New club house open at GC3.

^^^^^^^^ that's some funy shit! +++ rep to you for being truthful and brave to say that here...
:blsmoke: ----easy to tell AAA grade from mediocre ....

unless you only been growing a couple years.....

then all your shit is AAA!

.........seems the FMs are a good place to get rid of mediocre 'overages'...

would be nice to see one that 'grades' their quality b4 putting it on display...

if I were to grade most of wouldn't even get in the door!
It does depend on quality but what one grows in Cali "indoor" can be reproduced in a similar environment here in Michigan. Now I have seen outdoor that would compare but we don't need Cali weed here when we have Cali genetics & I don't mean Cali connection genetics. Skywalker OG is a very medicinal strain that originated from San Fransisco in seed form "very rare" considering its labeled a clone only strain.
I do have these type strains available from time to time at the club. I do agree that most of the strains found in here don't ammount to much but you have to start somewhere. I also have OG#18,purple sour OG, Kandy Kush, black bubba OG, Irianian G13, Special kush#1 & sour diesel. I do clones of these strains every once in awhile
the top shelf has always gotten 250-400 per oz since way back in 97 and shit it won't stop now that it's legal. You just gonna have more choices on your middle and bottom shelf but even if there are 50 lbs in a market there will be one guy getting 300/oz no breaks and no complaints. FOR-EEEEVVVVVEEEERRRR cuz it takes ALOT to get on that top shelf alot of sweat reading mixing growing failing and experimenting. you don't plug-n-play some beans and shoot to the top shelf. even the best genetics suck if you can't grow and even the best grower grows sub-par dope without great genes. it's a combo that is hard to come by. I welcome the rush, I like to be challenged and pushed to the next level. best way to weed out the people who don't have the love is to let everyone go bananas growing and the cream will rise. Only those who enjoy growing pot will have fun even when failing and therefore learn enough to get to the top shelf. If money is your only incentive you're on borrowed time in the grow game. All those vendors are going to drop out at some point and cite a flooded market and all this other BS. 10 years+ and I know I got a ways to go and I straight fucked up proper for 6 years at least. BUT; I love it, and I never thought about quitting ever. Even when I was up to my eyeballs in mites and herms and broken lights and mold and shit.
It does depend on quality but what one grows in Cali "indoor" can be reproduced in a similar environment here in Michigan. Now I have seen outdoor that would compare but we don't need Cali weed here when we have Cali genetics & I don't mean Cali connection genetics. Skywalker OG is a very medicinal strain that originated from San Fransisco in seed form "very rare" considering its labeled a clone only strain.
I do have these type strains available from time to time at the club. I do agree that most of the strains found in here don't ammount to much but you have to start somewhere. I also have OG#18,purple sour OG, Kandy Kush, black bubba OG, Irianian G13, Special kush#1 & sour diesel. I do clones of these strains every once in awhile

You should stop talking. You are not making yourself look any better.
You should stop talking. You are not making yourself look any better.

I like how you quote me but your comment just doesn't make any sence about making myself look better. You seemed to have a different approach on the club earlier in all your posts. The problem seems now that you just don't understand or for that matter want to follow their rules. You believe Becuase of your name and that your all dredded up You think your superior over another member coming in? G3C and all of their employees treat every caregiver according to attitude. If you got a bad attitude in this environment then maybe it isn't your day to come in. The employees don't deserve to be treated with attitude Becuase someone sees a seat open and thinks they are entitled to it. Everyone earns the chance to donate on a regular basis to ensure that they have a spot on that busy day. The system is abused by people who want to use the club as their little cash hub and then walk out the door without donating a dime..
Dude, they held the fucking seat way past their own rules. I have personally talked to board members and other "managers" who said that the situation was handled improperly. The fact is, the table was vacant until almost 1:00. They are supposed to sell it if you are not there by 11:00. Dude called and said he was running late. At what point does running late turn into just having a vacant table the majority of a session? After this happened, I requested to reserve a table, on a not busy day, so the same thing didnt happen next time, just in case. I was told that is against policy. I asked why their policies can be bent for some people and not others. I pointed out that theoretically I could drive out every single day and be shut out forever if I can't reserve a spot from the wait list. I was told by the genius working to "theoretically come wait like everyone else does" except that everyone vending has an opportunity to reserve a spot and then call in and run late for 2 hours and leave vacant tables..

