Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

You can make warning about questionable books without burning them.
In France basically each single school has Tintin comics there, and no african child is offended by a past vision they know irrelevant from today's standards.

Actually you're already giving me an ideological stance, which i didn't have. It's just a fact, colonization had good side effects, i'm not saying it was a good thing to do, not saying we were right, just saying facts.

prove me i'm wrong so. Instead of your childish poo poo meme !
I assume it took you many years to ask every African child if they were/are offended? Can you provide one “good” side effect of colonization? A side effect that the colonized population agrees was a good?
I think we should treat rich hippies better by listening to their music before they all leave Spotify, ffs now legend old hippy Joni Mitchell is getting herself off. They are a dying breed who clearly need lots more money to survive.
i don't see how this is making them money? they're leaving a platform that was providing them with an admittedly limited income...for nothing...wealthy entertainers are people, who have opinions, why can't they express their opinions? we express ours, it's just that no one but us gives a fuck about our opinions, while a goodly percentage of the world is aware of theirs.
if neil young and joni mitchell and w/e else wants to take a stand against a huge platform hosting a fuckface asshole like joe rogan, i'm fine with it. seems a lot better than quiet acceptance of that loudmouthed morons bullshit shower, or the platforms profiting from someone who causes death by misinformation on a daily basis
I assume it took you many years to ask every African child if they were/are offended? Can you provide one “good” side effect of colonization? A side effect that the colonized population agrees was a good?
Well you have tintin comics on the tv every week, and there's no parents alerting authorities how bad Tintin can offend their child, lol. Not more as pupil's parent associations.
Already did, yes colonized populations agreed it was a good thing to get roads hospitals and such elementary things they didn't have.
Also industrial and resource exploitations carried by states that went directly under their hands.

Again, i'm not saying it was good, i'm just being historically accuracte, not taking position about it.
Actually you are the one who's bringing ideological stances and not wanting to be historically accurate, in order to make your ideological story stronger.
i don't see how this is making them money? they're leaving a platform that was providing them with an admittedly limited income...for nothing...wealthy entertainers are people, who have opinions, why can't they express their opinions? we express ours, it's just that no one but us gives a fuck about our opinions, while a goodly percentage of the world is aware of theirs.
if neil young and joni mitchell and w/e else wants to take a stand against a huge platform hosting a fuckface asshole like joe rogan, i'm fine with it. seems a lot better than quiet acceptance of that loudmouthed morons bullshit shower, or the platforms profiting from someone who causes death by misinformation on a daily basis
I’m not opposed to them expressing themselves or even doing what they have done, I’m just taking the piss because they are hypocrites. They literally sit around all day making royalties with the odd twitter post then show righteous indignation with accompanying grandstanding when someone upsets them on the internet.
Don’t hang the jester, tyranny always follows.
Well you have tintin comics on the tv every week, and there's no parents alerting authorities how bad Tintin can offend their child, lol. Not more as pupil's parent associations.
Already did, yes colonized populations agreed it was a good thing to get roads hospitals and such elementary things they didn't have.
Also industrial and resource exploitations carried by states that went directly under their hands.

Again, i'm not saying it was good, i'm just being historically accuracte, not taking position about it.
Actually you are the one who's bringing ideological stances and not wanting to be historically accurate, in order to make your ideological story stronger.
I’m asking questions, sorry if it triggers you you into thinking it’s an attack. Hopefully these questions aren’t to difficult to answer with citation which you have failed to do.
I’m asking questions, sorry if it triggers you you into thinking it’s an attack. Hopefully these questions aren’t to difficult to answer with citation which you have failed to do.
"I assume it took you many years to ask every African child if they were/are offended? "

Sure, that was a really gentle and neutral way to ask your question mate. :)
No need to put any citation, it's just obvious. Romans invaded Gauls and brought tons of good things with them, the most important thing being standardized writing.
Do i need a citation from a gallic to prove it was a good side effect ? Don't think so. Does not mean they were right to do so though, exactly like european colonization.
"I assume it took you many years to ask every African child if they were/are offended? "

Sure, that was a really gentle and neutral way to ask your question mate. :)
No need to put any citation, it's just obvious. Romans invaded Gauls and brought tons of good things with them, the most important thing being standardized writing.
Do i need a citation from a gallic to prove it was a good side effect ? Don't think so. Does not mean they were right to do so though, exactly like european colonization.
Sure, that was a really gentle and neutral way to ask your question mate. :) was a valid question, if you feel threatened by a valid question, perhaps you should examine the moral ground you stand on.

