New build, just getting started.....


Active Member
Well, i got my order from canadianwholesalehydro..... 3 big fans, 5 hoods, 6 new 1000w HPS bulbs, poly, and relays. I started my flip box today. Here's a quick pic. relays are mounted inside. i'll say cutting through these grey boxes with a dremel wheel is hell. ;-) It should be a nice clean build when im done.

what ya think?


Active Member
well, first off, that goddamn timer isn't going to work! im going to wire it up to a normal timer i guess.....

second, Im planning on cutting down in two days! (Finally), I've flushed the bed three times now with zero water, ph'd to 6.6-6.7, and the big cola's are absolutely HUGE, they are 14+" long, and as fat as 1 litre pop bottles. One thing I seen happening, and the SAME thing happened at my buddies, with the same strain, at the same time in flower, is that there is all of a sudden new veg growth coming out of most of the main huge cola's! Why isnt the plant putting the energy into fattening up the buds? there are 1 to 2" new shoots coming out of them all over, and that stuff will just be cut off and tossed. Ill go there soon, and post new pics of this issue, can someone please tell me why this is happening?

I need to know, so i can apply the "know'ns" to future grow, but this strain has been knocked off. Its definitely a sativa, as the stretch was crazy on it, and the flower time just too long for my liking. Saturday will be a bit better than 11 weeks. And the new "Elephant" clones have all rooted and been in a veg room for 5 days now. After these monsters are cut down, the new babies will be put in the main room(s) and allowed to veg for about another week, and be flipped. They are budding super fast at my buddies, and have buds on them after 4 weeks, that these (white widow's) had at 8. I'm starting to wonder if this strain really is a white widow?

anyways, pics to follow.

Pics can be seen here:


Active Member

this grow will be harvested Tomorrow! My buddy says, he figure's i'll return 6+ lbs, that would be just OVER 2 lbs per light. I dunno, The best i've ever done was 1.75, and Its too early to tell, you can NEVER tell untill its been dried. I'll be happy with 5.5 lbs total, (as they got 5 with the same setup)! ;-)

Cut down pics to follow..... :-)

Stay Tuned!


Active Member
well guys, we cut down this weekend, saturday and finished sunday. the new strain "elephant" has been transplanted into the beds, and they are vegging under 18/6 now, and will be flipped in about 6 days. I need to change all the hoods and bulbs to new horizontal ones, and put the 4 light flip box and new ventilation system in. Ill come back here and update the harvest total, But I think I'll start a new thread documenting the new strain.

to be continued.....


Well-Known Member
you need some cool tubes man growing vert like that isn't practical for your situation

the fluros are a nice idea but again not practical for your situation those look like t8s which typically put out about 1000 lumens give or take at 3 inches away so each light only puts out about 2000k lumens whereas a 1000w hps puts out about 120,000 lumens and you have 3 of them so.

i would use the fluros for mothers or clones and get some cool tubes


Active Member
I bought all new bulbs and shades. the 24x24 blue star horizontal's x 5, and all new bulbs. I will use 3 in my main room, unvented as heat isnt an issue in there, and i did a diy vented job on the other 2 which are in the small room, which will have plenty of light, as im using 2 - 1000w sodiums on 24 plants, in a 4x7 bed. four of the lights are gonna be on a 12/12 flip, and one will be independent. so, ill have 3 ballasts running the five lights. Im re-doing all the ventilation as we speak, and the plants will be flipped shortly. (sunday or monday).

BTW- the 1000w halide hanging there is just temporary, till i flip them. :-)

and i finished the ventilation to the rooms now, I have a 435 cfm fan through the lamp hoods, and a 435 cfm for fresh air to the plants in the small room, with a 600 cfm pulling air out, and the big room has 2- 800 CFM, one in, one out. The one in is on a rheostat so i can turn it down just a wee bit to create some negative air pressure. Its all on a thermostat,and works great. My next crop should be better with the new lights and air!

I think i'll kill this thread here, and continue it the new one..... :-)

Oh, and guys, ive had some requests for my total harvest weight from last weekend..... well, it didnt turn out as well as i had hoped, but was totally acceptable. I achieved a dry weight of 4 lbs 15 oz. i had an OZ from buddy's which i tossed in to make an even 5 lbs.

Im happy to say this strain is gone though, and the new Elephant is looking great! This thread is done now, and the new one will be here:

hope to see you there!