New CFL setup + some plant questions! help!!


Active Member
hey guys i have a few concerns about my trainwreck plant

here is the link to where im posting all about my grow with more pics of the plant and box

ive been getting some browning leaves on some perfectly healthy growth stems. most of them are doing perfect but the first stem lowest on the plant seems to be stopped in growth and not getting enough water maybe... could this be due to shock of just that stem getting a little burned from my CFL?

also the container i use is the top half of a large home depot bucket... i know thats big but i wanted plenty of room and dont care about plant size, how much should i be watering? i have gotton advice on my friend that conflicts with what i have been hearing on here, water every 3 days till the water comes out of the bottom of the pot? it seems to me like the plant is using more water than that and i should give it more which i have been doing (especially with the added lights +heat they produce is probably evaporating more water.

one last question... molassis in the watering mixture? does that help? when to start?

any other advice or comments greatly appreciated



Active Member
anyone else have any ideas?? i have been reading around... here are some possible reasons..

too much light (is that really a problem.. i thought it was from the heat from the lights too close?)
too much heat(i have a fan constantly running keeping the air moving all around, my thermostat is onlike 68 anyway.)
ph is off.. maybe a magnesium difficiency? heard i can use some epson salt in the water to make the leaves not curl..

bottom line is i need to get $$ to buy stuff to test ph, temp, and water in the soil but until then i was wondering if someone has a sec to look at this thread and my grow thread to see the pics of the plants and maybe recomend something?

Danky Dank

Active Member
yee. see yu have lights that are closer to the red spectrum. which will heat up your plants. yu shud get some that are around 10 000k which is closer to the blue spectrum.


Active Member
Yo man sorry to hear about your plants! I copied this from the FAQ in the CFL Forums.
Q. Which bulbs are for Vegetative Growth?
A. 6500K (Daylight)
Q. Which bulbs are for Flowering Growth?
A. 2700K (Soft white)

As for your watering question, typically I wait till I see the plants sagging a little, and will confirm their thirst by sticking a finger in the soil a couple of inches, if its dry time to feed it. I don't plan on regular feedings, just as I see fit. I also am feeding them nutrients one feeding, and just water the next feeding. Again I cant say that this is the best way to do it, just what I have read / heard and am trying for my experiment. I would advise you to either download or buy the indoor/outdoor cannabible by Jorge Cervantes. Hope I can help you a little.


Active Member
Is the growing sideways a common technique? I don't recall reading anything about it before. Hope you find a solution to the droops you are experiencing. I'd probably think overwatering too, but these are not little plants so you must know how much to water by now.


Active Member
i think it might be the strain in particular has droopy leaves, i figured out it is not trainwreck my friend got the plant wrong he gave me a cush or something.. anyways the leaves droop but the buds are getting noticably bigger every day. i can post some pictures if anyone wants to see.