And by the way, the previous time I was there, I donated a couple hundred dollars worth of merchandise to be sold in their showcase, and was working on bringing moonshine out to the club to do a seminar for the growers and make possibly thousands of dollars for the club. So fuck you on implying that I don't contribute anything. I think you will see a change in the product coming soon too, directly related to me being there, as at least 20 regular vendors there have now started growing rare dankness seeds directly obtained from me. If you think that just any random member coming in there can bring about that amount of change in 4 months, you're insane. Some people DO deserve to be treated a bit differently considering what they bring to the place.

In your opinion, should DJ short be treated like just another member?
Anybody treats DJ short like that they got a problem with me AND trevor man! don't make me bring Julian he's a big muscle guy that lifts weights.
Don't worry, they don't. They treat him like a king. Not like just another member like this guy thinks everyone deserves.

In fact, they treat DJ so well that they don't want moonshine's seminar "stepping on the toes" of DJ doing his class the next week. Even though they would be completely different content, from different perspectives, about different aspects of this industry. And I know DJ, and guarantee he wouldn't have a problem with it. It's all a few people pulling strings. Same people driving the club in the corporate direction.
You can find Julian and I sipping on some ginger ales next door ;)

The G3C has always been first come first serve. There are a lot of misconceptions about how they do their business but one fact is that 28 tables fill up fast for reservations for "caregivers" and EVERYONE including this rare dankness dude thinks they are entitled one way or another to a table weather it's empty or not. That is not how it works. G3C
has over 7000 members and won't let petty complaints from newer members who think for some reason or another that Becuase of your name or your product that you should be treated superior. If its a problem for you to donate for a reservation after you leave then don't come back in. Greedy people like that are not welcome. There are caregivers that donate hundreds a day just for the privilege to vend their product, most of which is more superior in quality than anything any of you are capable of.

Originally Posted by Dr. Greenthumb Mi
I'm obviously a new member to this website, but I've been reading this thread (and others) by you guys (growery, homeless, bigtaco etc.). It seems like all of us are in need of the same thing- a small, well rounded, somewhat private community or market in the Detroit area. At the beginning of this thread you acted like gc3 was the place to be. But the further you read it become's more apparent that they became a bullshit corporation instead of a casual place for patients and caregivers to meet and greet. The result is a room full of shady people...

One of you mentioned in another thread (think it was growery) something about an email distribution for a small group of people looking to trade clones, overages etc. Good call man, I think that's a great idea. I'm fairly new to Michigan and it's been surprisingly difficult to meet "real" people in the mmj community

I'm responding to this thread because you all seem like a level headed group of guys with the same goals as me. It'd be cool to smoke a J and share some ideas, let me know.


Thanks Brent for your comments.
Money Greed and then add weed and your right, the bad apples will come out. The people upset are the same ones upset with their own life and the direction it's going and just wanna unload their anger on the source. The G3C. It is a very educational place with lots of new and exciting things that 6999 people enjoy. Then you have that one. Come up to the club Brent and see that it's not as bad as a "few" say it is.

G3C members drive from the western side of the UP looking to vend & they tell them no too. All of the empty tables are paid for when the caregiver arrives. "Thats what the reservation is for" If they don't call by 11 then yes the table is rented. G3C doesn't roll the red carpet out for ANYONE and the faster people understand that the better off they will be if they Intend to transfer meds there. And a bad attitude is only gonna make your day, not ours bad. The G3C is an excellent conisour style environment for only the excellent to enjoy.

