Active Member
HELP!! I keep hearing all this great stuff about "GC3"... where is it????? Please?
you must not have read this threadHELP!! I keep hearing all this great stuff about "GC3"... where is it????? Please?
Word on the net is your a doucheword on the netis that it was dead today,and the last few.. "sad " empty booths"
guess eyezballz is happy happy now
Real witty eyeball. You gave homeless the ol, I know you are but what am I?Word on the net is your a douche
Awesome. I'll be up.Not from me, but there are several people with clones. Small ones and some nice big ones.
What??like three weeks and that's the best ya got?Word on the net is your a douche
It was hopping today but I noticed there was at least 1 spot open. You will have to join I think it's $25. Bring your med card, license, scale, cup, baggies, phone charger, and sharpie. Plus you get a free t shirt which I'm sure eyeball will sign for you. Just ignore who you don't like there and talk with people you do. I've vended there and it's a good place to turn meds. Reminds me of a Turkish Bazaar for marijuana. The best chance of getting a table is tue-thur (closed sun & mon) but you might get a spot on Fri or Sat. Just dependsSo, even after reading all this shit it just so happens that I didn't get a membership to any ann arbor clubs before the big decision. This puts me in a place where I'd like to try the last market that's still standing the dreaded GC3 as a vendor for my overages. I got other sources but this seems the lightest of grey area choices I have as of now. Knowing its likely I will get sent away with no table and a case of butt-hurts can I still go there and try? I have never been, never needed to, and have good lab tested stuff I'm sure will do well if I can score a table so ???? is do I have to become a member or pay a fee or yank eyeball off with a sweet hand job or what to get in and attempt to get a table? Few of you know me, seen my stuff and been to this place-think I'd do alright? Should have gotten a membership in A2...mumble mumble bitch under breath grunt complain...