New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots


Well-Known Member
They actually look close to my "starburst" as far as maturity. I think about 2 weeks might do the trick, probably 3 though lol..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah thanks, but now that the others are in, i dont care, LoL. no really, i hope its turns out better this time, this has to last me 3 months or so. i can wait 3 weeks if thats what it takes.


Active Member
Patience is hard to come by when you are waiting for delicious buds eh?? LOL
Looks good CD

I hope you are as happy as we are... Harvest night is tonight!! WOOT!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hell yeah cab, good luck with that tonight, awesome grow!! and i am waiting for the right time on these 2 girls this time, im not in no hurry.

its day 112, heres some pics. the one pic is all the little fuzzy buds at the bottom of venus and look at all the pink at the bottom of the other venus pic.



Active Member
bro i just noticed u got a ton of free space in that box. mayb you should add another plant or so in the next round of flowering. my box is jam packed,im using up all the space i can. i do alot of training and switching them around but i got a nice canopy i wish i can show u pics but i lost the charger to my camera.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Some test buds, Nice!
yeah, i just didnt like those buds at ground level, so i figured i cut them off and see how they are, LoL. there drying now, might try an smoke 1 tonight.
bro i just noticed u got a ton of free space in that box. mayb you should add another plant or so in the next round of flowering. my box is jam packed,im using up all the space i can. i do alot of training and switching them around but i got a nice canopy i wish i can show u pics but i lost the charger to my camera.
yeah believe me, i want to grow more, but its my sisters house and she has me on a 2 plant limit, LoL.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah dude. Even your popcorn buds look good.
thanks man, there drying and shrinking fast, LoL. dont how they'll smoke or if they'll do anything but its something for now.

its day 113 for the grow that just wont end, LoL. no changes still, brown girl is still brown and venus is still pumping out the pink and the smell, dammm!! smells like a pine forrest.



Well-Known Member
I have a feeling the bud will be much better this time around, now that your letting them mature a little more! Looking good though, oh and does your sis give you a size limit lol? You should grow 2 plants like my KK haha, you would need more than 1 u haul box though lol..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
you know looking back, i only flowered molly for 56 days which is just 8 weeks, so yes, i think it be better this time around.

LoL, well, no size limit as long as there still in the box, but just a plant limit. when i cut these 2 girls, the 2 new ones will be almost ready to go into the flowering box. i am gonna get a couple clones and they'll go in the veg box for a while, so that will be it, 2 big plants and 2 little plants, i dont wanna piss her off, LoL.


Well-Known Member
you know looking back, i only flowered molly for 56 days which is just 8 weeks, so yes, i think it be better this time around.

LoL, well, no size limit as long as there still in the box, but just a plant limit. when i cut these 2 girls, the 2 new ones will be almost ready to go into the flowering box. i am gonna get a couple clones and they'll go in the veg box for a while, so that will be it, 2 big plants and 2 little plants, i dont wanna piss her off, LoL.
I don't blame you, shes cool as hell for letting you do the 2!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
exactly, and she dont even smoke, LoL. shes like a mom to me and has taken real good care of me through all this with the injury, so i dont wanna fuck things up with her, its just me and her. on a sad note, wally nutter's praying mantis, Kai just past away, R.I.P. Kai.


Well-Known Member
When I seen your first grow (atleast on the site) I knew you would have a great future. Plants are looking mighty fine! Specially Venus...better late than ever I'm subbed. Still working with the race dogs?

I remember watching that one race threw my W Media player lol, that race was fucking in the last seconds. That was a While back lol.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thanks man, the pink is crazy huh? its just bag seed from some reg i got here in florida, i dam sure dont remember gettin any thing like that, LoL. im sure its some kinda west coast kush with the pink and the pine smell.

hey hater, welcome, thanks, well sorta, im waiting on my license, you have to get finger printed and shit, and i used up the number of passes i can get, LoL. so its on hold right now till the license comes in.
yeah, that was remy, what a dog, hes living large in texas now being a stud at $1500 a pop, LoL. ah, to be a dog.

be sure to check out the new grow, just started, first time buying seeds, rocklock and kushwreck!!


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well, usually, the pink would fade like it did on molly, but dam, this time it just keeps pumping it out, atleast on venus, raven;s a different story, LoL. its day 114 and 9 1/2 weeks of flowering. you can see the difference between the 2. theres more pink than white on venus and still a lot of white on raven. i should have named this stuff pink panther, LoL.

