Need some advises for a 2x4 tent


Well-Known Member
Here is my thought,
5 plants in a 17 gallon container deep water system, is that too many?
I m thinking of doing 3 x 53L boxes, each contain 5 plants, a air pump and 2 air stones. I want to keep the plants as small as possible and as many as possible as long as there is no issues. I heard this is the way to go for highest yield.
For lighting I have 2 190w led lights to cover the 3 boxes.
3 boxes would fit in this 2x4 tents, would this system work for 15 plants?

Any thougts and advises would be highly appreciate!


Well-Known Member
I have a 2x4 tent I use for my flowering room... It seems a bit small, even with only 2 plants (growing in soil). I think it would benefit you to grow less plants, even small ones. 2x4 is tough lol, but it's all the space I can spare!


Well-Known Member
I have a 2x4 tent I use for my flowering room... It seems a bit small, even with only 2 plants (growing in soil). I think it would benefit you to grow less plants, even small ones. 2x4 is tough lol, but it's all the space I can spare!
Wow, i used to have 4 plants in my 2 by 2! Worked out fine. Just,curious how big are you plants and about how much can you yield from the two plants? Dry weight I mean.


Well-Known Member
Wow, i used to have 4 plants in my 2 by 2! Worked out fine. Just,curious how big are you plants and about how much can you yield from the two plants? Dry weight I mean.
I only do 2 plants at a time, i veg them for about 5 weeks. A normal yield for me is around 6oz. My biggest restriction with it is height. If you grow sativas, 2 is gonna fill it up big time by the time ya lst them to keep em short. But if you do 4 indica 12/12 from seed, or maybe a short veg, you might be alright! I tried 3 plants one time, and it was just way too much for my little tent, even with a net over em. Good luck to you!