 foot to be safe for plant distance, I'd suggest flowering very soon.
Try 16-18 inches away.. people alway rely on thinking closer is better... thats not always the case.. light burn is just as bad as heat...
James this guys seems like one of those ultra fussy people i've been talking about. U can fuss over every little detail all throught your grow, and end up stressing yourself out over it unnecessarily, and only end up with less that marginal improvement. 16-18 inches is fine and a safty net but is not a carved in stone rule. your also fine where your at. I'm gunna dig up a chart for you that will help you conclude for yourself whats best for your plants. And canabitual.....stop regurgitating things u read 5 mins ago on a different thread. put your words into practice and understand them before you go trying to help people grow.
Try 16-18 inches away.. people alway rely on thinking closer is better... thats not always the case.. light burn is just as bad as heat...
this is a good thing. they will grow up when ready. if they are NOT streching then they have enough light. Plants stretch to compensate for low light, therefore spending more energy growing stem rather that node sites and so on.
think i may raise it a lil there really not growing up just bushing out maybe get them to stretch a lil