Need some advice with guerilla growing


Well-Known Member
To start off I am a fairly expirienced grower. I've usually grown indoor but last year was my first expirience in the great outdoors and I can tell you right off it was the best ever. I'd choose outdoor over indoor any given time. I have a couple questions regarding different things. One is on seeds vs. Clones and the other is about soil. Last year I started all my plants indoors under flourescents for about three weeks and moved them outdoors to theyre location placing three plants in each hole. Keep in mind my seeds werent feminized or anything but theyre great genetics. Everything went smooth, I just didnt like the idea of having to go to my plot so often to check for males. And sometimes you end up with all plant being male in one hole. All I have for lighting right now is four T12's and was wondering if it were possible if I were to start my plants now and sex them indoors. Should I vegetate them for a couple weeks and then put them in 12 12 or should I wait till they show theyre sex and take clones off the mothers? If the second option is best then I only have enough room for maybe 4 mother plants. I have no expirience with cloning mj only tomatoes and flowers. Which would be the best option? I'm afraid if I do this i will end up with a few females and not be able to clone right or screw something up and it will get me behind to get a good start in april. Could someone please give me some advice? And all the room I have is three foot from front to back 5 foot from side to side and about 4 foot in height. And I cant deal with the odors either, I just need some advice on starting, sexing and what to do with the mothers. And how many clones do you think I could get off each plant say if it was sexed out by april? Im thinking that if I vegetate them for a couple weeks, introduce 12 12 and find my mothers then put them back on 18/6 or 24 hour that they will revegetate then i can start taking cuttings? Please help me if you can and how long does it take for cuttings to root and be established enough to put out in the ground? If this is too complicating I guess I will go back to my old method but Id really like to save all the time and work of it. My other question is soil mix. Last year I basically dug holes 2x2x2 and mixed the native soil with promix and mg retaining water polymer crystals. i didnt add any organic ferts or anything just vistited every other week thru vegetation and threw a handful of water soluble mg ( not mixed with water just like a small handfull on the base of the plants) before each givin rain day. Then when they started flowering I used mg bloom booster, epsom salts and molasses mixed in gallon jugs and I ended up with anywhere from 1 to 5 oz, per plant. Does adding organic material and all really effect yield? Im not worried about the taste, chemicals, etc just the yeild mainly. And as far as potency goes it was some of the strongest around here with using what i used. This year I was thinking of using the same soil mix only using more promix than native soil, adding organic home made compost and osmocote time released ferts. i figured that would make an ounce or two difference? What do you think? Im just stressed the hell out theyre too many things people say u gotta do to ammend soil and it seems its not that big of a deal with the results I got last year. Im not purchasing fox farms or any of that high dollar stuff, I dont have that kind of money. And btw for my plants only getting 6-8 hours of direct sunlight last year I thought my yields were pretty decnt but I used a lot of tying down, topping, super cropping and lst techniques. Not only for yield but for security as in my area the helis fly everyday. This year im also digging larger holes 2 ft deep and 3 ft wide. I would like to really know what it takes to get about a quarter lb per plant, people are always asking about lb per plant but i know it just isnt practical for me. Is it hard to get a qp per plant? Please help me, my season is coming up very soon! Thanks in advance.
Well for starters if you cant handle odors you shouldn't flower even in veg plants smell.

And if you flower a plant then reveg it you risk causing it to Hermie as well as taking longer to start reveging.

Sounds like you should do a seed run on some 1 year use colodial silver and make some feminized seeds and that would hold you over for years and all of that can be done outdoors
I have got a QP from many outdoor plants. I have always used MG soiless mix, then added nutes after a couple months. I dont know if you can beat AN as far as yield. Big bud is the best product ever for budding. Stick with AN and you will be veery happy. Good luck, and keep movin those trails!
- if youve cloned veggies, u should be able to clone MJ, clones would be youre best bet if u want to know what to expect and get a quicker start.
- sex youre seeds out inside before putting out is also a good idea, but when you put back in veg, dont go on a 24/0 or 18/6, set your schedule to the light hrs occuring outside at the time your gonna bring out your plants, so if youre bringing them out in may with 15 hrs of daylight, when u want to put your indoor plants back into veg, set them on 15/9 rather than 18/6, and dnt worry 15 hrs is enough to continue vegging. this way your plants dont go from18 hrs inside to 15 outside (3 hr drop), and no need to worry about any early flower, and reveg (which can really slow your season down)
- dnt put your plants out too early, not sure where u live but where i am, i wont put plants out till Im sure the weathers stable enough, which usually isnt till around the end of may. trying to get an early head start in the past has done more bad than good, and overall hasnt had any major benefits.
-for your soil sounds like u got the right idea, and i wouldnt stray too much from that plan.
- u said u used epsom salts last time, no need for this unless theres a mag def. focus on providing your plants major nutrients, If your going with MG thats fine, most nutrients, MG as well have micro nutes included, so u giving them epsom salts on top of MG, probably caused quite the salt build up.
- if your more concerned about yield and not about taste, dnt worry about organics.
Definitely go with the clones from a known female, you will have plenty of time if you start working on it now. The pro-mix is good, but, personally I stay away from MG. I use the Osmokote, promix, and water crystals with some worm castings mixed in also. Now and then if I check the girls, I add some guano or more casting as a top dressing around the plants until they flower. Blast them with some good Bloom fert a time or two at that point. I always pull 1/2 lb or more per plant outside. Most often closer to a full lb. Good luck.
Thanks for all the replies, btw what are you refering to when you say "AN"? Does that mean all natural? Lol im new to this forum. And yeah I think I have decided to just sex them out indoors in 18 oz solo cups then put em out. On a side note, say if I have a bunch of seeds from the same strain, and the sprouts are 1 week old, would the shorter ones more likely be females? They say that when you start seeds to get rid of all the smaller stunted weaker looking ones but why do that when alot of people say the females tend to be on the smaller side? That confuses me. I have some taller sprouts and some very short and stocky of the same strain, I was thinking different phenotypes but im not sure. And yes I know theyre should be one plant per hole but when theyre not sexed thats alot of wasted labor and your more likely to get one fem out of 3 per hole then cut the other 2. How much differnce would it make at harvest time comparing one plant per hole to say 2 plants per hole?
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