Never run from a mountain lion!!

sorry if you take offence, it wasn`t meant to offend.
just made me and the misses laugh ,i still think it`s funny maybe it`s the herb,have seen your`e links and now i`m educated,
no offence intended, take it eaaasy bro:joint:

naw mate you dident offend me, if you gave me neg -rep next time make sure its a "reasonible disscusion" but none taken lad, how was the pub?
if u dident, fdd is hot on the mad -reppers ass :P

what i want to know where was the guys gun ? i never go into the woods without it :P(in seasson)
yaeah pub was cool,
, no it wasn`t me i was just a bit baked and i found it funny,
didn`t mean any harm by it, anyone youre cool about it, enuff said
eaaasy bro:joint:
ok so fear donkeys they kill--- and just stand still for the lion to kill you............ any word on what the money will do......