Need ventilation ideas..


New Member
Well, I wasn't just hoping that the smell would mask it. I was just hoping it would make it harder to distinguish. Do you have any input on that issue then? I would appreciate it. What exactly do you think the issue would be anyways? I do live alone... and no one ever goes into the room that it is located in. I mean, still odor control would be nice.
if you run your box with neg pressure so you are sucking out of the box only and pushing it up and out of a chimney preferably, or you can use a carbon scrubber unit and that will work. is does become an issue usually - developing a strain that would not smell till it was dry would be sweet


Well-Known Member
Well the box is next to a third floor window... so I was just figuring I could open the window if it got too smelly. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Good news! I changed the fans to both blowing out, which I should have done in the first place to create negative pressure, but now the temperature is a consistent 75-77 degrees and the humidity is around 40%! :leaf:

Time to start using the new room! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
A good tip for small grow rooms is to use a wardrobe.

You can fit a fan + filter inside and run your waste air through a hole in the top. And for your fresh air just pop a hole in the base.

Its easy to white out with sheeting or mylar or whatever you want to use

Its much easier than using cardboard, it will last forever(ish) and it wont look out of place.

Reminds me of many moons ago in bedsit land. ;-)


Well-Known Member
The only problem is I have PLENTY of closet space and before the room was in half of the closet, but I changed that and put it in a box, because if you could see the other corner... it has boxes and crap piled up from stuff I still haven't unpacked from moving in!