Ladies... Gentlemen... Hermies...
Hello! Long time reader, first time poster. Thanks for everything everyone has contributed to the collective knowledge of growing cannabis. I love this place.
Let me start by saying that this is by no means an indictment of Green Cure or Neem Oil. I've used neem oil for years. I just did something wrong, and I was hoping sharing my experience might at least help someone cope with the horror of watching what was a healthy happy plant turn into a gnarled disfigured hideous freak after you tried to give it some love.
So it was a beautiful day this Sunday and I thought I would take my 5 week-old clones out for a routine preventative maintenance session while my gal helped me clean my tent. I had been using some citric acid based WPM spray in the past, but a buddy I trusted recommended Green Cure. I mixed an 1/8th tablespoon of Green Cure, and an 1/8 tablespoon of neem oil concentrate. Green cure has a spoon that has a line at about the 1/4 mark. I did half of that in a 32 oz sprayer. This is less than the recommended dose of both products... So I thought it would be safe for my young plants.
I sprayed down the plants. Then I topped most of them for clones, structure, and space in my tent. Then I sprayed again... I like doing two light applications because if you really saturate the plant it drips in the soil, and I've never tested the pH of that stuff, but I think it's safe to assume it's not neutral. So I've always done two light applications to insure that I get good coverage without having it drip down the youngsters into the dirt.
I've applied neem oil in the sun a million times... I know that you don't put it on under HPS / MH lights, but a cool spring day at like 2 pm seemed okay to me. Possibly because I was high and had a million other things I needed to do so I was rushing. I think I was wrong.
Something about this combination of circumstances caused half of my plants to become very unhappy. New growth turned yellow, twisted, and burnt / windburnt looking over night.
Young tender unweathered plants
First time outside
Neem Oil
Green Cure
Trimming plant, then spraying (I never do this... Seems like a bad idea in retrospect.)
I applied some fish fertilizer, but that stuff is really hard to screw up. I think that is unrelated.
Okay. So, just a bit of background - I've grown on and off since 2008. I read "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible" cover to cover on my first grow. I would say that when gauging growing experience on a scale between a Sand Person and Yoda, I'm like a cross between R2D2 and Chewbacca. I only say this to let you know I'm not a total noob. I bit off more than I could chew this year. I took a lot of clones trying to find a killer phenotype, and I feel like I have, but now I can't bring myself to kill all it's less awesome friends, so I'm doing my best to keep everyone happy until outdoor time around mid May so I can give them to my friends and family.
Long post... I know. Honestly just needed to vent. It was a rough Monday yesterday, but this morning I woke up, started an account, I wrote this, went to go snap a picture, and the injured plants actually don't look as bad. So... If you are reading this, and you just went through something similar... Swap your light for a weaker one, spray down the plant with neutral water, tell your plants you love them, close the tent, smoke a joint and relax. They'll probably bounce back... If not you'll do better next time, and I'm here for you if you need to talk.
Hello! Long time reader, first time poster. Thanks for everything everyone has contributed to the collective knowledge of growing cannabis. I love this place.
Let me start by saying that this is by no means an indictment of Green Cure or Neem Oil. I've used neem oil for years. I just did something wrong, and I was hoping sharing my experience might at least help someone cope with the horror of watching what was a healthy happy plant turn into a gnarled disfigured hideous freak after you tried to give it some love.
So it was a beautiful day this Sunday and I thought I would take my 5 week-old clones out for a routine preventative maintenance session while my gal helped me clean my tent. I had been using some citric acid based WPM spray in the past, but a buddy I trusted recommended Green Cure. I mixed an 1/8th tablespoon of Green Cure, and an 1/8 tablespoon of neem oil concentrate. Green cure has a spoon that has a line at about the 1/4 mark. I did half of that in a 32 oz sprayer. This is less than the recommended dose of both products... So I thought it would be safe for my young plants.
I sprayed down the plants. Then I topped most of them for clones, structure, and space in my tent. Then I sprayed again... I like doing two light applications because if you really saturate the plant it drips in the soil, and I've never tested the pH of that stuff, but I think it's safe to assume it's not neutral. So I've always done two light applications to insure that I get good coverage without having it drip down the youngsters into the dirt.
I've applied neem oil in the sun a million times... I know that you don't put it on under HPS / MH lights, but a cool spring day at like 2 pm seemed okay to me. Possibly because I was high and had a million other things I needed to do so I was rushing. I think I was wrong.
Something about this combination of circumstances caused half of my plants to become very unhappy. New growth turned yellow, twisted, and burnt / windburnt looking over night.
Young tender unweathered plants
First time outside
Neem Oil
Green Cure
Trimming plant, then spraying (I never do this... Seems like a bad idea in retrospect.)
I applied some fish fertilizer, but that stuff is really hard to screw up. I think that is unrelated.
Okay. So, just a bit of background - I've grown on and off since 2008. I read "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible" cover to cover on my first grow. I would say that when gauging growing experience on a scale between a Sand Person and Yoda, I'm like a cross between R2D2 and Chewbacca. I only say this to let you know I'm not a total noob. I bit off more than I could chew this year. I took a lot of clones trying to find a killer phenotype, and I feel like I have, but now I can't bring myself to kill all it's less awesome friends, so I'm doing my best to keep everyone happy until outdoor time around mid May so I can give them to my friends and family.
Long post... I know. Honestly just needed to vent. It was a rough Monday yesterday, but this morning I woke up, started an account, I wrote this, went to go snap a picture, and the injured plants actually don't look as bad. So... If you are reading this, and you just went through something similar... Swap your light for a weaker one, spray down the plant with neutral water, tell your plants you love them, close the tent, smoke a joint and relax. They'll probably bounce back... If not you'll do better next time, and I'm here for you if you need to talk.
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