Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

Absolutism troll.

Constructs a nice little box, claims it is what the 'left' lives in, and then uses their bullshit definition to pretend like somehow others have to stick to it.
No you're the troll.

Today, the right and left parties are mainly in opposition on:

Go and learn about it without me thanks.

Feel free to show me where I did that. Remember reading is fundamental. You triggered little troll.
You just keep bringin your right wing fantasies in the conversation when i never talked a single time about them, making demonstrations on how i would be brainwashed by right wing propaganda (implying i support it and so being one of them).
Some of you guys have true obsessional issues with republicans, it's pretty fucked up ^^ always bringin it whatever the subject.
but yeah if you don't mean it, fine.
joe is a huckster, a fraud wonder Niel who has actually contributed to his craft wants to not be associated with Joe.

Spotify knew exactly what it was getting into. I'm sure theirs terms in Niels contract called ethics classes giving him rights to pull his IP at any time if violated.

joe rogan promotes death science and has been getting paid for years to be a soundboard for rapsit and pedophiles and other wack jobs.

Fuck avg joe and that entire POS crew. If something bad happened to him. I'd be glad. Some people are not worth the clout they hold...joe is one of them...most of his followers are idiots who think a 45 min circle jerk in the latest hyperbole is education.

Usefull idoits...
You just keep bringin your right wing fantasies in the conversation when i never talked a single time about them, making demonstrations on how i would be brainwashed by right wing propaganda (implying i support it and so being one of them).
Some of you guys have true obsessional issues with republicans, it's pretty fucked up ^^ always bringin it whatever the subject.
but yeah if you don't mean it, fine.
you're the one who keeps coming back to a place where you know no one appreciates your point of view, and haranguing people for not agreeing with you...
Joe the spiv chancer and Neil, the man and his muse.
Now that would make a great podcast! :fire:

I always thought it was a bit of a cheap marketing gimmick to steal Hendrix's Experience thing.

The comments about Neil and his money are not relevant.

To live a peaceful and true life is an option open to everybody, Joe chose a different path for himself.

He is not an honorable man.

Anybody that gives air time to that Ayn Rand loving miscreant Peterson is a lost cause IMO.

History will forget Joe in due course, Neil will live on, always.

Cancel culture is absolutely indefensible, doesn't even know who this guy is and i don't give a damn thing about him, just noticing it's again a person claiming his left tendency who's callling for censoring. And it's funny. . . . . . . .