Need ventilation ideas..


Well-Known Member
I need help venting a box of mine... the only problem is the box is cardboard and the fan i have is a tall vertical fan. I only have one fan and I have no hoses, does anyone have any great homemade vent ideas I could maybe use?

I really need to vent the box because last night it got over 100 degrees with 99% humidity. That's really bad, especially if I had plants in it...


Well-Known Member
That's what I am planning on doing. I recently made a new room (yesterday) and I'm still trying to get the temp just right... however I dont want light to get in or out...


New Member
thats the fine line you have to walk. you can fab some venting out of your cardboard and paint the inside of the venting black and curve it so there is no direct line of sight. corners in venting restrict air flow so another fine line to walk


Well-Known Member
What do you think if I take a box thats 9" x 5" and cut a whole in the bigger box for this to slide into and put the end of the vent under my bed. That way no light would really go around the room? Good or bad idea?


Well-Known Member
I'll go try it out in a little bit, I'll let you know how it turned out later tonight.


Well-Known Member
I will, I think it will work. I took a temp reading and it's around 75 degrees under the bed so it should work.


Well-Known Member
Here are the pictures, I am monitoring the temps now to make sure they will work...

I might need to do something else, any ideas?



Well-Known Member
One more update for now...

The tall fan wasn't working out, the temperature was over 90.

So I took my fan window out and placed it so that it bottom fan blows out and the top blows in.

Here is a pic.



New Member
i have never tried to grow with lights that small. i inherited my first grow from an old friend who had to get rid of it quickly. a 1000 watt but its been so long i dont remember is it was sodi or halide


Well-Known Member
It's using CFLs... a lot of people are using CFLs and I believe SeeMoreBuds used 45 watt ones too.


Well-Known Member
The plant is located in the far corner of my place and it is located near the room has an air freshener plugged in 24/7. I might also do a few other things... maybe like open the window (The garden is 3 floors up in this building) so the smell wouldnt be too easy to pin point... but I'm sure something will work out.

Edit: Quick note as well, there will only be ONE plant growing and budding in this box. That should also make it a lot easier to maintain the smell rather than growing 4 plants in this box. If I want other plants I would do them somewhere else.


New Member
The plant is located in the far corner of my place and it is located near the room has an air freshener plugged in 24/7. I might also do a few other things... maybe like open the window (The garden is 3 floors up in this building) so the smell wouldnt be too easy to pin point... but I'm sure something will work out.

Edit: Quick note as well, there will only be ONE plant growing and budding in this box. That should also make it a lot easier to maintain the smell rather than growing 4 plants in this box. If I want other plants I would do them somewhere else.
i think you may be underestimating the smell issue. if you just try to cover it the it will small like someone is trying to cover up bud small.


Well-Known Member
Well, I wasn't just hoping that the smell would mask it. I was just hoping it would make it harder to distinguish. Do you have any input on that issue then? I would appreciate it. What exactly do you think the issue would be anyways? I do live alone... and no one ever goes into the room that it is located in. I mean, still odor control would be nice.