I sold the close loop 8500 on tuesday.. of following week and i was approached with a version of moon rocks.. but with a few strains of my old gear and just forthe nameTHUMP ROCKS??? I get money??? I DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??? i dont have to grow it? touch it just for the name? thats fuckin crazzy!!!
Im not shure if the moons are alined in a way were all this shit is falling in my lap.. I USUALLY STRUGGLE TEN TIME MORE THAN THE AVRAGE PERSON?? FOR YEARS.. and know for some reason all this shit is happening?
Something fucken weird is happening i wish i was lien but im not im getting thrusted into this faster harder than ever before! I have never been so lucky in my life watch me get hit by a car or something crazzy im out of words!!! Im not excited im actually scared its fucken unreal.. i start one job on monday. I dont know if ill keep posting but this pritty much raps up this thead thank you guys... And god bless your hard work I love you roll it up!!! thank you for letting me share this. ill tell you what it was an adventure for shure! I feel blessed and sober as a wisle. my only advise dont let anyone steel your smile or your hard word. God bless everone of you.
Fucken dicks!!!! big time lolz i sead no to the moon rock version. its dewax and keef on good out door but dewax? and ran matterial keef! fuck dude this is bull shit!
yo @thump easy whats good big dog?! is this thread done n over with? u still on the net anywhere? i just dunked the rest of my thumps mix , was gonna gernal em here.