No need to put any citation, it's just, no facts, just feels?'s very hard to verify and document feels...

Romans invaded Gauls and brought tons of good things with them, the most important thing being standardized you think the Gauls were happy to give up their way of life and bend knee to a conqueror, because they brought them an alphabet, with which the Romans could start the real work of undermining the Gaul's traditional way of life?

i believe they just called themselves "Gauls"....and it might be an interesting exercise for you to find some citations, so you could have at least one fact at your command, instead of your catalogue of "Feels to fit any occasion"....
It would be interesting if Neil Young would go on Rogan's show and explain which information he finds offensive, (in error) . Maybe have a civil debate with Rogan or one of Rogan's guests.

I don't really follow Rogan, so I don't know if he'd be down, but I think civil debate, where each person makes their point and addresses the points of the other person is something that could be enlightening, if not entertaining.
Something I didn't know about Neil Young.

"The thing about Neil Young is that he contracted polio as a child in the ‘50s, years before a vaccine was available. After being released from hospital, he had to relearn how to walk. Polio left him permanently disabled, contributed to a serious anxiety disorder "
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"I assume it took you many years to ask every African child if they were/are offended? "

Sure, that was a really gentle and neutral way to ask your question mate. :)
No need to put any citation, it's just obvious. Romans invaded Gauls and brought tons of good things with them, the most important thing being standardized writing.
Do i need a citation from a gallic to prove it was a good side effect ? Don't think so. Does not mean they were right to do so though, exactly like european colonization.
Ok so no citation, just feels, gotcha. I’m sure the indigenous people here were overjoyed to see roads. They say that all the time. And you were the one that said “all” of the children so it seemed it must have taken years to conclude that, kudos for all your hard work. You think these things were good but did they. Should be easy to find at least one indigenous person say colonization was “good” right? I’ll wait ………,
Sure, that was a really gentle and neutral way to ask your question mate. :) was a valid question, if you feel threatened by a valid question, perhaps you should examine the moral ground you stand on.

No need to put any citation, it's just, no facts, just feels?'s very hard to verify and document feels...

Romans invaded Gauls and brought tons of good things with them, the most important thing being standardized you think the Gauls were happy to give up their way of life and bend knee to a conqueror, because they brought them an alphabet, with which the Romans could start the real work of undermining the Gaul's traditional way of life?

i believe they just called themselves "Gauls"....and it might be an interesting exercise for you to find some citations, so you could have at least one fact at your command, instead of your catalogue of "Feels to fit any occasion"....
Lol no didn't feel threatened by his question, and didn't say it was invalid.

In the 1950s, before decolonization, the expression “Corrèze before the Zambezi” appeared, a famous aphorism of so-called “ Cartierist ” thought, which affirmed that colonies cost more than they bring in 54 , 55 . Later, authors like Jacques Marseille and Bernard Lugan consider that the colonization of Africa cost the colonizing countries much more than it brought in. Marseilles estimated at 70 billion gold francs (1913 value) the overall deficit of colonization in Africa, or the equivalent of three times the amount of Marshall aid for France 56 .

