New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

if u ever wanna partnership with no snakes/snake shit involved, we can do something down the line ;) i just got an 8x4 w 2 1ks , my 1st real setup to get rolling. sucks to hear the last endeavor didnt work,but when a door closes,a window opens
if u ever wanna partnership with no snakes/snake shit involved, we can do something down the line ;) i just got an 8x4 w 2 1ks , my 1st real setup to get rolling. sucks to hear the last endeavor didnt work,but when a door closes,a window opens
Aw its alright its not my first get down it happends to alot of people this game is tricky you gota be carefull now i know for next time but ya im down!! i havent totally given up i still got mike and jozzikins the same small circle it seems we ways go our own ways and some how always end up back together again!! its funny. there is alot of new names out their.. im not trien to make mine blow up.. im just back!!!!! is all sober as a wisle!! one good token i got from Arie was he left broken made his way to oregon he told me one thing that sticks out in my mind!! He sead depression sat for a while but when new place new people new insperation! Im happy he gave me a new look on life to be inspired to feel the fire once more!!! for a pation that drove us. I liked that mabee ill bust some new strains. im going to go back to the archives! dig up my lists and begin again!
i just wanna grow good flowers for my friends and maybe battle a grower with said flowers every once in awhile. once i turn the 8x4 into a growhouse, you can come out anytime to just hang or talk bout bizniz. its all good.
the goal is turn the 8x4 to a grow house, then turn that into that ware house ;)
Do it its not hard at all stick to a strick regie and its gold dont let anyone get in the way their is alot of haters but worst is friends get the greed bug beware in the hands of many it takes over. if any advice i can give is this right hear.. put everthing in writtingand dont partner. ill help you free greenghost no problem i got you! thanks! Dank strains on lock i got a few years of breeding blowing money into the wind not for others just to know for myself i had to understand proov the books i read i have come up with a few theories and a few locked down yeilders i lost alot of work i scraped 20lights on the third test thousands of seeds put to the test. im not hear to prove anything than a simple smile ppeering into oothers woork sorry my texting alfabets are small. i like to see structure formation density i cant smell them but i can imagine.
if u ever wanna partnership with no snakes/snake shit involved, we can do something down the line ;) i just got an 8x4 w 2 1ks , my 1st real setup to get rolling. sucks to hear the last endeavor didnt work,but when a door closes,a window opens
Boooyyyyy you gotta learn how da run that 2 k before you think about partnerin up. Show a guy a couple 2light x 4lbs of good bud and then youll have something besides hope to bring to the table. This thread aint amature hour. ;0)
Im going to my stash my friend is in vegas tonight for an event, he,s coming back i got about 200,000 thousand seeds ill start posting pics of the last baches and paperwoork and research we did before i gave up! as soon as he gets back... Im gona trip you guys out and also start to self what hes been running the stuff i gave him to hold! a year ago everyones piching in to start this engin again we cant wait. give me a day or so its hard my wife is Pentecostal so i have to hide everthing any evidance of pot im looking for location. im not sighning up for boss i dont answer to anyone i dont do that im very happy smilling every day without a boss. :)
Fuck i got 2 offers 150 grand to sighn on and a split or oil in energy drinks asian people from china? and labratory and a split? the other is cartrages but id be getting 50 cents a cartrage in a day thats 5 gees fuck me talk about throw me a bone.. to tell you the truth im not shure i want 2. My friends are jumping up and down and i cant believe it!!!!!!
But like i sead nothing is what t seams! Fuck man id hate to work for asholes but is my soul and sanity worth that money fuck man i was planning on a small grow with clones and seeds but what the fuck man !!!