need some help here.


Well-Known Member
Once your in your final planter, if I can't find moisture with my entire index finger, it's ok to water, thoroughly.


Active Member
things are going pretty good now. as you can see below. i have trimmed most of the fan leaves. don't really need them anyways right? :D moved them to their final pots this morning and changed the set-up and added some more lights. now im at 6 23 watt cfls. i know i know, i need more. they will come. don't even trip!



Well-Known Member
Sure they don't need the fan leaves, hell all the leaves do is make the food, plants don't need to eat do they? Naw!!! who needs food?


Active Member
damn thanks for that info. could have made it a little more subtle. but hey its cool. i must have read some stuff wrong or something.