new groth yellow pics!!!!

so on all 4 of my plants the very new growth looks yellow or very pale green growing in happy frog with lime added 400 watt mh gave them there first feeding 4 days ago no change really what could be wrong growth seems kinda slow

also how tall should i let them get before flowering with a 400 watt hps got g feet height in my tent counting the space the light and pots take up there about 9 inches now been doing lst

looking really good, if im not mistaken newer growth balways appears to more limish green as compared to more mature darker leaves
great job though keep it real
James this guys seems like one of those ultra fussy people i've been talking about. U can fuss over every little detail all throught your grow, and end up stressing yourself out over it unnecessarily, and only end up with less that marginal improvement. 16-18 inches is fine and a safty net but is not a carved in stone rule. your also fine where your at. I'm gunna dig up a chart for you that will help you conclude for yourself whats best for your plants. And canabitual.....stop regurgitating things u read 5 mins ago on a different thread. put your words into practice and understand them before you go trying to help people grow.

umm... huh... did I miss something, he asked, and I told him what he was seeing... I'm not fussy, I just explained the problem that "HE" was seeing... and you do agree that 16-18 adds a "safty net"...

Next time you want to talk down about someone, don't praise their quotes and then demean the same quotes... You just look like a fool...

also that chart is for full grown plants... Not small immature ones that don't have a big enough root system to regulate their moisture properly...

PS... I don't read anything on this forum to "regurgitate" anything... I came on to help people... since most of you fools don't actually know shit...
if i flower at 12" will final size be around 3 feet trying to keep them about 3 feet to have a lil play room
if i flower at 12" will final size be around 3 feet trying to keep them about 3 feet to have a lil play room

flower them at 12", you'll feed veg nutes during flower for 1 week, then cut back to flower nutes and you'll be good... deleaf the underside really good at week 2...
Yea this jackass said don't fuss over PH and how is anyone supposed to take your advice to heart? EVERYONE regardless of medium should be familiar with their optimal PH and keep it there.
Rolls eyes. Lets make growing more complicated for the noobies! Cummon lets. Dude unless your jacking your plants, theres no real need to be monitoring ph in a simple soil grow. Plain and simple. Sure educate yourself on optimal ph is just fine. But throwing that on the table now when the guy is simply trying to complete a first grow is just gunna cause unnecessary stress ON THE GROWER. Like i said overcare is the #1 killer. My first grow people on here were telling me all kinds of crazy things...most was valid, but not particularily for my simple applications. yet i didn't know better and remember the confusion. You keep it simple your first few times and end up sucessful, u learn MORE than what anyone can tell you. 15 indoor and 5 outdoor harvests since my first and i wish in the begining i knew what i know now. So i will continue to help the newbies help themselves in this way. Ive earned my rep on RIU. I see u have a ways to go. dont worry you'll get there.
Yea this jackass said don't fuss over PH and how is anyone supposed to take your advice to heart? EVERYONE regardless of medium should be familiar with their optimal PH and keep it there.
LOL. I love noobs and miss the days when i was one myself. Take this advice to the grave. *Over care is the #1 highest bigginer mistake and a plant killer* That said.....ever watch a pot of water come to a boil? Yea...u know where im going with this :) Challenge yourself to NOT to look at your plant every 5 hours for progress. Get em watered and dont even check on em for a few days. THEN you'll notice the results, and progress will not seem so suttle. dont expect ANY over night results, and stop fussing over every little yellow leaf. This profession is much simpler that people make it out to be sometimes. Cover your BASICS, and know them well. Try not to fuss so much over mediums, and ph of the soil. If u use generic good quality potting soil, use nutrients only when needed, ull rarely have a problem from start to finish with fantastic results. Allow your soil to dry up(not complelely of course) but at least a couple times throughout the cycle let your plants hunger a bit for water. Theres NOTHING bad about minor wilting due to dry soil. Soak it out at that point and let sit for a few days and watch it accelerate its growth. But its MUCH more damaging to fix wilting by over watering issues (keeping the soil CONSISTANTLY too wet. Dont spend so much on fancy products, theres a thousand cheaper ways.

