looking good man, will you turn the bulbs on their sides during flowering? i heard that maximizes the output because there is little to no lumens coming out of the ends of cfls.
I've been thinking about mounting them sideways but it's not possible I'm afraid :c Gravity isn't on my side since I can't find solid fittings, only cords.
But no lumens out of the top seems a bit strange because when you point it at the ground you can clearly see the the spot that is most lit is the one underneath the top of the lamp.
Which seems logical because most lamps are mounted that way... But that's just my guess, maybe I"m completely wrong.
Might be worth looking into, small grow youll want to maxamize your light output for decent buds. Makes sence there is more area space on the side of a bulb then the top.
There are socket adaptors that you can run right into a plug. Maybe grab a few, run a power bar along the top and plug them in? It would also open up some more room for buds. Just a thought.
well the next best thing would be what i use, which is splitter that allows you to use two bulbs in one socket, it puts the bulbs at a 45 degree angle, not as good as flat horizontal but better that straight up and down. you can get those just about anywhere like walmart or ace hardware, for a few bucks a piece.All these designs are great but rely on the adapter thingies, which are unfindable here... and also I don't think my case is wide enough to fit the power brick, adapter and bulbs. Don't really want to put a lot of effort in it to realize it doesn't fit...
But thanks anyways for the tipsand nice setup Maxed
I wish I had a minifridge... would be hard to hide though...