need some help here.


Active Member
this is my first time growing this "stuff." im using MG potting mix, no nutes atm. using plain tap water which i let sit out for 24 hours before using. under 2 23watt cfls, 2 13 watt cfls. seem to be growing nice but the coloration is bothering me. is there anything i should worry about? a deficiency somewhere or what. any help is apreciated.



Well-Known Member
mg potting mix has nutes built in. if your watering alot you could be releasing the nutes evrytime. looks like nute burn , but i'm no pro.


Well-Known Member
With pre-nuted soils, watering needs to be thoroughly every single time to release the foods as formulized. Constant partial watering of these soils often result in burning.


Active Member
hmm well alright then. ill wait longer between waterings. should i let the top dry out? also, the leaves on my other one curl wierd but no coloration like this one and i water the same.


Active Member
lol i have them in 2 liter soda bottles cut 2/3's up. drainage holes in the bottom. i have 8" pots for them to go in when they are ready. those will be their final resting place. they are about a month old. they are small for their age b/c of a long hellish story that involves 64pounds of mary jane. hahaha


Well-Known Member
It looks to be over watering. Next time you water them then wait to see how long it takes them dry out till they just start to wilt. Then water just before that from then on. so if it takes 4 days to start to wilt then you know to water every third day.


Well-Known Member
those babies look pretty good nice and healthy look sturdy and seem to b pretty perky damn i love titties o my bad u asked about ur plants haha


Well-Known Member
hahaha that would b intresting wanna sho me wat ur gf looks like if its nething like those plants shes gotta b fine j/k tho u culd sho me if ud like id take a gander


Active Member
lol she would get pretty pissed off! she goes on here when im gone so...i don't think she would let me for awhile. ;) if you knwo what i mean.


Active Member
well now to play the waiting game and see if my plants get better. not going to water for a few days(or untill the top 1" of the soil is dry)


Well-Known Member
I use advanced nutrients and they work great. Oh and also Id remove the tin foil. It will create hot spots and you can burn the plants. I dont think you really have to worry with the florescent bulbs but something to keep in mind. Its good to try to keep all the light aimed at the plants so id use some white poster board or something like that. Stay away from the glossy stuff ant go with a flat.