Jacques Marseille writes however: “Measuring how much the colonial empire cost and brought in France is therefore a futile “operation” which is above all part of the ideological battles that decolonization provoked (Jacques Marseille 56 , p. 12- 13 ). and Raymond Aron , for his part, thinks that the question is undecidable because the expenses and revenues derived from colonization are too intertwined. For him, the “[…] same investments […] made in metropolitan France or in territories that are not under French sovereignty […] could have equal or higher returns 57 . »The main advantage that the metropolises derive from the colonies is support for their monetary zones, the pound sterling for the English and the gold franc for the French.

"The […] difficulty when one wants to establish an objective balance sheet is that insofar as the colonies, the former colonies, the territories of the Community are intertwined in the French economic system, it becomes almost impossible to establish a discrimination between benefit and cost, yield and burden. As soon as the territories are integrated into the French economic system, they simultaneously represent for the State a certain number of billions of expenses entered in the budget, for companies and private individuals a certain number of billions, of a fairly analogous, moreover, to income or orders. »
—Raymond Aron 57

Also, about Gauls, read better.
"Do i need a citation from a gallic to prove it was a good side effect ? Don't think so. Does not mean they were right to do so though, exactly like european colonization."
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Ok so no citation, just feels, gotcha. I’m sure the indigenous people here were overjoyed to see roads here. They say that all the time. And you were the one that said “all” of the children so it seemed it must have taken years to conclude that, kudos for all your hard work. You think these things were good but did they. Should be easy to find at least one indigenous person say colonization was “good” right? I’ll wait ………,
What most people don’t understand is that the First Nations peoples society works completely different than a colonial, European society. Even the concept of justice is different.
I guess kneel young isn't rocking in the free world any more

He was against "big corporations" before he became one. He supports the idea of intellectual property, which is a misunderstanding what "property" is.

He literally, "sold out" .
What most people don’t understand is that the First Nations peoples society works completely different than a colonial, European society. Even the concept of justice is different.
Pretty much the theme for all colonized societies, “let’s help them or kill them” if they don’t conform to our “ways”. I have no citation other than I’ve not heard of one colonized society ever say thanks lol. Ya I could be wrong so I thought I’d ask lol.
In the 1950s, before decolonization, the expression “Corrèze before the Zambezi” appeared, a famous aphorism of so-called “ Cartierist ” thought, which affirmed that colonies cost more than they bring in 54 , 55 . Later, authors like Jacques Marseille and Bernard Lugan consider that the colonization of Africa cost the colonizing countries much more than it brought in. Marseilles estimated at 70 billion gold francs (1913 value) the overall deficit of colonization in Africa, or the equivalent of three times the amount of Marshall aid for France 56 .
who gives a fuck how much it costs conquerors to conqueror? what way does this justify their behavior? are you trying to say that Expansionism is actually an attempt at philanthropy?

Jacques Marseille writes however: “Measuring how much the colonial empire cost and brought in France is therefore a futile “operation” which is above all part of the ideological battles that decolonization provoked (Jacques Marseille 56 , p. 12- 13 ). and Raymond Aron , for his part, thinks that the question is undecidable because the expenses and revenues derived from colonization are too intertwined. For him, the “[…] same investments […] made in metropolitan France or in territories that are not under French sovereignty […] could have equal or higher returns 57 . »The main advantage that the metropolises derive from the colonies is support for their monetary zones, the pound sterling for the English and the gold franc for the French.
every word of this is irrelevant and not in any way applicable to your argument...when i said supply citations, i meant citations that actually have fuck all to do with the conversation...
"The […] difficulty when one wants to establish an objective balance sheet is that insofar as the colonies, the former colonies, the territories of the Community are intertwined in the French economic system, it becomes almost impossible to establish a discrimination between benefit and cost, yield and burden. As soon as the territories are integrated into the French economic system, they simultaneously represent for the State a certain number of billions of expenses entered in the budget, for companies and private individuals a certain number of billions, of a fairly analogous, moreover, to income or orders. »
—Raymond Aron 57

again...not in any way applicable to the argument at hand, just disjointed horse shit that proves nothing...
what expansionist countries spend on expansion means absolutely nothing to those being conquered, and is completely irrelevant to this conversation, as are you...