Your Plants look perfect at the stage they're in. Colour is vibrant. Good job so far.

LMFAO, I'm a noob with my 1st grow and have pretty much done what you have written as far as checking my plant constantly and worry about every little bend and spot I see then panic to find answers. TOOOO FUNNY.

I agree with you, don't overthink or stress and keep your basics to the best that you can and don't cause a problem that isn't there. If you start looking for answers you may end up casuing more harm then what it really is. I haven't checked my PH at all this first time. Hardly used any Nutes except some fish fertalizer when my leaves started yellowing and it bounced right back. Using Miracle Grow Moisture control, CFL's, and 24/hour sitting water for watering. I'm very close to harvesting now. Sure my 1st time will not have a high yield and will not be perfect and could definately be better, but I'm aware and just enjoying this learning experience.

The only thing I really do check on constantly and as an excuse to see my girl is the temp/humidity levels. Just making sure she's comfy :mrgreen:

Good Luck James21 and keep us up to date. Enjoy and keep it simple. HaPpY hApPy InHaLiNg
Rolls eyes. Lets make growing more complicated for the noobies! Cummon lets. Dude unless your jacking your plants, theres no real need to be monitoring ph in a simple soil grow. Plain and simple. Sure educate yourself on optimal ph is just fine. But throwing that on the table now when the guy is simply trying to complete a first grow is just gunna cause unnecessary stress ON THE GROWER. Like i said overcare is the #1 killer. My first grow people on here were telling me all kinds of crazy things...most was valid, but not particularily for my simple applications. yet i didn't know better and remember the confusion. You keep it simple your first few times and end up sucessful, u learn MORE than what anyone can tell you. 15 indoor and 5 outdoor harvests since my first and i wish in the begining i knew what i know now. So i will continue to help the newbies help themselves in this way. Ive earned my rep on RIU. I see u have a ways to go. dont worry you'll get there.

Only idiots measure their own self worth from a reputation bar on a forum site. My harvest once every two weeks speaks for me not some clown ass bar haha! BTW OP you should still monitor your ph. Checking your PH is both simple and cheap no excuse to not keep an eye on it.

edit: Also, I find it funny that because you were confused that you assume everyone should take your caveman style of growing to heart. Just because you are a assuming self righteous asshole does not mean the rest of the world cannot grasp basic concepts such as PH.
ok. cheers. ;)
Only idiots measure their own self worth from a reputation bar on a forum site. My harvest once every two weeks speaks for me not some clown ass bar haha! BTW OP you should still monitor your ph. Checking your PH is both simple and cheap no excuse to not keep an eye on it.

edit: Also, I find it funny that because you were confused that you assume everyone should take your caveman style of growing to heart. Just because you are a assuming self righteous asshole does not mean the rest of the world cannot grasp basic concepts such as PH.
sounds a lot like my first grow. My yeild wasnt high, but i wasnt really aiming for that. It was overall health and quality, to which i scored amazing in the end. The harvest pics from my first are still available from my grow journal i think. All CFL harvest. Good luck to yours.
LMFAO, I'm a noob with my 1st grow and have pretty much done what you have written as far as checking my plant constantly and worry about every little bend and spot I see then panic to find answers. TOOOO FUNNY.

I agree with you, don't overthink or stress and keep your basics to the best that you can and don't cause a problem that isn't there. If you start looking for answers you may end up casuing more harm then what it really is. I haven't checked my PH at all this first time. Hardly used any Nutes except some fish fertalizer when my leaves started yellowing and it bounced right back. Using Miracle Grow Moisture control, CFL's, and 24/hour sitting water for watering. I'm very close to harvesting now. Sure my 1st time will not have a high yield and will not be perfect and could definately be better, but I'm aware and just enjoying this learning experience.

The only thing I really do check on constantly and as an excuse to see my girl is the temp/humidity levels. Just making sure she's comfy :mrgreen:

Good Luck James21 and keep us up to date. Enjoy and keep it simple. HaPpY hApPy InHaLiNg