Very far from an ameteur playground and what you purchased was probably what you were looking for in the first place "cheap"

That's good that your keeping your price up cause it makes me mad to see this 200/225

It does depend on quality but what one grows in Cali "indoor" can be reproduced in a similar environment here in Michigan. Now I have seen outdoor that would compare but we don't need Cali weed here when we have Cali genetics & I don't mean Cali connection genetics. Skywalker OG is a very medicinal strain that originated from San Fransisco in seed form "very rare" considering its labeled a clone only strain.
I do have these type strains available from time to time at the club. I do agree that most of the strains found in here don't ammount to much but you have to start somewhere. I also have OG#18,purple sour OG, Kandy Kush, black bubba OG, Irianian G13, Special kush#1 & sour diesel. I do clones of these strains every once in awhile

I like how you quote me but your comment just doesn't make any sence about making myself look better. You seemed to have a different approach on the club earlier in all your posts. The problem seems now that you just don't understand or for that matter want to follow their rules. You believe Becuase of your name and that your all dredded up You think your superior over another member coming in? G3C and all of their employees treat every caregiver according to attitude. If you got a bad attitude in this environment then maybe it isn't your day to come in. The employees don't deserve to be treated with attitude Becuase someone sees a seat open and thinks they are entitled to it. Everyone earns the chance to donate on a regular basis to ensure that they have a spot on that busy day. The system is abused by people who want to use the club as their little cash hub and then walk out the door without donating a dime..

RD MI may have ment that by continuing to speak some one would do this. point out that you and your mentality are prime examples of what we feel is wrong about a club. A club I paid my $20 to join. A club I have donated to regularly. A club whose employees have been tipped personally.

oh well homeless again
I can find at least 6 places in this statement alone that make you look unqualified to hold this conversation. Then a few comment down you go so far as to blame someone elses dreadlocks and affiliation (with RD) as an excuse to be a dick. I agree you have to start somewhere. Why not by looking out for the patients by making sure that the quality meds are available, like the ones RD was waiting with. His meds are great.

Oh, clone only means just that! Duh! Skywalker OG is just one plant! If you don't have a clone off of that plant you cannot claim anything about clone only. Although, the friendly dreadlocked guy your so rude to actually has access to a number of clone only strains. Possibly the parents of the funny list you wrote. Do some reading, study growing, read what it means to be clone only (not in seed form). Think about why someone would have a hard time selling a $200 ounce only ten feet from someone who is selling them for $275 or 300, and quick. The custumers beg the good growers for there phone number!

It does depend on quality but what one grows in Cali "indoor" can be reproduced in a similar environment here in Michigan. Now I have seen outdoor that would compare but we don't need Cali weed here when we have Cali genetics & I don't mean Cali connection genetics. Skywalker OG is a very medicinal strain that originated from San Fransisco in seed form "very rare" considering its labeled a clone only strain.
I do have these type strains available from time to time at the club. I do agree that most of the strains found in here don't ammount to much but you have to start somewhere. I also have OG#18,purple sour OG, Kandy Kush, black bubba OG, Irianian G13, Special kush#1 & sour diesel. I do clones of these strains every once in awhile
I can find at least 6 places in this statement alone that make you look unqualified to hold this conversation. Then a few comment down you go so far as to blame someone elses dreadlocks and affiliation (with RD) as an excuse to be a dick. I agree you have to start somewhere. Why not by looking out for the patients by making sure that the quality meds are available, like the ones RD was waiting with. His meds are great.

Oh, clone only means just that! Duh! Skywalker OG is just one plant! If you don't have a clone off of that plant you cannot claim anything about clone only. Although, the friendly dreadlocked guy your so rude to actually has access to a number of clone only strains. Possibly the parents of the funny list you wrote. Do some reading, study growing, read what it means to be clone only (not in seed form). Think about why someone would have a hard time selling a $200 ounce only ten feet from someone who is selling them for $275 or 300, and quick. The custumers beg the good growers for there phone number!
hey we tried to warn him or her..
Basically I looks like we hav an employee who does not want our money goin into his paycheck... Oakedy daokedy!